• Effective: Effective
  • Effective Date: 06/11/2009
Number: 36/2009/QH12
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Hà Nội , November 06, 2009





Pursuant to the 1992 Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, which was amended and supplemented under Resolution No. 51/2001/QHW;
Considering the reports of the Government, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuracy, the National Assembly's agencies and concerned agencies as well as opinions of National Assembly deputies,


The National Assembly agrees with the assessment of the implementation of the 2009 socio-economic development plan and the orientations and tasks of the 2010 socio­economic development plan with objectives, targets, tasks and solutions presented in the report of the Government and reports of National Assembly agencies and concerned agencies, and at the same time stresses the following issues:


The year 2009 has seen a lot of difficulties and challenges; the world financial crisis and economic recession has developed in a complicated manner, strongly affecting our economy. Yet, under the concentrated leadership and direction of the Party and the State, which have been realized in strong, timely and appropriate policies of the Government as well as great efforts and high determinations of branches, authorities, all the people and enterprises, we have attained the general objectives set in the National Assembly's Resolution, namely curbing the economic decline, not letting high inflation reoccur, firmly maintaining macro-economic stability, achieving reasonable economic growth rates, meeting the basic requirements of social welfare, defense and security; maintaining political stability, social order and safety; and further consolidating and heightening our country's position and prestige on the international arena. The achievement of the above results is a very valuable success of the entire Party, entire population and entire army.

However, our economy is still confronted with numerous difficulties and challenges. The world economy remains unstable; the economy itself is hamstrung with difficulties, limitations and shortcomings. This situation requires further active and qualitative forecasts, concentrated and strong direction and administration, ensuring that policies quickly enter the life and promote their positive effects, creating conditions for the attainment of objectives, targets and tasks with the highest results in the 2009 socio-economic development plan under the National Assembly's Resolution.


1. General objectives

To strive for an economic growth rate higher than 2009's. and for higher macro-economic stability; to raise the growth quality; to prevent the re-occurrence of high inflation; to increase the capability to assure social welfare; to actively integrate into the world economy and enhance the effectiveness of international economic cooperation; to firmly maintain political stability as well as social order and safety; to meet the defense and security requirements; to strive for the achievement of the targets set in the 2006-2010 socio-economic development plan.

2. Major targets

a/ Economic targets:

- The gross domestic product (GDP) will increase about 6.5%.

The added value will increase about 2.X% for the agricultural, forestry and fishery sector; around 7% for the industrial and construction sector; and around 7.5% for the service sector, over 2009.

- The total export turnover will increase more than 6% over 2009.

- The total social development investment capital will represent around 41% of the GDP.

- The consumer price index will increase not more than 7%.

b/ Social targets:

- The number of provinces achieving the lower secondary education universalization standards will reach 63.

- The enrollment will increase 12% for universities and colleges; 15% for professional secondary schools and 17% for vocational colleges and vocational intermediate schools.

- The birth rate will drop by 0.02%.

- Jobs will be created for about 1.6 million laborers, including 85,000 guest workers.

- The poverty rate will drop to below 10%.

- The rate of malnourished under-five children will fall to 18%.

- The number of hospital beds for every 10,000 persons will reach 27.5.

- The per-head urban housing space will be 13.5 nr.

c/ Environmental targets:

- The rate of population using clean water will reach 83%, for rural areas, and 84%, for urban centers.

- The rate of seriously polluting establishments to be handled will reach 70%.

- The rate of collected urban solid wastes will reach 85%.

- The rate of treated medical solid wastes will reach 80%.

- The rate of industrial parks and export processing zones operating with consolidated wastewater treatment systems up to environmental standards will reach 45%.

- The rate of forest coverage will reach 40%.


1. In the context of Vietnam's deeper integration into the world economy, stronger impacts of climate change and complicated epidemic development, the Government is requested to closely and regularly monitor and forecast with higher quality the domestic and international situation so as to take the initiative in deciding according to its competence or submit to competent bodies for timely decision on policies and measures suitable to the situation.

2. To make full and objective assessment for the formulation of a scheme on economic restructuring towards higher efficiency, higher competitiveness, fast and sustainable development, clearly determining the roadmap and early implementing the solutions and policies mapped out in the scheme.

The state financial resources will be used for the formulation of economic stimulus fund in service of medium- and long-term development objectives and economic restructuring within an appropriate duration and with proper support levels.

To cautiously and flexibly administer the fiscal and monetary policies for the recovered economic growth rates and higher macro-economic stability, ensuring the value of Vietnam dong.

3. To take measures for developing and expanding of export markets. To restrict the export of unprocessed products. To try to increase export and strictly control the import of non-essential consumer goods in order to minimize trade deficit.

To adopt specific policies and solutions, aiming to support enterprises in production and business development as well as goods circulation; to develop and well tap the domestic market, encouraging the consumption of home­made products, realizing with the highest results the campaign "Vietnamese prioritize the use of Vietnamese goods."

4. On the basis of medium- and long-term investment plans, to combine and ensure the continuity between investment plans and capital plans for concentrated and synchronous investment, increasing the number of works completed and put into use, reducing the investment ratio with a view to raising the efficiency of using the investment capital.

To apply mechanisms, combining state investment capital sources with other sources of attracted capital for higher investment in agriculture and rural areas. To increase state investment in poor and mountainous provinces and localities meeting with difficulties in attracting investment in infrastructure with other capital sources. To attach importance to investment in people's welfare and island and marine economy. To concentrate investment and effectively address key traffic jam hotspots, key dykes highly prone to slide, and frequently submerged areas.

To review and evaluate the effectiveness of national target programs and other key programs and projects. To strongly decentralize to localities the competence to decide on the incorporation of programs and the selection of priority targets suitable to reality while ensuring regular and timely guidance and inspection by ministries and central brandies.

5. To renew the management of foreign investment capital attraction, redressing sectionalism and localism; to adopt policies to encourage investment in branches and production sectors creating high added value and capable of boosting export.

6. To further renew and reorganize state enterprises, speeding up the equitization, contributing to boosting the development of the capital market, shifting state enterprises to operate under the Enterprise Law. To review, and consolidate state economic groups and corporations, and reorganize their operation and raise their production and business efficiency so as to make them focus on their main production and business tasks and other tasks assigned by the State. To remove difficulties and troubles for enterprises, creating favorable conditions for enterprises, particularly small- and medium-sized ones, to access development resources.

7. To scrutinize and rationally adjust planned projects on mineral exploration, exploitation and processing. To heighten the responsibilities of local administrations in the management of minerals; to enhance the inspection, examination and supervision by ministries and central branches; to consider and adjust the decentralization of mineral resource management. To strictly perform with marked improvement the state management in accordance with the law on environment, severely punishing cases of polluting the environment.

8. To vigorously implement policies on social welfare, attaching importance to the examination and inspection so that the promulgated policies apply to eligible beneficiaries. To raise the effectiveness of poverty reduction programs; to apply various measures and policies in support of production development so as to help people get out of poverty, increase their income and improve their living conditions. To efficiently realize the program on fast and sustainable poverty reduction for 62 poor districts.

9. To increase state investment in, and mobilize social resources for, fast development of quality human resources, prioritizing the training of high-quality human resources in state management, business administration and technical aspects. To limit the sectorial shortage of laborers in some branches, trades and domains.

Higher quality of education and training at all levels, especially tertiary education, must be placed above all; to improve training programs and methods; to renew and actively control training contents. To apply coordinated measures to redress negative practices in education and training.

To attach importance to preventive medicine, raising the epidemic prevention and fighting capability; to adopt appropriate socialization policies for development of public health care, gradually reducing overload at hospitals, particularly central hospitals and specialized hospitals. To enhance the state management so as to establish order in the trading of curative medicines. To apply effective measures for realizing population and family planning policies, reducing the rate of third childbirths. To apply various measures against inflant malnutrition, focussing on regions meeting with exceptional difficulties, deep-lying, remote and ethnic minority areas.

10. To further direct and review the administrative procedures, ensuring transparency, publicity, clarity and understandability. reducing procedures and streamlining intermediary bodies but avoiding loopholes; to clearly define cadres' and public servants' sense of responsibility of serving people in performing the administrative procedures and assigned tasks.

12. To improve and raise the legality of regulations; to apply coordinated measures for strictly, promptly and resolutely punishing crimes of infringing upon national security and causing public disturbance, corruption, acts of breaking the law on food hygiene and safety, causing losses and waste; to apply measures for preventing and combating traffic accidents and labor accidents and to prevent and fight explosions and fires. To heighten the law-abiding responsibility of organizations and individuals. To work out effective measures, mechanisms and policies on protection, encouragement and commendation of persons who fight waste, corruption and crimes.

12. To enhance the national defense and security potential; to raise the awareness and responsibility of authorities and branches for building the all-people defense and people's security, attaching importance to key geographical areas, seas and islands so as to effectively handle complicated occurrences, ensuring national security, social order and safety and firmly maintaining national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

To expand and raise the effectiveness of external propagation and information activities; to well perform the ASEAN chairmanship in 2010 and ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Association (AIPA) General Assembly chairmanship of the 2009-2010 31s' tenure.


The Government, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuracy shall, depending on their respective functions, organize the implementation of the National Assembly's Resolution with high effectiveness.

The Standing Committee, the Nationality Council and Committees of the National Assembly, delegations of National Assembly deputies and individual National Assembly deputies shall supervise the implementation of this Resolution.

The Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and its member organizations as well as other social organizations shall supervise and mobilize people of all strata to effectively implement the Resolution of the National Assembly.

The National Assembly calls upon compatriots and combatants throughout the country and overseas Vietnamese to heighten the spirit of patriotic emulation, to unite, make great efforts, seize good opportunities, overcome difficulties and challenges, successfully implementing the 2010 socio-economic development plan and striving to achieve at the highest level the objectives and tasks set in the 2006-2010 socio-economic development plan in association with political events and major anniversaries in 2010, laying firm foundations for the formulation and implementation of the 2011-2015 five-year socio-economic development plan.

This Resolution was adopted on November 6, 2009, by the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam at its sixth session.




Nguyen Phu Trong


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