• Effective: Effective
  • Effective Date: 29/10/1999
Number: 32/1999/CT-TTg
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Ha Noi , October 29, 1999
Directive No

Directive No. 32/1999/CT-TTg of October 29, 1999 on the improvement of the contents and forms of meetings and conferences, raising their efficiency and practicing thrift

Recently, many ministries, branches and localities have tried to improve the administrative procedures, reduce inconveniences for people, and manage their expenditures in a stricter manner, saving more money. Yet, shortcomings still exist in the practice of thrift and way of organizing conferences and meetings. The Prime Minister urges the ministries, branches and localities to improve the contents and mode of organizing meetings and conferences, in order to raise their efficiency and practice thrift. More concretely: To revise the plans and measures for thrift practice and combat against wastefulness in the use of funds for conferences of branches or localities; to improve the method of informing and disseminating the Party�s and State�s guidelines and policies and the higher levels� directions to the lower levels, as well as the drawing and popularization of experiences and good models in the entire branch or the whole locality. The professional training by branches must be carried out primarily in forms of exchange and study of documents. Not to convene entire-branch conferences for preliminarily reviewing or summing up the quarterly, biannual and annual works; and not to use the State budget�s funds or the State�s credit capital for organizing project ground-breaking, construction commencement and completion ceremonies,...- (Summary)


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Phan Van Khai


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