• Effect: Expired
  • Effective Date: 13/10/2005
  • Expiry Date: 20/10/2012
On intensifying credit information-related activities, contributing to well serving the investment in capital construction with state capital and the fight against wastefulness and loss in construction investment
Official Number 06/2005/CT-NHNN Issued Date 20/09/2005
Legislation Type Directive Effective Date 13/10/2005
Effective area
  • The whole country
Enforced Date
Source Công báo số 42 & 43 - 09/2005; Gazette date 28/09/2005
Issuing body/ Office/ Signer The State Bank Vice of Governor tran minh tuan
Effect Status: Expired
The reason for this expiration Bị bãi bỏ bởi Thông tư 25/2012/TT-NHNN Về việc bãi bỏ một số văn bản quy phạm pháp luật do Thống đốc Ngân hàng Nhà nước Việt Nam ban hành Expiry Date 20/10/2012
The reason for this expiration part
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