• Effective: Effective
  • Effective Date: 05/09/1994
Number: 477-TTg
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Ha Noi , September 05, 1994



Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government on the 30th of September, 1992;

Pursuant to Decree 97/CP on the 10th of December, 1993 on the establishment of the Hanoi National University;

Pursuant to Decree 62/CP on the 22nd of September, 1993 on the management of seals;

At the proposal of the Director of the Hanoi National University (report No.20/DHQGHN on the 2nd of July 1994);


Article 1.- To promulgate together with this Decision the Regulation on the Organization and Activities of the Hanoi National University.

Article 2.- The Director of the Hanoi National University, the Ministers, the Heads of ministerial-level agencies, the Heads of agencies attached to the Government, the Presidents of the People's Committees in the provinces and cities directly under the Central Government are responsible for implementing this Decision.

Prime Minister




(Promulgated together with Decision No. 477/TTg on the 5th of September, 1994)

Chapter I


Article 1.- This Regulation provides for the fundamental issues in the organization and activities of the Hanoi National University.

Article 2.- The Hanoi National University (HNU) is a major multi-disciplinary and inter disciplinary scientific research center, a major cultural center and a major center for scientific and cultural center and a major center for scientific and cultural exchanges holding a special position in the higher education system of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

HNU has the task of training high-quality specialists for different branches of science and technology and researching on and applying sciences and technologies in service of national construction and development.

HNU shall operate in close cooperation with the national scientific research centers, the research institutes and the other universities and colleges. HNU has the responsibility to help the other universities in raising the quality of training and scientific research.

Article 3.- HNU is an organization having legal entity status, its own seal with the national emblem on it and its own accounts.

HNU is an establishment enjoying priority investments from the State in the matters of staff, material bases and equipment aimed at renewing university and post-graduate training and scientific research to meet the need of national development.

Chapter II


Article 4.- HNU shall carry out its training task according to the list of training branches of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and in all the forms of training for the following degrees:

- University,

- Post-graduate,

- Doctorate.

Besides, HNU carries out training according to the programs for fostering and upgrading the scientific and technological levels, and issues certificates to the graduates from these programs.

HNU may test open new disciplines, modify or re-arrange the existing disciplines, but it must report its plan to the Ministry of Education and Training, and these new disciplines shall be included in the formal program of training.

Article 5.- Under the existing regulations of the State, the Director of HNU is authorized to issue the following diplomas to the graduates from the training institutions of HNU:

Bachelor's degree,

Master's degree, Postgraduate degree,

Doctor's degree.

HNU is also authorized to issue the Honorary Doctor diploma or the title Honorary Professor to Vietnamese and foreign scientists, educators and social activists with the approval of the competent authority of the higher level.

Article 6.- The language used in teaching at HNU is Vietnamese. In case a foreign specialist is invited to teach, the Director of HNU is entitled to decide whether teaching will be done in a foreign language.

Article 7.- HNU is authorized to compile its training programs according to the norms for minimum amount of knowledge defined by the Ministry of Education and Training.

All programs of training aimed at the levels of the diplomas of HNU must be registered with the Ministry of Education and Training.

The above regulations shall not cover a number of special disciplines to be announced by the Ministry of Education and Training.

Article 8.- Scientific research is one of the two principal tasks of HNU aimed at raising the quality of teaching and study at the university and postgraduate levels and promoting the advancement of science and technology. HNU shall conduct basic research and research on issues of the spearhead sciences and technologies, take part in research to solve problems posed by the needs of socio-economic development of the country, take part in the scientific and technological expertise of major projects and constructions of the country and contribute to applying the achievements of advanced science and technology to the practice of production and life.

Chapter III


Article 9.- On organizational plane, HNU comprises the following institutions:

a/ Various universities and scientific research institutes.

b/ Various faculties, departments, specialized research centers and sections, science museums, botanical gardens and zoological gardens...

c/ Various units catering for training, scientific research and life: the Science Review, the Information Documentation Center, the Laboratory, the Practice Workshop, the Printing House, the dormitories, etc.

d/ The assisting departments of the Director, the specialized sections to assist the Dean and Heads of institutes.

In addition, to assist in research activities and pedagogic practice, to foster gifted students and to prepare students for the universities, HNU is allowed to open General Practice Schools and General Specialized Schools according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

The universities and scientific research institutes within the HNU shall maintain close relations in training and scientific research. They are directly attached to the HNU, have legal entity status, their own seals and accounts. The Prime Minister shall issue decisions on the founding or dissolution of universities and research institutes. The Director of the HNU shall issue decisions on the founding or dissolution of the institutions stipulated in Items b, c, and d.

Article 10.- HNU is led by a director and a number of deputy directors.

The Director of HNU shall be appointed and dismissed by the Prime Minister at the proposal of the Minister of Education and Training. The Director is responsible to the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Education and Training for the activities of HNU. His term of office is four years and he shall not assume more than two successive terms.

The Deputy Directors shall be appointed or dismissed by the decision of the Minister of Education and Training at the proposal of the HNU Director. Their term of office correspond with that of the Director.

Article 11.- The Science and Training Board of HNU is the consultant agency for the Director in the training and scientific research work.

The Science and Training Board of HNU is made up of:

1/ The Director and a number of Deputy Directors.

2/ The Director of the universities and colleges attached to HNU.

3/ The Heads of research institutes and a number of Directors of research centers attached to HNU.

4/ A number of lecturers and science workers within and outside HNU.

The Science and training Board of HNU is chaired by the HNU Director who appoints the Vice President, Secretary and members of the Board.

The term of office of the Board is four years.

As may be required by the work, the Director of HNU may set up other ad hoc consultancy boards.

Article 12.- The leadership of college under HNU comprises the Head and Deputy Heads of the college. A research institute of HNU is led by the Head and Deputy Heads of the institute.

The Heads of the colleges and institutes are appointed and dismissed by the Minister of Education and Training at the proposal of the HNU Director.

The Heads of the colleges and institutes are responsible for leading and organizing the performance of all the tasks assigned to their units.

Their term of office is four years and they shall not hold their posts for more than two consecutive terms.

The HNU Director shall appoint or dimiss the Deputy Heads of the colleges and institutes at the proposal of the Heads of colleges or institutes. The term of office of the Deputy Heads of colleges and institutes corresponds with that of the Heads.

Article 13.- The Heads of colleges and institutes shall appoint or dismiss the holders of different posts in each college or institute.

Each college and institute under HNU has its Science and Training Board whose term of office is four years.

Article 14.- The Science and Training Board provides consultancy for the Heads of the colleges or institutes in matters of training and scientific research.

The Science and Training Board of the college comprises:

1/ The Head and a number of Deputy Heads

2/ The Heads of departments

3/ A number of Directors of centers attached to the college.

4/ A number of lecturers and science workers inside and outside the college.

The Science and Training Board of an institute comprises:

1/ The Head and a number of Deputy Heads of the institute.

2/ The Heads of research sections.

3/ A number of science workers and lecturers inside and outside the institute.

The Science and Training Board of a college or institute is chaired by the Head of the college or institute. He shall appoint the Deputy Heads, Secretary and members of the Board.

Article 15.- The staff and personnel of HNU shall be appointed according to the State ranks, grades and posts as defined by the Prime Minister and the Minister of Education and Training.

Each year the HNU has the responsibility to work out the plan for the number and qualifications of its staff and personnel, discuss it with the Ministry of Education and Training and together with it receives personnel allocation from the Government Commission on Organization and Personnel.

Article 16.- All lecturers and researchers on the staff of HNU must be virtuous persons, have high professional qualifications, good command of foreign languages and the capability of absorbing modern scientific knowledge. HNU shall conduct periodical evaluation of its teaching staff and research personnel in order to classify their standards and assign their work aimed at meeting a high level of training and scientific research.

HNU is authorized to evaluate and propose to the Minister of Education and Training the recognition of the title from Principal Lecturer, Principal Specialist and Principal Researcher downward among its staff.

Article 17.- In order to meet the need for high quality training and to train many men of talent for the country and also to gather professors and scientists of national and world stature outside its personnel, HNU is authorized to invite professors and scientists from other agencies and prominent foreign specialists, including overseas Vietnamese, to give lectures and conduct scientific research in its institutions. The Director of HNU is authorized to apply the regulation on special remuneration to its lecturers and researchers of exceptional excellence, but this must be done in consultation with the Ministry of Education and Training.

Article 18.- HNU shall conduct periodical evaluation and re-arrangement of its managerial and professional staff to make them equal to the requirements in professional qualifications as well as ethical norms corresponding to their grades and posts prescribed by the State.

Article 19.- On the basis of the common regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, HNU is allowed to set forth the appropriate regulations for study, control and examinations aimed at improving the quality of training. The students of HNU are assured necessary conditions for their studies and life so that they may develop to the utmost their capacities and intellectual power. HNU is given priority of recruitment of students for its institutions according to a special statute and process to be issued by the Director of HNU after approval by the Minister of Education and Training. All Vietnamese and foreigners are entitled to enrol in the HNU if they meet the prescribed conditions.

A student of the HNU may be transferred to another university or college if he can procure a plausible reason.

Article 20.- The Director of HNU is authorized to apply the regime of special scholarship and award special prizes to the students with exceptional excellence.

The excellent students shall enjoy a special system of training, including the shortening of the period of training, or may be sent to study abroad or transferred to higher degrees of training.

Article 21.- The HNU may have its own emblem and uniform after consulting the concerned agencies.

Chapter IV


Article 22.- HNU is a first-grade budgeting and accounting unit, authorized to have independent finance management, its own accounts including accounts in foreign exchange. Each year HNU has the responsibility to draw up its plan and draft budget, discuss it with the Ministry of Education and Training and together with the latter present the plan and draft budget before the State Planning Committee, the Ministry of Finance and other concerned agencies which shall consider and approve the plan and draft budget.

The Director of HNU is responsible for the distribution and use of the budgets for different activities of HNU according to the approved functions, objectives and plans of development.

The Director of HNU shall, through the professional apparatus of the University, monitor and guide and control the use of the budgets by different units in accordance with State regulations.

Article 23.- The financial resources of the HNU comprise:

- The State budget;

- Assistance from different ministries and localities;

- Revenues from scientific research activities, technology transfer, test production and services of HNU;

- Voluntary donations from charitable organizations and individuals;

- International aid;

- Financial resources from voluntary contributions used in accordance with the functions of HNU and with the desire of the contributors.

Chapter V


Article 24.- HNU is placed under the State management within the purview of the functions of the ministries and the Government agencies having the function of State management. HNU is authorized to contact directly the ministries, ministerial level agencies attached to the Government and the People's Committees in the provinces and cities directly under the Central Government in order to settle issues related to it.

When necessary, HNU is authorized to report to the Prime Minister and at the same time to the Minister of Education and Training issues related to its activities and development.

Article 25.- The Director of HNU is authorized to sign cooperation agreements with other colleges, foreign universities and research and training institutions, and to invite foreign specialists to come and give lectures within the limit of law and other regulations of the State.

HNU is authorized to contact directly State managerial agencies to fill the procedures of entry or exit for the staff personnel and students of HNU and foreign guests invited by HNU.

Chapter VI


Article 26.- This Regulation applies to the Hanoi National Institute as from the date of its signing.

Based on this Regulation, the Director of HNU shall set detailed and appropriate provisions on the organization and activities within the university. This Regulation may be subject to revision and modification after given periods of time in order to make it more conformable to realities.

Article 27.- The Director of HNU, the heads of the ministerial level agencies and agencies attached to the Government, and the president of the People's Committees in the provinces and cities directly under the Central Government are responsible for implementing this Regulation.

Prime Minister


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