• Effective: Effective
  • Effective Date: 07/11/2002
Number: 06/2002/QD-BKHCN
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Ha Noi , November 07, 2002



Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 22/CP of May 22, 1993 on the tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (now the Ministry of Science and Technology);

Pursuant to the December 24, 1999 Goods Quality Ordinance;

At the proposal of the general director of Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control,


Article 1.- To issue the following 44 Vietnamese standards:

1. TCVN 7073 : 2002 (ISO 7870 : 1993) Control chart- General introduction and guidance

2. TCVN 7074 : 2002 (ISO 7966 : 1993) Accepted control chart

3. TCVN 7075 : 2002 (ISO 7873 : 1993) Average control chart with warning limits

4. TCVN 7076 : 2002 (ISO 8258 : 1991) Shewhart control chart

5. TCVN 7077 : 2002 (ISO 1757 : 1996) Radiation safety - Film dosimeters for use by individuals

6. TCVN 7078 : 2002 (ISO 7503-1 : 1988) Radiation safety - Appraisal of surface radioactive contamination

Part 1: Beta-emitting source (maximum beta energy exceeding 0.1 McV) and alpha-emitting source

7. TCVN 7112 : 2002 (ISO 7243 : 1989) Ergonomics - Hot environment - Assessment of thermal stress on laborers with WBGT (wet-bridge temperature) index

8. TCVN 7113-2 : 2002 (ISO 10075-2 : 1996) Ergonomics - Ergonomic principle related to mental burden

Part 2: Design principles

9. TCVN 7114 : 2002 (ISO 8995 : 1989) Ergonomics - Ergonomic eyesight principle - Lighting for the indoor working system

10. TCVN 7031 : 2002 (ISO 6669 : 1995) Coffee beans and roasted coffee - Determination of the free flow of volumetric density of unbroken beans (common methods)

11. TCVN 7032 : 2002 (ISO 10470 : 1993) Coffee beans - A table of reference for evaluation of defects

12. TCVN 7033 : 2002 (ISO 11292 : 1995) Instant coffee -Determination of free carbon hydrate content and aggregate amount - Method of chromatography for high performance ionic exchange

13. TCVN 7034 : 2002 (ISO 8460 : 1987) Instant coffee - Determination of of free flow of volumetric density and tightly compressed volumetric density

14. TCVN 7035 : 2002 (ISO 11294 : 1994) Powder coffee - Determination of moisture - Method of determining the weight loss at 103oC (common method)

15. TCVN 4536 : 2002 (ISO 105-A01 : 1994) Textile materials - Method of determining color fastness Part A01: General provisions (First revision: In replacement of TCVN 4536-88)

16. TCVN 4537-1 : 2002 (ISO 105-C01 : 1989) Textile materials - Method of determining color fastness Part C01 - Color fastness against washing: Test 1 (Second revision: In replacement of TCVN 4537-88)

17. TCVN 4537-2 : 2002 (ISO 105-C02 : 1989) Textile materials - Method of determining color fastness Part C02: Color fastness against washing: Test 2 (Second revision: In replacement of TCVN 4537-88)

18. TCVN 4537-3 : 2002 (ISO 105-C03 : 1989) Textile materials - Method of determining color fastness Part C03 Color fastness against washing: Test 3 (Second revision: In replacement of TCVN 4537-88)

19.TCVN 4537-4 : 2002 (ISO 105-C04 : 1989) Textile materials - Method of determining color fastness Part C04 Color fastness against washing: Test 4 (Second revision: In replacement of TCVN 4537-88)

20.TCVN 4537-5 : 2002 (ISO 105-C05 : 1989) Textile materials - Method of determining color fastness Part C05 Color fastness against washing: Test 5 (Second revision: Inreplacement of TCVN 4537-88)

21. TCVN 5232 : 2002 (ISO 105-D01 : 1993) Textile materials - Method of determining color fastness Part D01 Color fastness against dry washing (First revision: In replacement of TCVN 5232-90)

22. TCVN 5074 : 2002 (ISO 105-E01 : 1994) Textile materials - Method of determining color fastness Part E01 Color fastness against water (First revision: In replacement of TCVN 5074-90)

23. TCVN 5235 : 2002 (ISO 105-E04 : 1994) Textile materials - Method of determining color fastness Part E04 Color fastness against sweat (First revision: In replacement of TCVN 5235-90)

24. TCVN 4538 : 2002 (ISO 105-X12 : 1993) Textile materials - Method of determining color fastness Part X12 Color fastness against friction (Second revision: In replacement of TCVN 4538-94)

25. TCVN 7115:2002 (ISO 2419:1972) Leather - Regulation of to be-tested samples to determine their mechanical and physical nature

26. TCVN 7116:2002 (ISO 2588:1985) Leather - Taking samples - Number of single samples for one aggregate sample

27. TCVN 7117 : 2002 (ISO 2418 : 1972) Leather- Model laboratory - Position and identification

28. TCVN 7118 : 2002 (ISO 2589 : 1972) Leather- Determination of mechanical and physical nature - Measuring thickness

29. TCVN 7119 : 2002 (ISO 2420 : 1972) Leather- Determination of apparent density

30. TCVN 7120 : 2002 (ISO 2417 : 1972) Leather- Determination of water absorbability

31. TCVN 7121 : 2002 (ISO 3376 : 1976) Leather- Determination of tensile strength and elongation

32. TCVN 7122 : 2002 (ISO 3377 : 1975) Leather- Determination of tear resistance

33. TCVN 7123 : 2002 (ISO 3378 : 1975) Leather- Determination of thick leather’s strength against cracks and crack index

34. TCVN 7124 : 2002 (ISO 3379 : 1975) Leather- Determination of strength of thick leather - Outer-skin explosion test

35. TCVN 7125 : 2002 (ISO 3380 : 1975) Leather- Determination of the contraction temperature

36. TCVN 7126 : 2002 (ISO 4044 : 1977) Leather- Preparation of samples for chemical test

37. TCVN 7127 : 2002 (ISO 4045 : 1977) Leather- Determination of pH degree

38. TCVN 7128 : 2002 (ISO 4047 : 1977) Leather- Determination of the composite chemical sulfate ash and chemical sulfate ash indissoluble in water

39. TCVN 7129 : 2002 (ISO 4048 : 1977) Leather- Determination of substances insoluble in dichloride metal

40. TCVN 7130 : 2002 (ISO 11640 : 1993) Leather- Method of determining color fastness - Color fastness against rubbing cycles

41. TCVN 7131 : 2002 Clay - Chemical analysis method

42. TCVN 7132 : 2002 Walling and flooring ceramic tiles - Definition, classification, technical specifications and labeling

43. TCVN 7133 : 2002 Walling and flooring ceramic tiles, group BIIb (6% < E £ 10%) - Technical requirements

44. TCVN 7134:2002 Walling and flooring tiles, group BIII (E > 10%) - Technical requirements

Article 2.- This Decision takes effects as from the date of its signing

For the Minister of Science and Technology
Vice Minister


Vice Minister



Bui Manh Hai

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