• Effective: Effective
  • Effective Date: 18/07/2003
Number: 73/2003/NĐ-CP
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Ha Noi , June 23, 2003

DECREE No. 73/2003/ND-CP of June 23, 2003 promulgating the Regulation on estimate consideration and decision as well as local budget allocation and local budget settlement approval

The Regulation promulgated together with this Decree prescribes:

- The tasks of the People's Committees of all levels in organizing the budget drafting and reporting as well as local budget allocation and settlement plans;

- The tasks of the Economic and Budgetary Departments of provincial/municipal People's Councils, the Socio-Economic Sections of the People's Councils of urban and rural districts, provincial towns and cities; the chairmen and vice-chairmen of the People's Councils of communes, wards and townships, as well as other sections of the People's Councils in verifying reports submitted to the People's Councils by the People's Committees;

- The consideration of, and commenting on, the People's Committees' budget reports as well as the Economic and Budgetary Departments' and Socio-Economic Sections' verification reports by the standing bodies of the People's Councils;

- Contents, order and modes of the People's Councils' discussion and decision on local budget estimates, allocation and settlement approval.

This Decree shall take implementation effect as from the 2004 budget year.- (Summary)

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Phan Van Khai


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