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Number: 150/2000/QD-TTg
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Ha Noi ,day 28 month 12 year 2000

DECISION No. 150/2000/QD-TTg of December 28, 2000 approving the action program for drug prevention and combat for the 2001-2005 period

The 2001-2005 action program for drug prevention and combat, issued together with this Decision, comprises 3 parts:

Part 1: Objectives of the program

Part 2: Elaboration and implementation of the drug prevention and combat projects for the 2001-2005 period.

Part 3: Organization of implementation.

The program aims:

- To firmly grasp the guiding principle that prevention is a basic method; to mobilize the entire people and entire army for the fight against drug addiction, first of all, among pupils, students, youngsters; to basically eliminate drug addiction at schools; to prevent drug abuse which may lead to HIV/AIDS infection. To organize detoxification and post-detoxification management in families and communities in order to annually reduce the number of drug addicts by 10-20%. To strive to reach by the year of 2005 60% of the number of communes and wards throughout the country free from drug addicts and drug-related crimes, 70% of the number of agencies, enterprises and units having no drug addicts.

- To basically wipe out the areas under narcotics-bearing crops; to work out solutions to replace narcotics-bearing plants with other crops, incorporating them into other socio-economic development programs, helping to step by step improve the life of people in highland, deep-lying and remote areas.

- To enhance the control work in order to stop smuggling, illegal transport and storage of narcotics; to ward off and stop the infiltration of narcotics from abroad; to strictly handle drug-related crimes; resolutely wipe out all drug-smuggling and using dens. To enhance the strict management of habit-forming pharmaceuticals of various kinds; to closely control pre-substances in order to stop the illegal production of narcotics.

- To continue perfecting the legal system on drug prevention and combat; to strengthen the work of educating people on harms caused by drugs as well as prevention measures.

- To further expand international cooperation in drug prevention and combat with neighbor countries, the ASEAN countries and other countries, non-governmental organizations in the world, international organizations and the United Nations Drug Control Program (UNDCP).

The program sets forth 8 projects on the 2001-2005 drug prevention and combat as follows:

Project 1: Providing information, disseminating and educating on drug prevention and combat.

Project 2: Eliminating and replacing the narcotics-bearing plants.

Project 3: Preventing and fighting drug-related crimes and controlling drug pre-substances.

Project 4: Enhancing and raising the efficiency of the work of detoxification and post-detoxification management.

Project 5: Organizing drug prevention and combat at schools.

Project 6: Studying and using traditional medicines and other medical methods for drug treatment, detoxification and functional rehabilitation for drug addicts.

Project 7: Building communes, wards, townships, agencies and units free from drug-related crimes and drug addicts.

Project 8: Enhancing international cooperation on drug prevention and combat.

The requirements of Project 8 are as follows:

- To establish, sign and implement cooperation agreements on drug prevention and combat with the countries having common borders with Vietnam such as China, Laos and Cambodia, the ASEAN countries, Australia, the United States and Europe.

- To coordinate with the UNDCP, governments and non-governmental organizations in establishing, mobilizing funding sources, signing, implementing and managing international cooperation projects on drug prevention and combat.

- To implement the projects under MOU Agreement on drug prevention and combat among 6 countries in the Mekong river sub-region (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, China, Myanma and Thailand).

- To enhance the cooperation on drug prevention and combat within the ASEAN framework (ASOD). To effectively use the ASEAN member countries� Police Narcotics information network (ASEANAPOL).

- To enhance the cooperation with the UNDCP, the International Criminal Police Organization and the World Customs Organization (WCO) on drug prevention, combat and control.

- To fulfill Vietnam�s obligations in participating in 3 Drug Control Conventions of 1961, 1971 and 1988 of the United Nations; to propose the State President to decide the participation in the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) in 2001.

- To actively participate in international conferences and workshops on drug prevention and combat; to organize international cooperation on scientific research into drug prevention and combat; to organize surveys, study tours and experience exchange with other countries; to enhance international cooperation in order to provide professional training and fostering for domestic drug prevention and combat officials.- (Summary)


The Prime Minister of Government

pho thu tuong chinh phu



Pham Gia Khiem