• Effective: Effective
  • Effective Date: 04/01/2000
Number: 02/2000/QD-TTg
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Ha Noi , January 04, 2000



Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government of September 30, 1992;

Pursuant to Decision No.200/1999/QD-TTg of October 6, 1999;

At the proposal of the General Secretary of the Advisory Council for National Financial and Monetary Policies,


Article 1.- To issue together with this Decision Working Regulation of the Advisory Council for National Financial and Monetary Policies.

Article 2.- This Decision takes effect from the date of its signing.

Article 3.- The members of the Advisory Council for National Financial and Monetary Policies and the ministers, the heads of the concerned agencies shall have to implement this Decision.

For the Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister


(Issued together with the Prime Minister�s Decision No.02/2000/QD-TTg of January 4, 2000)

Article 1.- Purposes and scope of operation of the Advisory Council for National Financial and Monetary Policies

The Advisory Council for National Financial and Monetary Policies is a council advising the Government and the Prime Minister on lines and policies, major projects and important issues in the financial and monetary domain.

Article 2.- Tasks of the Advisory Council for National Financial and Monetary Policies

The Advisory Council for National Financial and Monetary Policies shall perform the tasks stipulated in Article 2 of the Prime Minister�s Decision No.200/1999/QD-TTg of October 6, 1999 on the establishment of the Advisory Council for National Financial and Monetary Policies. More concretely:

1. On the basis of the Government�s annual working program, to take initiative in proposing and advising the Government and the Prime Minister on the issues mentioned in Article 1 of this Regulation.

2. To study and advise on a number of issues related to the implementation of the financial and monetary policies and plans at the Government and/or Prime Minister�s request or under decision of the Chairman of the Advisory Council for National Financial and Monetary Policies.

3. At the proposal of the ministries, branches and People�s Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities, to comment on the financial and monetary reports, projects, policies, mechanisms and regulations before they are submitted to the Government and/or the Prime Minister.

4. To organize discussions and collect opinions of specialists and scientists on issues related to financial and monetary lines, policies and solutions when necessary.

5. To organize discussion about financial and monetary projects, lines and policies of the ministries, branches and localities at the Prime Minister�s request so as to submit them to the Government for consideration before decision.

Article 3.- Working principles and style of the Advisory Council for National Financial and Monetary Policies

1. The Advisory Council for National Financial and Monetary Policies works on the principle of giving advices.

2. The advisory opinions of the Council shall be deliberated collectively and concluded by the chairmen of the meetings.

3. The person who chairs and concludes a meeting of the Council shall be the Chairman of the Council or a vice chairman authorized by the chairman.

4. For important issues and decisions on financial and monetary issues related to the national defense, security as well as political and social situation, the Council shall meet only with a restricted number of participants to be decided by its chairman.

5. For major and complicated projects, workshops shall be organized to collect comments of specialists and scientists before they are deliberated by the Council.

6. In addition to meetings and workshops, written opinions of the Council�s members may be collected.

Article 4.- The Council�s working regime

The Advisory Council for National Financial and Monetary Policies shall work according to the requirements of the task performance as stipulated in Article 2 of this Regulation.

Article 5.- Tasks and powers of the chairman and vice chairmen of the Council

1. The Council�s chairman shall decide the organization and chair meetings of the Council to discuss and propose advisory opinions to the Government and the Prime Minister; decide the collection of opinions of specialists and scientists and directly report them to the Government and/or the Prime Minister.

2. The vice chairmen shall perform tasks assigned by the chairman of the Council.

Article 6.- Tasks and powers of the Council�s members

1. The Council�s members shall have to attend all the Council�s meetings and prepare their opinions on the contents of projects discussed by the Council. The absentees shall have to give their opinions in writing and send them to the Council�s assisting body.

2. If the opinions of members participating in the discussion differ from the conclusions of the meeting�s chairman, they shall be fully reported to the Prime Minister.

3. The Council�s members who are leaders of agencies may nominate one or two part-time experts to assist the Council according to work requirements. The assisting experts may attend the Council�s meetings, depending on the nature and contents of each meeting as well as the invitation thereto.

4. The Council�s members shall be provided with necessary information and documents related to the financial and monetary policies for study and comments, and shall take personal responsibility for the confidentiality of documents and information as prescribed by law.

Article 7.- Tasks and powers of the Council�s General Secretary

1. To work out programs and contents of the Council�s meetings.

2. To urge the ministries and branches to report on the inter-branch financial and monetary issues at the Council chairman�s request.

3. To prepare documents for and agenda of meetings and sum up opinions expressed during the deliberation by the Council�s members, specialists and scientists (if any) on the projects already discussed by the Council.

4. To prepare announcements on the meetings� conclusions and the Council�s advisory reports to the Government and the Prime Minister.

5. To notify the meetings� conclusions to the absentees. To sum up their written opinions in order to report them to the Council.

6. To join the Government Office in preparing resolutions and decrees of the Government and decisions of the Prime Minister on the financial and monetary issues, which are assigned by the Prime Minister to the Council for discussion and advices.

7. To periodically report the Council�s activities to the Prime Minister and the Minister-Director of the Government Office.

8. To attend meetings for preliminary and general review of the implementation of projects on financial and monetary policies by the project-owning agencies.

9. To be assisted with a number of part-time experts, who are on the payroll of the Government Office. The concrete tasks of these experts shall be assigned by the Council�s General Secretary after consulting the heads of the functional Departments of the Government Office.

Article 8.- Regime of coordination and working relations with the ministries and branches

1. The Advisory Council for National Financial and Monetary Policies shall coordinate with the ministries and branches in preparing projects on financial and monetary policies and mechanisms so as to organize discussions and advise the Government and the Prime Minister.

2. The ministries and branches having projects shall have to supply documents and information related to the projects to the Council�s members through the General Secretary and directly report on the projects at the Council�s meetings.

3. The Council shall have to notify the ministries and branches having projects of its opinions of discussion.

4. Relations with the Government Office:

- For the documents signed by the chairman and vice chairmen of the Council, the Government�s seal shall be used; for the Council�s documents signed by the General Secretary, the Government Office�s seal shall be used.

- The Advisory Council for National Financial and Monetary Policies shall receive from the Government Office documents, information and press releases like other units attached to the Government Office.

- The advisory and periodical reports of the Council shall be sent to the Minister-Director of the Government Office.

- The Government Office shall ensure working conditions and facilities as well as other material conditions for the Council�s operation; and at the same time, take responsibility for archiving the Council�s files and documents.

Article 9.- The contents of the Council�s discussions, the opinions of its members and conclusions of the Council�s chairman as well as the relevant documents must be subjected to confidentiality protection according to law provisions.

Article 10.- Any supplements and/or amendments to this Regulation shall be discussed collectively by the Council and reported to the Prime Minister for decision.

For the Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister

thu tuong



phan van khai


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