• Effective: Effective
  • Effective Date: 08/03/1996
Number: 144/TTg
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Ha Noi , March 08, 1996

DECISION No.144-TTg OF MARCH 8, 1996 OF THE PRIME MINISTER on appointing 25 persons members of the State Academic Titles Council:

1- Professor Associate Doctor Le Quy An, Chairman of the Academic Titles Council of the Communications and Transport Service;

2- Professor Associate Doctor Nguyen Xuan Bao, Chairman of the Academic Titles Council of the Water Resources Service;

3- Professor Associate Doctor Do Huu Chau, Chairman of the Academic Titles Council of the branch of Linguistics;

4- Professor Doctor Cu Xuan Dan, Chairman of the Academic Titles Council of the branch of Husbandry, Vetenary and Fishery;

5- Professor Doctor Le Cong Duong, Chairman of the Academic Titles Council of the Metallurgical Industry;

6- Professor Doctor Nguyen Van Dao, Chairman of the Academic Titles Council of the Mechanics Industry;

7- Professor Ha Minh Duc, Chairman of the Academic Titles Council of the branch of Literature;

8- Professor Doctor Pham Minh Hac, Chairman of the Academic Titles Council of the branch of Psychology-Pedagogy;

9- Professor Doctor Nguyen Van Hieu, Chairman of the Academic Titles Council of the branch of Physics;

10- Professor Doctor Vu Tuyen Hoang, Chairman of the Academic Titles Council of the branch of Agriculture and Forestry;

11- Professor Associate Doctor Le Van Lam, Chairman of the Academic Titles Council of the branch of Physical Education and Sports;

12- Professor Phan Huy Le, Chairman of the Academic Titles Council of the branch of History, Archaeology and Ethnology;

13- Professor Doctor Tran Dinh Long, Chairman of the Academic Titles Council of the Electricity Industry;

14- Professor Doctor Nguyen Tai Luong, Chairman of the Academic Titles Council of the branch of Biology;

15- Professor Doctor Hoang Thuy Nguyen, Chairman of the Academic Titles Council of the branch of Medicine;

16- Professor Doctor Nguyen Hung Phuc, Chairman of the Academic Titles Council of the branch of Pharmacy;

17- Professor Associate Doctor Nguyen Dinh Quang, Chairman of the Academic Titles Council of the branch of Culture and Arts;

18- Professor Doctor Luong Xuan Quy, Chairman of the Academic Titles Council of the branch of Economics and Law;

19- Professor Doctor Nguyen Duy Quy, Chairman of the Academic Titles Council of the branch of Philosophy and Sociology;

20- Professor Doctor Nguyen Xuan Quynh, Chairman of the Academic Titles Coucil of the branch of Electronics and Automation;

21- Professor Doctor Tong Duy Thanh, Chairman of the Academic Titles Council of the Earth and Mine Sciences;

22- Professor Associate Doctor Do Trinh, Chairman of the Academic Titles Council of the branch of Military and Security Sciences;

23- Professor Doctor Nguyen Anh Tuan, Chairman of the Academic Titles Council of the branch of Engineering and Dynamics;

24- Professor Doctor Tran Duc Van, Chairman of the Academic Titles Council of the branch of Mathematics and Informatics;

25- Professor Doctor Hoang Trong Yem, Chairman of the Academic Titles Council of the branch of Chemistry.- (Summary)



Nguyen Khanh


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