DECISION NoDECISION No. 192/2001/QD-TTg of December 17, 2001 on expanding the experimental assignment of payroll package and administrative management funding for State administrative agencies
The experimental assignment of payroll and administrative management funding for State administrative agencies shall be expanded, aiming to achieve the following objectives and requirements:
- Renewing the payroll and funding management mechanisms applicable to administrative agencies and organizations with funding allocated by the State budget;
- Accelerating the restructuring and organization of the apparatus in order to improve the working quality and efficiency of agencies and units;
- Practicing thrift and fighting wastefulness in using the administrative management funding;
- Raising the labor productivity and efficiency of the use of administrative management funding in the agencies and units, increasing officials� and employees� incomes.
This Decision specifies the principles, conditions, contents and level of payroll package and funding to be assigned; the powers and responsibilities of the agencies and units carrying out the experimental payroll and funding assignment and the responsibilities of the ministries, branches and localities involved therein.- (Summary)