- Effective:
- Effective Date:
- Expiry Date:
DECREE NoDECREE No. 47/2000/ND-CP of September 12, 2000 detailing the implementation of Ordinance No. 19/2000/PL-UBTVQH10 of February 14, 2000 which amends Article 21 of the Ordinance on Preferential Treatment of Revolutionaries, Fallen Heroes and their Families, War Invalids, Diseased Soldiers, Resistance War Activists and People with Meritorious Services to the Revolution
Resistance War activists, entitled to enjoy lump-sum allowance calculated according to their respective seniority as prescribed in Article 1 of Ordinance No. 19/2000PL-UBTVQH10, are those awarded Victory Order or Medals or Resistance War Order or Medal (or both of these) by the State for their achievements in resistance wars, including:
- Those who have not yet enjoyed resistance war allowance, either being alive or having died after January 1st, 1995.
- Those who are enjoying monthly resistance war allowance.
For those who have not yet enjoyed resistance war allowance, died after January 1st, 1995, their families shall receive such allowance.
The allowance level for one year of seniority shall be VN dong 120,000.
The seniority duration is the actual number of years of participation in the resistance wars, counting from August 19, 1945 to April 30, 1975. For odd months left after calculating the seniority duration, 6 months or more shall be rounded to one year, less than 6 months shall be rounded to half a year.- (Summary)
Thủ tướng |
(Signed) |
Phan Van Khai |