- Effective:
- Effective Date:
DECISION No <a target="_blank" class='toanvan' href='/daknong/pages/vbpq-search.aspx?type=0&s=1&Keyword=141/2004/QD-TTg&SearchIn=Title,Title1&IsRec=1&pv=0'>141/2004/QD-TTg</a> of August 5, 2004 setting up the Vietnam National Committee for the Elderly PeopleDECISION No 141/2004/QD-TTg of August 5, 2004 setting up the Vietnam National Committee for the Elderly People
The Prime Minister has decided to set up the Vietnam National Committee for the Elderly People, which is an inter-branch organization, functioning to assist the Prime Minister in directing and coordinating activities of caring for, and promoting the role of, the elderly people.
This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in the Official Gazette.- (Summary)
Thủ tướng |
(Signed) |
Phan Van Khai |