1. Subjects entitled to export transaction and brokerage commissions are specified at Point 2, Section I of this Circular.
Export transaction and brokerage commissions do not apply to the following cases:
- Goods exported as aid to foreign countries;
- Goods exported in form of barter;
- Re-exported goods.
2. Export transaction and brokerage commission levels:
The specific levels shall be considered and determined by enterprises themselves on the basis of agreements reached with their partners, depending on the efficiency of each transaction and brokerage activity and this must ensure the principle of economy, publicity, transparency and self-responsibility.
Export transaction and brokerage activities shall be considered efficient if they:
- Help enterprises export their goods, especially goods which are difficult to find outlets and with lower and lower competitiveness; find new customers and/or markets; maintain traditional customers (that directly purchase the enterprises� goods regularly at reasonable prices and demand commissions);
- Help enterprises export their goods with prices higher than export market prices at the time of exportation;
- Particularly for farm produce and foodstuffs, the exportation thereof may not yield profits but still bring about general efficiency (if such goods are left unsold, the loss amount may be bigger; if markets are maintained and the market proportion is expanded in the importing countries), brokerage commissions may be paid according to the provisions of this Circular.
3. Competence to decide the payment of export transaction and brokerage commissions:
3.1. For goods exported under the Government�s agreements/contracts, the Minister of Finance shall consider, decide and report thereon to the Prime Minister.
3.2. For enterprises� commercial export goods: Basing themselves on the approved Regulation and economic efficiency of each export contract brought about by transactions and/or brokerage, such enterprises� directors shall reach agreement with their partners and decide on the commission levels.
4. Export transaction and brokerage commissions must be stated in contracts, addenda or annexes thereto and evidenced by lawful vouchers.
In cases where beneficiaries of export transaction and brokerage commissions cannot sign payment bills or do not agree to state them in the contracts, addenda or annexes thereto, the payment vouchers must be signed by directors, chief accountants and cashiers of the exporting enterprises.
In such cases, if mediators directly receive money and then transfer them to the beneficiaries of export transaction and brokerage commissions, such mediators must sign (clearly stating their full names and addresses) the money receipts and bear personal responsibilities before enterprises and laws therefor.
5. Export transaction and brokerage commissions shall be accounted into enterprises� sale cost (commissions in foreign currencies shall be converted into Vietnam dong according to the average actual buying rate on the inter-bank foreign currency market, announced by the State Bank at the time of commission payment) and comply with the regime of financial publicity according to current regulations.
In all cases, the export transaction and brokerage commission payment proposers and deciders shall have to take responsibilities for their own decisions. If the payment-deciders abuse the prescribed regime to make payment for the wrong purposes or to wrong subjects, they shall be held responsible before law.
1. This Circular takes effect as from June 1, 2001 and replaces the Finance Ministry�s Circular No. 01/2000/TT-BTC of January 5, 2000.
2. Any difficulties or problems arising in the course of implementation should be reported by enterprises to the Ministry of Finance for study and settlement.
For the Minister of Finance
Vice Minister