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Number: 50/2005/QH11
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Ha Noi ,day 19 month 11 year 2005


On the national Assembly's 2006 Supervisory Program


Pursuant to Article 84 of the 1992 Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, which was amended and supplemented under Resolution No. 51/2001/QH10 of December 25, 2001, of the Xth National Assembly, the 10th session;

Pursuant to the Law on Supervisory Activities of the National Assembly;

Having considered the proposal of the Nationality Council, National Assembly committees, National Assembly deputies' delegations, and the Vietnam Fatherland Front's Central Committee, the report of the National Assembly Standing Committee, and the opinions of National Assembly deputies,


Article 1.- Together with considering and examining reports of the Government, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuracy, questions and answers, the National Assembly shall supervise the following contents at various sessions:

1. At the 9th session

The implementation of land-use plannings and plans under the Land Law.

2. At the 10th session

The implementation of the National Assembly's Resolution on the program on the planting of five million hectares of forests;

Article 2.- To assign the National Assembly Standing Committee to supervise the following contents and report the supervision results to the National Assembly:

1. The exercise of new powers specified in the Criminal Procedure Code and the Civil Procedure Code by procedure-conducting bodies in districts, towns and provincial cities (to be reported to the National Assembly at its 9th session).

2. The equitization of state enterprises (to be reported to the National Assembly at its 10th session).

Article 3.- To assign the Nationality Council and National Assembly committees to supervise the following contents and report the supervision results to the National Assembly:

1. The Nationality Council: The implementation of policies on provision of supports in production land, residential land, dwelling houses and daily-life water for poor ethnic minority households facing difficulties.

2. The Law Committee: The observance of law in the enforcement of criminal sentences.

3. The Economic and Budgetary Committee: The quality of credit and safety of the banking system.

4. The Defense and Security Committee: The implementation of the Ordinance on Militia and Self-Defense Forces and the Ordinance on Reserves Force.

5. The Committee for Culture, Education, Youths, Teenagers and Children: On the contingent of teachers and managers in the domain of education, training and job-training.

6. The Committee for Social Affairs: The implementation of laws on population, elderly people and people with disabilities.

7. The Committee for Science, Technology and Environment: The implementation of policies and laws on the management of food quality, hygiene and safety.

8. The Committee for External Relations: The implementation of border treaties between Vietnam and the neighboring countries.

Article 4.- On the basis of the National Assembly's supervisory program and their law-prescribed tasks and powers, the National Assembly Standing Committee, the Nationality Council and the National Assembly committees shall take initiative in formulating and implementing their own supervisory programs.

Article 5.- Based on the contents mentioned in Articles 1, 2 and 3 of this Resolution as well as practical conditions and situation, National Assembly deputies' delegations and National Assembly deputies shall take initiative in selecting contents for elaboration of their supervisory programs, conducting supervision in localities and reporting on supervision results according to regulations.

Article 6.- To assign the National Assembly Standing Committee to direct the implementation of the National Assembly's supervisory program; direct and coordinate supervisory activities of the Nationality Council and the National Assembly's committees; guide National Assembly deputies' delegations and National Assembly deputies in carrying out supervisory activities; direct the work of ensuring the implementation of the National Assembly's supervisory program; to direct supervising agencies in monitoring the settlement of recommendations and synthesizing its results.

Article 7.- Concerned agencies and organizations shall create favorable conditions for National Assembly agencies, National Assembly deputies' delegations and National Assembly deputies in conducting supervision; take initiative in preparing reports and supplying necessary documents at the request of the National Assembly Standing Committee, the Nationality Council, the National Assembly's committees, National Assembly deputies' delegations, and National Assembly deputies; and seriously settle recommendations and report the results thereof to supervising agencies.

Article 8.- The National Assembly Standing Committee shall consider biannual and annual sum-up reports on the results of supervisory activities of National Assembly agencies and National Assembly deputies' delegations; synthesize and report on the results of implementation of the National Assembly's 2006 supervisory program at its 10th session.

The Resolution was passed on November 19, 2005, by the XIth National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam at its 8th session

The National Assembly




Nguyen Van An