• Effective: Effective
  • Effective Date: 05/09/2000
Number: 13/2000/NQ-CP
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Ha Noi , September 05, 2000

RESOLUTION No. 13/2000/NQ-CP of September 5, 2000 on the Government�s August regular meeting

On August 30 and 31, 2000, the Government held its August regular meeting, discussing and dissolving the following issues:

- The Government heard the Minister of Trade presenting the blueprint on strategy for import-export development in the 2001-2010 period;

In 2001-2010 period, the import-export sector should focus on goods items with hi-technology, high values, intensive labor and association to the road map of Vietnam�s international integration; trying to reach export-import balance by 2010. The Government assigned the Ministry of Trade to assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with concerned ministries and agencies in gathering opinions of the cabinet members for supplementation and finalization of the blueprint, then submitting to the Government for promulgation the specific mechanism and policies in order to reach and exceed targets mentioned in Scheme 1 of the blueprint.

- It heard the Standing Vice-Chairman of the Central Committee for Enterprise Management Renewal presenting the scheme on further rearrangement, renewal, and development of State enterprises. It assigned the Steering Committee for Enterprise Development and Renewal and the Government Office in gathering opinions of the cabinet members for completion of the plan, then submitting it to the Prime Minister, so that the latter shall consider and decide its submission to the Party Central Committee�s Politburo.

- It also heard the Minister of Justice presenting the 2001 draft legislative program of the Government; the Minister-Director of the Government Office reporting the Government Office�s appraisal of this draft program.

- The Government considered the fire fighting bill, presented by the Minister of Public Security.

- It heard the Minister-Director of the Government Office presenting the Government�s report on the draft decree detailing the implementation of the Petroleum Law and a sum-up report on opinions of cabinet members regarding such draft decree. The Government adopted this Decree.

- The Government also heard the Minister of Planning and Investment reporting on socio-economic situation in August and the first 8 months of 2000; the Minister of Trade presenting the report on the implementation of import-export plan in the first 8 months of 2000, prospects for the last 4 months, measures to meet the 2000 targets, and draft plan on import-export in 2001.- (Summary)

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Phan Van Khai

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