• Effective: Effective
  • Effective Date: 04/02/2002
Number: 02/2002/NQ-CP
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Ha Noi , February 04, 2002

RESOLUTION No. 02/2002/NQ-CP of February 4, 2002 on the Government�s January 2002 regular meeting

On January 31, 2002, the Government held its January 2002 regular meeting, discussing and resolving the following issues:

- It considered the Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on the Promulgation of Legal Documents. The 1996 Law on the Promulgation of Legal Documents has met the basic requirements on building and perfecting the legal system, expressed the sense of renovation of the law- and regulation-making process of the State apparatus in line with the administrative reform. However, in the course of implementation, the Law has revealed its limitations and shortcomings, especially the provisions on the process of project making and document drafting; the role and responsibilities of the project-submitting subjects; the work of project evaluation and verification organization; the elaboration quality and tempo;� These issues should be promptly amended and/or supplemented in order to raise the efficiency of the work of promulgating legal documents, renew law-making process and conduct institutional reform. The Government assigned the Justice Ministry to assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the concerned agencies in expeditiously finalizing the Bill, then submit it to the Prime Minister for consideration before further submission to the National Assembly Standing Committee.

- It considered the Government�s program of action for implementation of the Politburo�s Resolution on international economic integration. To assign the National Committee for International Economic Cooperation to assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the concerned agencies in finalizing the program, then submit it to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision for promulgation in February of 2002.

- It considered the socio-economic situation in January of 2002.

The Government assigned the Finance Ministry to promulgate a document, stipulating that as from January 1, 2002, not to collect levy on the use of the State capital amount at enterprises; this stipulation replaces the stipulation at Point 15 of the Government�s Resolution No. 05/2001/NQ-CP of May 24, 2001 adding a number of solutions to administering the 2001 economic plan; this capital source shall be used for investment in development of enterprises.- (Summary)

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Phan Van Khai


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