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Number: 56/2007/QĐ-TTg
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Ha Noi ,day 03 month 05 year 2007


Approving the Program on development of Vietnam's digital content industry to 2010


Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the June 29, 2006 Law on Information Technology;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister's Decision No. 246/2005/QD-TTg of October 6, 2005, approving the strategy on development of information and telecommunication technologies to 2010 and orientations towards 2020;

At the proposal of the Minister of Post and Telematics;


Article 1.- To approve the Program on development of Vietnam's digital content industry to 2010 with the following principal contents:


1. Viewpoint

The digital content industry is a new economic branch with great development potential, which can bring about high added value, promote the development of an information society and a knowledge-based economy and make important contributions to national industrialization and modernization. The State particularly encourages, provides investment incentives for, and supports the development of this industry into a key economic branch.

The State sets aside part of its budget for training of human resources for the digital content industry, development of a modern information and communication infrastructure, perfection of the legal environment, and creation of a favorable environment for the development of enterprises producing and trading in digital information contents.

The State adopts particularly preferential policies for some key digital information content products; encourages the development of the domestic market so as to create an impetus for Vietnam's digital content industry to export its products in the next period.

2. Objectives

a/ General objective: To develop the digital content industry into a key economic branch which will contribute more and more to the GDP, facilitate the access of people of all strata to digital information content products, and strongly boost the formation and development of an information society and a knowledge-based economy.

b/ Specific objectives:

- The digital content industry will grow at an average rate of 35-40%/year and earn USD 400 million/year in total revenue.

- To build 10-20 strong digital content enterprises with over 500 experts;

- To master base technologies in the digital content industry, manufacture a number of key products of high competitiveness; to establish a system of e- libraries and some specialized databases; to effectively provide distance medical examination and treatment and training services.


1. Perfecting the legal environment for the digital content industry

- To promptly promulgate legal documents guiding the implementation and enhance the enforcement of the Law on E-Transactions, the Law on Information Technology and the Law on Intellectual Property, especially intellectual property in the domain of digital information software and contents.

- To revise and finalize legal documents on the management of the Internet and access to online information contents to simplify procedures.

- To create an equal and fair competitive environment so as to create conditions for organizations and individuals of all economic sectors to invest in the development of digital information content products and services.

- To establish a favorable online business environment; facilitate e-payment, e-transactions and e-authentication; ensure information security and confidentiality.

- To promulgate specific regulations on the protection of personal information, business secrets and private rights of persons involved in online transactions.

2. Policies and solutions for market development

a/ Solutions to boosting demand and developing the domestic market:

- To elaborate and step up the implementation of programs and projects on development of and supply of online contents and information; create conditions for distance information access; narrow the digital gap between rural and urban areas; expand and enhance operations of commune post and cultural points and Internet agents nationwide;

- To form an Internet use culture among people of all strata. To popularize in order to raise the public awareness about utilities of the Internet and digital information content products and services. To step up the implementation of programs on training and support for people, pupils and students to exploit and use digital information contents and public services;

- To step up the implementation of the program on bringing the Internet into schools, encourage and support schools in the exploitation of Internet resources for teaching and learning; at the same time, to enhance the application of virtual experiments, e-lesson plans and e-learning materials to subjects and training programs;

- To enhance market control in order to ensure an equal competitive environment, fight trade fraud and infringement of intellectual property rights;

- To prioritize state budget allocations to, and, at the same time, mobilize resources for investment in, projects on the establishment of databases, provision of online services, research and development, procurement, exploitation and use of digital information content products and services.

b/ Development of the export market:

- To invest in the development of a number of key digital information content products which can substitute imported products and have the potential for export;

- To encourage the study, production and supply of digital information content products and services in multiple languages, paying attention to such common languages as English, Japanese, French and Chinese;

- To enhance the popularization and marketing of Vietnam's digital content industry. To work out and implement trade promotion programs for Vietnam's digital information content products and services;

- To organize international exhibitions and symposiums on Vietnam's digital content industry, support Vietnamese enterprises to participate in overseas events on the digital content industry; create opportunities for Vietnamese digital content enterprises to meet with foreign enterprises.

3. Development of products and services

a/ Developing products and services to meet common social demands

- To prioritize central and local budget allocations and mobilize to the utmost resources from individuals, organizations and enterprises for investment in the research and development of products, services and contents for the Internet and the mobile phone network, especially multimedia products and services, so as to enhance the supply of information to the society and for digital entertainment services;

- To invest in the national library and a number of major libraries in centrally run cities and universities to become e-libraries with digitalized books, newspapers and documents, thus forming an e-library system in Vietnam;

- To invest in the research and development of materials and learning materials for distance education and e-learning, particularly e-lectures, e-exercises and e-dictionaries; and virtual physical, chemical and biological experiments;

- To enhance the development of e-banking products and services, including e-payment and online money transfer, opening and closing accounts, checking account information online, and providing online counseling on banking services;

- To boost the development of online medical consultancy, examination and treatment services, first of all, in public hospitals in big cities;

- To step up the implementation of the scheme on development of distance education in the 2005-2010 period according to the Prime Minister's Decision No. 164/2005/QD-TTg of July 4, 2005.

- To step up the implementation of the master plan on e-commerce development in the 2006-2010 period according to the Prime Minister's Decision No. 222/2005/QD-TTg of September 15, 2005. To enhance the development of e-commercial services, including online business, sale and purchase services.

b/ Developing a number of products and services which can substitute imports and be exported:

- To concentrate investment in the study and production of a number of Vietnam's key electronic games, especially online games, interactive games and television game shows suitable to Vietnam's cultural and historical characteristics;

- To invest in the construction of infrastructure, study and production of digital films, cartoons and multimedia products of Vietnamese brands;

- To strongly develop Internet and mobile television services.

c/ Speeding up the digitalization and supply of digital information contents within state agencies:

- To speed up the implementation of programs and projects on the provision of online public services of state management agencies. To prioritize investment in the study and development of products and solutions in support of the provision of online public services;

- To prioritize funds for state agencies and non-business units to digitalize their information content stores and make them available online. To invest in the building of a number of specialized e-libraries and digital databases on the management domains of ministries and branches;

- To encourage scientific research institutions, institutes and schools to provide online scientific and technical consultancy services; supply online specialized publications, materials, books and newspapers.

4. Mobilization of resources for and attraction of investment in the digital content industry

- To prioritize the allocation of funds for programs and projects for the development of the digital content industry. To promulgate a list of products/domains of the digital content industry eligible for investment incentives.

- To open and expand the market for foreign investors to supply and trade in digital information content products in a number of restricted domains in Vietnam.

- To encourage and create favorable conditions for venture investment funds to invest in enterprises which produce and trade in digital information content products and services in Vietnam.

- To adopt policies to attract overseas Vietnamese to invest in the study, development, production and trade of digital information contents in Vietnam.

- To enhance international cooperation on development of the digital content industry with other countries in the region and the world.

5. Development of telecommunications and Internet infrastructure

- To boost the implementation of the planning on development of Vietnam's telecommunications and Internet to 2010 under the Prime Minister's Decision No. 32/2006/QD-TTg of February 7, 2006.

- To encourage telecommunications service providers to invest in the construction and upgrading of telecommunications systems. To expand forms of connection and diversify network access technologies.

- To facilitate the development of added value services directly relating to the supply and development of online information contents.

- To encourage and promote organizations and enterprises to invest in the development, upgrading and expansion of digital, cable and satellite television broadcasting systems so as to diversify information infrastructure.

6. Training and development of human resources

- To formulate and promulgate plannings and plans on development of human resources for the digital content industry.

- To incorporate courses and disciplines on digital information contents into full-time training programs of universities and colleges.

- To retrain teachers in subjects and disciplines directly relating to digital information contents up to the qualifications of those in regional advanced countries.

- To promote the model of association between domestic and foreign enterprises, universities and research institutes in order to develop human resources for the digital content industry.

- To increase training courses to improve information technology knowledge for teachers and students of social sciences, culture and arts.

- To encourage organizations and enterprises to send their staff to overseas training courses on digital information contents. To reserve more scholarships under development assistance programs or state budget-funded scholarship programs (according to Project 322 of the Ministry of Education and Training) for overseas graduate and postgraduate training in multimedia or digital information contents.

- To organize short-term refresher or specialized training courses on digital content industry skills and technologies.

- To enhance international cooperation in order to send the digital content industry's laborers for study or work abroad.

7. Promotion of research and development

- To prioritize the allocation of the State's annual scientific and technological research fund for investment in research, development and technology transfer programs and projects in the digital content industry and, at the same time, to adopt policies to encourage individuals, organizations and enterprises to invest in research and development in this domain.

- To adopt policies to facilitate technology transfer in the digital content industry; enhance international cooperation for research, development and transfer of technologies in support of the development of digital information contents.

- To study, formulate and apply uniformly standards of digital contents, and standardize websites and data.

- To invest in material foundations, facilities and equipment for research institutes and universities in order to study, transfer technologies, and manufacture digital information content products.

- To formulate a scheme on the establishment of a center for research and development of digital and multimedia information contents, and submit it to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision.

8. Enhancement of the assurance of safety and security and protection of intellectual property rights

a/ Enhancing the assurance of network safety and security:

- To invest in the improvement of the capacity and raising of the effectiveness of operations of the computer crash rescue and recovery system, prevention and combat of network crimes, ensuring network safety and security;

- To invest in the elaboration and perfection of legal provisions and technical solutions in order to ensure network information safety, prevent the spread of computer viruses, spams and ads in the network.

b/ Enhancing the protection of intellectual property rights:

- To promote the application and strict observance of international treaties and commitments on intellectual property to which Vietnam is a signatory;

- To step up the popularization and education in the sense of observance of the intellectual property law in society; to increase training courses, symposiums and forums in order to raise public awareness about and sense of observance of the intellectual property law;

- To adopt policies and measures in order to protect investors and customers.


Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies and provincial/municipal People's Committees shall, based on the contents of this Program, formulate and implement appropriate projects and programs in order to achieve the set objectives. Some key projects include:

1. The project on the provision of distance medical examination and treatment services, to be executed by the Ministry of Health.

2. The project on development of an e-library system, to be executed by the Ministry of Culture and Information in coordination with the National Library.

3. The project on study, formulation and finalization of regulations on management of the Internet and the supply, publication and distribution of digital information content products and services online, to be presided over by the Ministry of Post and Telematics.

4. The project on raising the effectiveness of the intellectual property law regarding digital information software and contents, to be presided over by the Ministry of Culture and Information in coordination with the Ministry of Science and Technology.

5. The project on trade promotion, market development, branding and introduction of the image of Vietnam's digital content industry, to be presided over by the Ministry of Post and Telematics in coordination with the Ministry of Trade.

6. The investment project on development of a number of key electronic games suitable to Vietnam's cultural and historical characteristics, to be executed by the Vietnam Software Association (VINASA) in coordination with the Ministry of Post and Telematics.

7. The investment project on development of digital films and game shows of Vietnamese brands, to be executed by the Ministry of Culture and Information in coordination with Vietnam Cinematographic Department.

8. The project on the construction of a research institute for development of the digital content industry, focusing on a multimedia and digital information content library and nurseries, to be presided over by the Ministry of Post and Telematics.

9. The project on the establishment of a system of digital information standards and digital information and database exchange standards, to be presided over by the Ministry of Post and Telematics.

Article 2.- Organization of implementation

1. Implementation duration: From 2007 to 2010, specifically:

- 2007: Guiding the formulation of projects and the implementation of the Program.

- 2008-2010: Implementing projects and the Program.

- 2010: Reviewing the results of implementation of the Program.

2. The Ministry of Post and Telematics shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies and People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities in organizing the implementation of this Program.

3. Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies and People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities shall, within the ambit of their functions, tasks and powers, organize the implementation of appropriate programs, schemes and projects in order to achieve the set objectives.

4. Specific responsibilities of ministries, branches and localities

a/ The Ministry of Post and Telematics shall assume the prime responsibility for organizing the application of solutions to improving legal provisions on the management, provision and use of services in the Internet and the telecommunications network; regulations on production, distribution and supply of digital information content products and services online; regulations on information and digital information structure standards, and digital data exchange standards; regulations and measures for ensuring network safety and security; policies and solutions for the development of digital information content enterprises, products and services; and measures for boosting demand and developing the domestic market of digital information contents. It shall provide supports for raising enterprise competitiveness; improve telecommunications and Internet infrastructure; elaborate and implement short-term training programs on digital information content skills and technologies; assume the prime responsibility for building a national center for research and development of the digital content industry; and coordinate with concerned ministries and branches in implementing policies and solutions for development of the digital content industry.

b/ The Ministry of Culture and Information shall assume the prime responsibility for elaborating and finalizing legal provisions, and raising the capacity of enforcing the intellectual property law regarding digital information software and contents; guide and improve procedures for digital information content products and services to be published, imported and exported in a quick and convenient manner; guide the National Library and concerned libraries in formulating a scheme on an e-library system; direct the Cinematographic Department to implement the investment project on development of digital films and game shows of Vietnamese brands; coordinate with the Ministry of Post and Telematics, the Ministry of Science and Technology and concerned ministries and branches in implementing policies and solutions for development of the digital content industry.

c/ The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Post and Telematics, the People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities and concerned ministries and branches in, applying measures to mobilize all capital sources, concentrate all resources and strongly attract domestic and foreign investments in the development of the digital content industry; balance and integrate resources in annual state plans for ministerial, branch and local projects, programs and plans on development of the digital content industry; create favorable conditions for foreigners and overseas Vietnamese to invest in the production of, and trade in, digital information contents in Vietnam.

d/ The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Post and Telematics in, formulating and promulgating regulations on tax, credit, lending, land lease and infrastructure incentives for organizations and enterprises operating in the digital content industry; formulate and promulgate regulations on import tax on foreign digital information content products and services; and prioritize the allocation of funds for digital content industry development programs and projects of ministries, branches and localities.

e/ The Ministry of Education and Training shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Post and Telematics, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, and concerned ministries and branches in, organizing the application of solutions to boost the development of human resources for the digital content industry in the direction of expanding subjects and training courses on this industry, increasing the number of trainees and raising training quality in public and people-founded schools; promoting distance training programs; providing and encouraging the use of electronic learning materials in teaching and learning; tapping up the knowledge available in the Internet for teaching and learning in schools at all levels.

f/ The Ministry of Trade shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Post and Telematics and concerned ministries and branches in, organizing the implementation of solutions, programs and projects to boost trade promotion, enhance advertisement, introduce and brand Vietnam's digital content industry; cooperate with and support domestic organizations and individuals in, trade promotion and transfer of digital information content knowledge and technologies.

g/ The Ministry of Science and Technology shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Post and Telematics and concerned ministries and branches in, promoting research and development activities in the digital information content industry; prioritize investment projects on research, development and transfer of technologies of digital information contents; promote the protection of intellectual property rights in the domain of digital information contents; invest in the research and development of open source software products relating to online content solutions and services.

h/ The Ministry of Health shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Post and Telematics and concerned ministries and branches in, implementing policies and measures to promote the provision of online distance health consultancy and medical examination and treatment services.

i/ The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Post and Telematics and concerned ministries and branches in, formulating mechanisms and policies to boost the export of laborers of the digital information content industry.

j/ The State Bank of Vietnam shall assume the prime responsibility for formulating mechanisms, policies and regulations, and facilitate the convenient and safe payment, money transfer and financial transactions online; and promote the provision of e-banking services.

k/ Provinces and centrally run cities shall, based on the contents of this Program, estimate and prioritize the allocation of funds for the implementation of appropriate projects; digitalize information stores in order to enhance digital information resources, establish local databases, research, develop and provide online services; support the raising of competitiveness of digital content enterprises; and develop digital information content products suitable to local characteristics.

Article 3.- Fund for the implementation of the Program

1. The fund for the implementation of the Program is around VND 1,280 billion, from:

a/ The state budget (40% from the central budget and 30% from local budgets).

b/ Contributions of domestic and foreign organizations, enterprises and individuals (30%).

2. Annually, the Finance Ministry shall reach agreement with the Ministry of Post and Telematics in determining the central budget support amount for the implementation of the Program in accordance with the State Budget Law.

3. People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities shall approve the fund from local budgets for the implementation of the Program.

4. The agencies mentioned in Clause 4, Article 2 of this Decision shall, within the ambit of their powers, approve the funds from the state budget and mobilize contributions from domestic and foreign organizations, enterprises and individuals, for performance of their assigned tasks.

Article 4.- This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in "CONG BAO."

Article 5.- Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and presidents of provincial/municipal People's Committees shall implement this Decision.

The Prime Minister of Government

Thủ tướng



Nguyen Tan Dung