Independence - Freedom -
Ha Noi
DIRECTIVE NoDIRECTIVE No. 06/2003/CT-TTg of March 27, 2003 stepping up the petrol and oil saving practice and wastefulness combat
In order to contribute to saving foreign currencies for import of petrol and oil, to redress the situation of wastefulness in petrol and oil management and use, and raise the sense of responsibility of all branches and levels, the Prime Minister instructs:
- The heads of the State agencies, the heads of the State budget-using organizations and socio-political organizations to enhance the management and review the implementation of the regulations on the regime of the use of assorted public cars. To strictly prohibit the use of public cars for personal business; the violating individuals shall, apart from being criticized, have to repay the petrol expenses for car used for the wrong purposes. The units’ heads must regularly examine the implementation and take responsibility for the wasteful use of petrol and car in their agencies.
- The chairmen of the Managing Boards, the general directors and directors of State enterprises and enterprises of other economic sectors to take specific measures to save petrol and oil; to consider the saving of petrol and oil one of the contents of the production and business reorganization in order to reduce production costs and raise the competitiveness of enterprises, thus contributing to reducing petrol and oil consumption.
- The heads of the concerned ministries and branches and the presidents of the People’s Committees of all levels to concentrate their direction on the practice of saving petrol and oil in passenger transportation and travel of people.
- The Ministry of Trade to direct the petrol- and oil-trading enterprises in further saving the circulation expenses in petrol and oil trading; to review technical criteria and norms in petrol and oil preservation, transportation, circulation and reserve in order to reduce losses at these stages; to direct the petrol and oil supply, ensuring regularity and continuity; to monitor and strictly handle cases of petrol and oil speculation.
- The provincial/municipal People’s Committees to coordinate with the Ministry of Trade in reviewing the plannings on development of the network of petrol and oil retail shops and examining the implementation thereof.- (Summary)
The Prime Minister of Government |
Thủ tướng |
(Signed) |
Phan Van Khai |