CIRCULAR No.15/TTLB/TCHQ-TC of January 28, 1997 of the General Department of Customs and the Ministry of Finance providing guidance on the printing, distribution, management and use of the prints of the Customs Service
The General Department of Customs shall have to receive vouchers for the collection of taxes, money, fees, charges and receipts... at the Taxation Department of the Ministry of Finance so as to use them according to their functions and contents.
The General Department of Customs shall have to organize the printing, distribution and management of the prints only in service of the management of tax collection and other kinds of collections related to the management of imports and exports and professional activities of the Customs Service.
This Circular also includes detailed provisions on the printing, distribution, grant and use of various kinds of prints; provisions on the storage, accounting, liquidation, destruction and inspection of prints and the handling of violations of the regulations on the management of the prints.- (Summary)