(No. 15/2003/QH11)
Pursuant to the 1992 Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, which was amended and supplemented under Resolution No. 51/2001/QH10 of December 25, 2001 of the Xth National Assembly, the 10th session;
This Law provides for emulation and commendation.
Chapter I
Article 1.- This Law provides for the subjects, scope, principles, forms, criteria, competence, order and procedures for emulation and commendation.
Article 2.- This Law shall apply to Vietnamese individuals and collectives, overseas Vietnamese and foreign individuals as well as collectives.
Article 3.- In this Law, the following words and phrases are construed as follows:
1. Emulation means organized activities voluntarily participated by individuals and collectives in order to attain the best achievements in national construction and defense.
2. Commendation means the recognition, praise and honoring of merits and the encouragement with material benefits of individuals and collectives that have recorded achievements in national construction and defense.
3. Emulation titles mean the forms of recognition, praise and honoring of individuals and collectives that have recorded achievements in emulation movements.
Article 4.- The State shall effect commendation through reviewing the achievements recorded at different stages of revolution; regular and unexpected commendation; seniority-based commendation and external commendation.
Article 5.- Emulation aims to create a motive force to mobilize, attract and encourage all individuals and collectives to promote their patriotic tradition, dynamism and creativity in striving to well accomplish the assigned tasks for the objective of a prosperous people, a strong country, an equitable, democratic and civilized society.
Article 6.-
1. Emulation principles include:
a/ Voluntariness, self-consciousness and publicity;
b/ Unity, cooperation and mutual development.
2. Commendation principles include:
a/ Accuracy, publicity, fairness and timeliness;
b/ One commendation form may be awarded many times to one subject;
c/ Assurance of uniformity between nature, form and subject of commendation;
d/ Close combination of spiritual encouragement with material benefits.
Article 7.- Emulation titles include:
1. Emulation titles for individuals;
2. Emulation titles for collectives;
3. Emulation titles for households.
Article 8.- Commendation forms include:
1. Order;
2. Medal;
3. State honorable title;
4. "Ho Chi Minh Prize," "State prize";
5. Commemorative medal, badge;
6. Diploma of merit;
7. Certificate of merit.
Article 9.- Competent agencies, organizations and individuals shall have to direct and organize the emulation and commendation work according to law.
Article 10.-
1. Bases for consideration and conferment of emulation titles:
a/ Emulation movements;
b/ Registration for participation in emulation;
c/ Emulation achievements;
d/ Criteria of emulation titles.
2. Bases for consideration of commendation:
a/ Commendation criteria;
b/ Scope and degree of effect of achievements;
c/ Responsibilities and specific circumstances under which achievements have been recorded.
Article 11.- The State shall guarantee all spiritual and material benefits for individuals and collectives commended according to law.
The State shall set aside an adequate budget for the emulation and commendation work; encourage all Vietnamese as well as foreign individuals and collectives to make contributions to the State's Emulation and Commendation Fund.
Article 12.- Vietnam Fatherland Front, its member organizations and other social organizations shall, within the scope of their tasks and powers, have the following responsibilities:
1. To popularize, and mobilize their members and join functional agencies in popularizing and mobilizing people to implement, the legislation on emulation and commendation;
2. To organize, or coordinate with State agencies in organizing, emulation campaigns and movements;
3. To supervise the implementation of the legislation on emulation and commendation.
Article 13.- The mass media shall have to regularly popularize, disseminate and exemplarily laud typical advanced models, good people, good deeds and campaign for emulation and commendation movements.
Article 14.- The following acts are strictly forbidden:
1. Organizing emulation or commendation contrary to the State policies and laws; taking advantage of emulation or commendation for self-seeking purposes;
2. Obstructing or forcing people to participate in emulation movements;
3. Making false declaration; forging dossiers, making wrong certification or proposals for emulation or commendation;
4. Abusing one's positions and powers to propose or decide on commendation contrary to law;
5. Wasting the property of the State and collectives in emulation and commendation.
Chapter II
Article 15.-
1. Forms of organization of emulation include:
a/ Regular emulation;
b/ Emulation drive;
2. The scope of emulation:
a/ On a nationwide scale;
b/ Within ministries, departments, branches, localities or units.
Article 16.- The contents of organization of emulation movements include:
1. To identify emulation objectives, scope, subjects and contents;
2. To determine emulation criteria, slogans and periods;
3. To determine measures to organize emulation movements;
4. To launch, and direct the implementation of, emulation movements;
5. To organize preliminary and final reviews of emulation and presentation of emulation awards.
Article 17.- Agencies, organizations and units which launch emulation movements shall have the following responsibilities:
1. To organize emulation movements associated with labor, production, study, working or combat;
2. To organize practical activities in order to mobilize and encourage everyone to consciously and enthusiastically emulate in labor, production, study, working, combat, industriousness, thriftiness, creativity, and devote their strengths and intelligence to the cause of national construction and defense;
3. To urge and examine the implementation, to make preliminary and final reviews of the emulation work;
4. To discover, popularize and disseminate typical advanced models for study and wide multiplication;
5. To well implement commendation policies in order to mobilize everyone to actively emulate in labor, production, study, working or combat.
Article 18.-
1. The State President or the Prime Minister shall launch and direct emulation movements on a national scale.
2. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, Government-attached agencies; leaders of departments, branches, agencies and organizations at the central level shall launch and direct emulation movements within the branches and domains under their respective charge.
3. The presidents of People's Committees at all levels shall launch and direct emulation movements within their respective localities.
4. Leaders of agencies, organizations or units shall launch and direct emulation movements within their respective agencies, organizations or units. .
Article 19.- Agencies in charge of the emulation and commendation work shall have the following responsibilities:
1. To give advice on, and propose undertakings in, the emulation work;
2. To formulate emulation programs, plans and contents;
3. To guide the organization of emulation and examine the implementation;
4. To give advice on the preliminary and final reviews of, propose commendation and make recommendations on renewing the emulation and commendation work.
Article 20.-
1. Emulation titles for individuals include:
a/ "National Emulation Fighter";
b/ Emulation Fighter of the ministerial-, branch-, provincial- or central mass organization-level;
c/ "Grassroots-Level Emulation Fighter";
d/ "Advanced Laborer," "Advanced Fighter".
2. Emulation titles for collectives include:
a/ The "Government's Emulation Flag";
b/ Emulation Flag of the ministerial-, branch-, provincial or central mass organization-level;
c/ "Excellent Labor Collective," "Determined-To-Win Unit";
d/ "Advanced Labor Collective", "Advanced Unit";
e/ The emulation title for villages, hamlets, street quarter groups and the equivalent is the Cultured Village, Hamlet or Street Quarter Group.
3. The emulation title for households is the "Cultured Family."
4. Emulation titles shall be considered and conferred annually or for each drive.
Article 21.- The "National Emulation Fighter" title shall be considered and conferred on individuals who have recorded typical outstanding achievements among those individuals who have won the title of Emulation Fighter of the ministerial-, branch-, provincial- or central mass organization-level for two consecutive times.
Article 22.- The title of Emulation Fighter of the ministerial-, branch-, provincial- or central mass organization-level shall be considered and conferred on individuals who have recorded typical outstanding achievements among those individuals who have won the "Grassroots-Level Emulation Fighter" title for three consecutive times.
Article 23.- The "Grassroots-Level Emulation Fighter" title shall be considered and conferred on individuals who satisfy the following criteria:
1. Having satisfied the criteria of the "Advanced Laborer" or "Advanced Fighter" title;
2. Having had initiatives, technical modifications or applied new technologies to increase labor productivity.
Article 24.-
1. The "Advanced Laborer" title shall be considered and conferred on officials, public employees, workers or public servants who satisfy the following criteria:
a/ Having well fulfilled their assigned tasks, achieving high productivity and quality;
b/ Having well observed undertakings and policies of the Party, laws of the State, showing a spirit of self-reliance and self-strengthening, unity and mutual assistance, having actively participated in emulation movements;
c/ Having actively studied political, cultural and professional knowledge;
d/ Possessing good ethics and a healthy lifestyle.
2. Officers, non-commissioned officers, professional armymen, defense workers and soldiers of the People's Army; officers, professional non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the People's Police who satisfy the criteria prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article shall be considered and conferred the "Advanced Fighter" title.
3. Laborers who do not fall into the subjects prescribed in Clause 1 and Clause 2 of this Article but have been exemplary in observing undertakings, policies and laws of the State, possess good ethics and a healthy lifestyle, a spirit of unity and mutual assistance, have actively participated in production emulation movements, social activities and achieved high labor productivity shall be considered and conferred the "Advanced Laborer" title.
Article 25.- The "Government's Emulation Flag" shall be considered and conferred on collectives that satisfy the following criteria:
1. Having recorded achievements, over-fulfilled emulation norms and their assigned tasks in the year; being typical outstanding collectives in the whole country;
2. Having new typical factors and/or new typical models for the whole country to follow;
3. Having preserved internal unity, taken the lead in practicing thrift, combating wastefulness, corruption and other social evils.
Article 26.- The Emulation Flag of the ministerial-, branch-, provincial- or central mass organization-level shall be considered and conferred on collectives under ministries, branches, ministerial-level agencies, Government-attached agencies, central mass organizations, provinces or centrally run cities, which satisfy the following criteria:
1. Having over-fulfilled emulation norms and their assigned tasks in the year, are typical outstanding collectives of ministries, branches, provinces or central mass organizations;
2. Having new factors and/or new models for other collectives of ministries, branches, ministerial-level agencies, Government-attached agencies, central mass organizations, provinces or centrally-run cities to follow;
3. Having preserved internal unity, actively practiced thrift, combated wastefulness, corruption and other social evils.
Article 27.-
1. The "Excellent Labor Collective" title shall be considered and conferred on collectives which satisfy the following criteria:
a/ Having been creative, having overcome difficulties and excellently fulfilled their tasks, well performed their obligations toward the State;
b/ Having regular, practical and effective emulation movements;
c/ With 100% of their individual members having fulfilled their assigned tasks, at least 70% of whom winning the "Advanced Laborer" title;
d/ Having at least one individual winning the "Grassroots-Level Emulation Fighter" title and no individual being disciplined in the form of caution or a heavier form;
e/ Having preserved internal unity, been exemplary in observing undertakings and policies of the Party and laws of the State.
2. Collectives of the people's armed forces which satisfy the criteria prescribed at Points a, b, d and e, Clause 1 of this Article, and 100% of their individual members having fulfilled their assigned tasks, at least 70% of whom winning the "Advanced Fighter" title, shall be considered and conferred the "Determined-To-Win Unit" title.
Article 28.-
1. The "Advanced Labor Collective" title shall be considered and conferred on collectives which satisfy the following criteria:
a/ Having well fulfilled their assigned tasks and plans;
b/ Having regular, practical and effective emulation movements;
c/ With more than 50% of their individual members having won the "Advanced Laborer" title and none of their individual members having been disciplined in the form of caution or a heavier form;
d/ Having preserved internal unity, well observed undertakings and policies of the Party and laws of the State.
2. Collectives of the people's armed forces which satisfy the criteria prescribed at Points a, b and d, Clause 1 of this Article, and more than 50% of their individual members have won the "Advanced Fighter" title, shall be considered and conferred the "Advanced Unit" title.
Article 29.- The "Cultured Family" title in communes, wards and townships shall be considered and conferred on households which satisfy the following criteria:
1. Having been exemplary in observing undertakings and policies of the Party, laws of the State, actively participated in emulation movements in the localities where they reside;
2. Their families are harmonious, happy and progressive; support and help other people in the community;
3. Having organized labor, production, business, work and study with good productivity, quality and efficiency.
Article 30.- The title of Cultured Village, Hamlet or Street Quarter Group shall be considered and conferred on villages, hamlets, street quarter groups and the equivalent, which satisfy the following criteria:
1. Economic life is stable and step by step improves;
2. Cultural and spiritual life is healthy and diversified;
3. The environment and landscape is clean and beautiful;
4. Having well observed undertakings and policies of the Party and laws of the State;
5. Having a spirit of unity, mutual support and assistance in the community.
Article 31.-
1. The emulation titles and criteria thereof of political organizations, socio-political organizations and social organizations shall be prescribed by the central agencies of these organizations and registered with the central agencies performing the State management over emulation and commendation.
2. The emulation titles and criteria thereof for students and collectives of students in schools or other education establishments of the national education system shall be prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Training.
Chapter III
Section 1
Article 32.- Orders shall be conferred or posthumously conferred on individuals and conferred on collectives that have rendered meritorious services, recorded regular or unexpected achievements, contributing to the cause of national construction and defense.
Article 33.-
1. Orders include:
a/ "Gold Star Order";
b/ "Ho Chi Minh Order";
c/ "Independence Order", first, second and third classes;
d/ "Military Exploit Order", first, second and third classes;
e/ "Labor Order", first, second and third classes;
f/ "Fatherland Defense Order", first, second and third classes;
g/ "Feat Order", first, second and third classes;
h/ "Great National Unity Order";
i/ "Bravery Order";
j/ "Friendship Order."
2. The forms and classes of orders shall be distinguished by color, number of stars and number of stripes on order bands and ribbons.
Article 34.-
1. The "Gold Star Order" is the noblest order of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
2. The "Gold Star Order" shall be conferred or posthumously conferred on individuals who satisfy one of the following criteria:
a/ Having rendered great and exceptionally outstanding meritorious services in the revolutionary cause of the Party and the nation;
b/ Having rendered great and exceptionally outstanding meritorious services to the country in one of the political, economic, social, literature, art, scientific, technological, defense, security, diplomatic or other domains.
3. The "Gold Star Order" shall be conferred on collectives which satisfy the following criteria:
a/ Having recorded outstanding achievements for 10 or more consecutive years before the time of nomination; having maintained internal unity, with clean and strong Party and mass organizations;
b/ Having a process of building and development of 50 years or more; if having been conferred the "Ho Chi Minh Order," having a process of building and development of 45 years or more.
4. Collectives which have recorded exceptionally outstanding achievements and a process of building and development of 20 years, counting from the time of being conferred the first "Gold Star Order," shall be considered for conferment of the second "Gold Star Order."
Article 35.-
1. The "Ho Chi Minh Order" shall be conferred or posthumously conferred on individuals who have rendered great meritorious services, recorded numerous outstanding achievements in one of the political, economic, social, literature, art, scientific, technological, defense, security, diplomatic or other domains.
2. The "Ho Chi Minh Order" shall be conferred on collectives which satisfy the following criteria:
a/ Having recorded outstanding achievements for five or more consecutive years before the time of nomination; having maintained internal unity, with clean and strong Party and mass organizations;
b/ Having a process of building and development of 40 years or more; if having been conferred the first-class "Independence Order" or first-class "Military Exploit Order," they must have a process of building and development of 35 years or more.
Article 36.-
1. The first-class "Independence Order" shall be conferred or posthumously conferred on individuals who have recorded exceptionally outstanding achievements in one of the political, economic, social, literature, art, scientific, technological, defense, security, diplomatic or other domains.
2. The first-class "Independence Order" shall be conferred on collectives which satisfy the following criteria:
a/ Having recorded outstanding achievements for five or more consecutive years before the time of nomination; having maintained internal unity, with clean and strong Party and mass organizations;
b/ Having a process of building and development of 30 years or more; if having been conferred the second-class "Independence Order," they must have a process of building and development of 25 years or more.
Article 37.-
1. The second-class "Independence Order" shall be conferred or posthumously conferred on individuals who have recorded many outstanding achievements in one of the political, economic, social, literature, art, scientific, technological, defense, security, diplomatic or other domains.
2. The second-class "Independence Order" shall be conferred on collectives which satisfy the following criteria:
a/ Having recorded outstanding achievements for five or more consecutive years before the time of nomination; having maintained internal unity, with clean and strong Party and mass organizations;
b/ Having a process of building and development of 25 years or more; if having been conferred the third-class "Independence Order," they must have a process of building and development of 20 years or more.
Article 38.-
1. The third-class "Independence Order" shall be conferred or posthumously conferred on individuals who have recorded outstanding achievements in one of the political, economic, social, literature, art, scientific, technological, defense, security, diplomatic or other domains.
2. The third-class "Independence Order" shall be conferred on collectives which satisfy the following criteria:
a/ Having recorded outstanding achievements for five or more consecutive years before the time of nomination; having maintained internal unity, with clean and strong Party and mass organizations;
b/ Having a process of building and development of 20 years or more; if having been conferred the first-class "Labor Order," they must have a process of building and development of 15 years or more.
Article 39.-
1. The first-class "Military Exploit Order" shall be conferred or posthumously conferred on individuals who have recorded outstanding and brave exploits in combat, combat service, training, force building, consolidation of the all-people defense and people's security, or have sacrificed their lives heroically, setting bright examples in the whole country.
2. The first-class "Military Exploit Order" shall be conferred on collectives which satisfy the following criteria:
a/ Having recorded outstanding achievements for five or more consecutive years before the time of nomination; having maintained internal unity, with clean and strong Party and mass organizations;
b/ Having a process of combat, combat service, training, building and growth of 30 years or more; if having been conferred the second-class "Military Exploit Order," they must have a process of combat, combat service, training, building and growth of 25 years or more.
Article 40.-
1. The second-class "Military Exploit Order" shall be conferred or posthumously conferred on individuals who have recorded outstanding exploits in combat, combat service, training, force building, consolidation of the all-people defense and people's security, or have sacrificed their lives heroically, setting bright examples in the people's armed forces.
2. The second-class "Military Exploit Order" shall be conferred on collectives which satisfy the following criteria:
a/ Having recorded outstanding achievements for five or more consecutive years before the time of nomination; having maintained internal unity, with clean and strong Party and mass organizations;
b/ Having a process of combat, combat service, training, building and growth of 25 years or more; if having been conferred the third-class "Military Exploit Order," they must have a process of combat, combat service, training, building and growth of 20 years or more.
Article 41.-
1. The third-class "Military Exploit Order" shall be conferred or posthumously conferred on individuals who have recorded outstanding exploits in combat, combat service, training, force building, consolidation of the all-people defense and people's security, or have sacrificed their lives heroically, setting bright examples in the military zones, army corps, military services or arms, general departments and the equivalent.
2. The third-class "Military Exploit Order" shall be conferred on collectives which satisfy the following criteria:
a/ Having recorded outstanding achievements for five or more consecutive years before the time of nomination; having maintained internal unity, with clean and strong Party and mass organizations;
b/ Having a process of combat, combat service, training, building and growth of 20 years or more; if having been conferred the first-class "Fatherland Defense Order" or first-class "Feat Order," they must have a process of combat, combat service, training, building and growth of 15 years or more.
Article 42.-
1. The "Labor Order" shall be conferred or posthumously conferred on individuals and conferred on collectives that have recorded outstanding achievements in labor, creativity or national construction.
2. The first-class "Labor Order" shall be conferred or posthumously conferred on individuals who satisfy one of the following criteria:
a/ Having been conferred the second-class "Labor Order" and then the "National Emulation Fighter" title.
b/ Having inventions, scientific works or outstanding works of the State level;
c/ Having recorded unexpected exceptionally outstanding achievements or a long process of devotion in agencies, organizations or mass organizations.
3. The first-class "Labor Order" shall be conferred on collectives which satisfy one of the following criteria:
a/ Having been conferred the second-class "Labor Order," then the "Excellent Labor Collective" or "Determined-to-Win Unit" title for the subsequent five consecutive years, and the Emulation Flag of the ministerial-, branch-. provincial- or central mass organization-level for three times or the "Government's Emulation Flag" twice;
c/ Having recorded unexpected exceptionally outstanding achievements.
Article 43.-
1. The second-class "Labor Order" shall be conferred or posthumously conferred on individuals who satisfy one of the following criteria:
a/ Having been conferred the third-class "Labor Order," then the title of Emulation Fighter of the ministerial-, branch-. provincial- or central mass organization-level twice or the "Prime Minister's Diploma of Merit" once;
b/ Having inventions, scientific works or outstanding works of the ministerial-, branch-. provincial- or central mass organization-level;
c/ Having recorded unexpected outstanding achievements or a long process of devotion in agencies, organizations or mass organizations.
2. The second-class "Labor Order" shall be conferred on collectives which satisfy one of the following criteria:
a/ Having been conferred the third-class "Labor Order," then the "Excellent Labor Collective" or "Determined-to-Win Unit" title for the subsequent five consecutive years, and the Emulation Flag of the ministerial-, branch-. provincial- or central mass organization-level twice or the "Government's Emulation Flag" once;
c/ Having recorded unexpected outstanding achievements.
Article 44.-
1. The third-class "Labor Order" shall be conferred or posthumously conferred on individuals who satisfy one of the following criteria:
a/ Having won the "Grassroots-level Emulation Fighter" title for seven consecutive years and been conferred the Diploma of Merit of the ministerial-, branch-. provincial- or central mass organization-level twice or the "Prime Minister's Diploma of Merit" once;
b/ Having scientific or art works or innovations or utility solutions, rated as excellent by the ministerial-level Science Councils and applied in practice with high efficiency and practical results;
c/ Having recorded unexpected outstanding achievements or a long process of devotion in agencies, organizations or mass organizations.
3. The third-class "Labor Order" shall be conferred on collectives which satisfy one of the following criteria:
a/ Having won the "Excellent Labor Collective" or "Determined-to-Win Unit" title for five consecutive years, been conferred the Emulation Flag of the ministerial-, branch-. provincial- or central mass organization-level once or the "Prime Minister's Diploma of Merit" once;
c/ Having recorded unexpected outstanding achievements.
Article 45.-
1. The "Fatherland Defense Order" shall be conferred or posthumously conferred on individuals and conferred on collectives that have recorded achievements in training and building forces, consolidating the all-people defense and people's security.
2. The first-class "Fatherland Defense Order" shall be conferred or posthumously conferred on individuals who satisfy one of the following criteria:
a/ Having been conferred the second-class "Fatherland Defense Order," then the "National Emulation Fighter" title;
b/ Having inventions, scientific works or outstanding works of the State level;
c/ Having recorded unexpected exceptionally outstanding achievements or a long process of devotion in the people's armed forces.
3. The first-class "Fatherland Defense Order" shall be conferred on collectives which satisfy one of the following criteria:
a/ Having been conferred the second-class "Fatherland Defense Order," the "Excellent Labor Collective" or "Determined-To-Win Unit" title for the subsequent five consecutive years, and the Emulation Flag of the ministerial-, branch-. provincial- or central mass organization-level for three times or the "Government's Emulation Flag" twice;
c/ Having recorded unexpected exceptionally outstanding achievements.
Article 46.-
1. The second-class "Fatherland Defense Order" shall be conferred or posthumously conferred on individuals who satisfy one of the following criteria:
a/ Having been conferred the third-class "Fatherland Defense Order," then the title of Emulation Fighter of the ministerial-, branch-. provincial- or central mass organization-level twice or the "Prime Minister's Diploma of Merit" once;
b/ Having inventions, scientific works or outstanding works of the ministerial-, branch-. provincial- or central mass organization-level;
c/ Having recorded unexpected outstanding achievements or a long process of devotion in people's armed forces.
2. The second-class "Fatherland Defense Order" shall be conferred on collectives which satisfy one of the following criteria:
a/ Having been conferred the third-class "Fatherland Defense Order," then the "Excellent Labor Collective" or "Determined-to-Win Unit" title for the subsequent five consecutive years, and the Emulation Flag of the ministerial-, branch-. provincial- or central mass organization-level twice or the "Government's Emulation Flag" once;
b/ Having recorded unexpected outstanding achievements.
Article 47.-
1. The third-class "Fatherland Defense Order" shall be conferred or posthumously conferred on individuals who satisfy one of the following criteria:
a/ Having won the "Grassroots-Level Emulation Fighter" title for seven consecutive years and been conferred the Diploma of Merit of the ministerial-, branch-. provincial- or central mass organization-level twice or the "Prime Minister's Diploma of Merit" once;
b/ Having scientific or art works or innovations, utility solutions rated as excellent by the ministerial-level Science Councils, which have been applied in practice with high efficiency and practical results;
c/ Having recorded unexpected outstanding achievements or a long process of devotion in the people's armed forces.
2. The third-class "Fatherland Defense Order" shall be conferred on collectives which satisfy one of the following criteria:
a/ Having won the "Excellent Labor Collective" or "Determined-to-Win Unit" title for five consecutive years and been conferred the Emulation Flag of the ministerial-, branch-. provincial- or central mass organization-level once or the "Prime Minister's Diploma of Merit";
c/ Having recorded unexpected outstanding achievements.
Article 48.-
1. The first-class "Feat Order" shall be conferred or posthumously conferred on individuals or conferred on collectives that have recorded exceptionally outstanding feats in combat or combat service.
2. The second-class "Feat Order" shall be conferred or posthumously conferred on individuals or conferred on collectives that have recorded outstanding feats in combat or combat service.
3. The third-class "Feat Order" shall be conferred or posthumously conferred on individuals or conferred on collectives that have been brave, wise, creative in excellently fulfilled their assigned tasks in combat or combat service.
Article 49.- The "Great National Unity Order" shall be conferred or posthumously conferred on individuals who have a long process of devotion, have rendered great meritorious services and recorded exceptionally outstanding achievements in the cause of building the great national unity block.
Article 50.- The "Bravery Order" shall be conferred or posthumously conferred on individuals who have taken brave acts to save people or property of the State and/or the people.
Article 51.- The "Friendship Order" shall be conferred or posthumously conferred on foreigners and on collectives of foreigners that have made great contributions to building, consolidating and developing the friendship between Vietnam and other countries in the world.
Section 2. MEDALS
Article 52.- Medals shall be awarded to officers, professional armymen, defense workers working in agencies and units of the People's Army; officers, professional non-commissioned officers working in agencies and units of the People's Police, and foreigners who have, for a period of time, devoted and/or made contributions to the cause of national construction and defense.
Article 53.-
1. Medals include:
a/ "Determined-to-Win Military Flag Medal";
b/ "For National Security Medal"
c/ "Glorious Fighter Medal", first, second and third classes;
d/ "Friendship Medal".
2. The forms and classes of medals shall be distinguished by color and the number of stripes on medal bands and ribbons
Article 54.- The "Determined-to-Win Military Flag Medal" shall be awarded to officers, professional armymen or defense workers who have served in the People's Army for 25 or more consecutive years.
Article 55.- The "For National Security Medal" shall be awarded to officers, professional non-commissioned officers who have served in the People's Police for 25 or more consecutive years.
Article 56.-
1. The "Glorious Fighter Medal" shall be awarded to officers, professional armymen or defense workers working in agencies or units of the People's Army, and officers and professional non-commissioned officers working in agencies or units of the People's Police.
2. The criteria for considering and awarding the "Glorious Fighter Medal" to all subjects defined in Clause 1 of this Article are as follows:
a/ The first-class "Glorious Fighter Medal" shall be awarded to individuals who have a working period of 15 years or more;
b/ The second-class "Glorious Fighter Medal" shall be awarded to individuals who have a working period of 10 years or more;
c/ The third-class "Glorious Fighter Medal" shall be awarded to individuals who have a working period of 5 years or more.
Article 57.- The "Friendship Medal" shall be awarded to foreigners who have worked in Vietnam for a certain period, made many contributions to the cause of construction and defense of Vietnam.
Article 58.-
1. State honorable titles shall be awarded or posthumously awarded to individuals and awarded to collectives that have made exceptionally outstanding contributions to the cause of national construction and defense.
2. State honorable titles include:
a/ "Vietnamese Heroic Mother";
b/ "People's Armed Force Hero"
c/ "Labor Hero";
d/ "People's Teacher," "Teacher of Merit";
e/ "People's Doctor," "Doctor of Merit";
f/ "People's Artist," "Artist of Merit";
g/ "People's Artisan," "Artisan of Merit".
Article 59.- The "Vietnamese Heroic Mother" title shall be awarded or posthumously awarded to mothers who have made numerous contributions and sacrifices for the cause of national liberation, national construction and defense, and the performance of international obligations.
The consideration of award or posthumous award of the "Vietnamese Heroic Mother" title shall comply with the regulations of the National Assembly Standing Committee.
Article 60.-
1. The "People's Armed Force Hero" title shall be awarded or posthumously awarded to individuals who have recorded exceptionally outstanding achievements in combat, combat service, preservation of security, social order and safety, are loyal to the socialist Fatherland of Vietnam and possess revolutionary virtues and qualities.
2. The "People's Armed Force Hero" title shall be awarded to collectives which have recorded exceptionally outstanding achievements in combat, combat service, preservation of security, social order and safety; are loyal to the socialist Fatherland of Vietnam; have maintained good internal unity, with clean and strong Party and mass organizations.
Article 61.-
1. The "Labor Hero" title shall be awarded or posthumously awarded to individuals who have recorded exceptionally outstanding achievements in labor and creation for the objective of a prosperous people, a strong country and an equitable, democratic and civilized society, are loyal to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and possess revolutionary virtues and qualities.
2. The "Labor Hero" title shall be awarded to collectives which have recorded exceptionally outstanding achievements in labor and creation for the objective of a prosperous people, a strong country and an equitable, democratic and civilized society; have maintained good internal unity, clean and strong Party and mass organizations.
Article 62.-
1. The subjects eligible for consideration and award of the "People's Teacher" or "Teacher of Merit" title are teachers in schools or education establishments within the national education system, and education administrators.
2. The "People's Teacher" title shall be considered and awarded to the subjects defined in Clause 1 of this Article who satisfy the following criteria:
a/ Being loyal to the socialist Fatherland of Vietnam;
b/ Possessing good ethical qualities, being devoted to their jobs and fond of pupils, possessing excellent pedagogical talents, having made great contributions to the education cause, exerting widespread influences in the service and the entire society, being respected by pupils, colleagues and people;
c/ Having personally engaged in teaching or lecturing for 20 years or more; for education administrators, having worked in the service for 25 years or more, including 15 years of being personally engaged in teaching or lecturing.
3. The "Teacher of Merit" title shall be considered and awarded to the subjects defined in Clause 1 of this Article, who satisfy the following criteria:
a/ Being loyal to the socialist Fatherland of Vietnam;
b/ Possessing good ethical qualities, being devoted to their jobs and fond of pupils, possessing excellent pedagogical talents, having made contributions to the education cause, being respected by pupils, colleagues and people;
c/ Having personally engaged in teaching or lecturing for 15 years or more; for education administrators, having worked in the service for 20 years or more, including 10 years of being personally engaged in teaching or lecturing.
4. The "People's Teacher" and "Teacher of Merit" titles shall be considered and announced one every two years on the anniversary of Vietnamese Teacher's Day of November 20.
Article 63.-
1. The subjects eligible for consideration and award of the "People's Doctor" or "Doctor of Merit" title include medical doctors, pharmacists and traditional medicine doctors who are engaged in medical examination and treatment, production of pharmaceuticals, medical and/or pharmaceutical research, hygiene and disease prevention, epidemic prevention, and health administrators.
2. The "People's Doctor" title shall be considered and awarded to the subjects defined in Clause 1 of this Article, who satisfy the following criteria:
a/ Being loyal to the socialist Fatherland of Vietnam;
b/ Possessing good ethical qualities, being devoted to their jobs and wholeheartedly fond of patients, having talents and numerous outstanding achievements in disease prevention, disease treatment, scientific and technical development in the medical domain, having made numerous contributions to the cause of protection and improvement of people's health, exerting widespread influence among people, and being trusted and respected by patients and colleagues;
c/ Having personally engaged in professional or technical work in the service for 20 years or more; for health administrators, having worked in the service for 25 years or more, including 15 years of personally performing the professional and technical work.
2. The "Doctor of Merit" title shall be considered and awarded to the subjects defined in Clause 1 of this Article, who satisfy the following criteria:
a/ Being loyal to the socialist Fatherland of Vietnam;
b/ Possessing good ethical qualities, being devoted to their jobs and wholeheartedly fond of patients, having talents and numerous outstanding achievements in their professions, and being trusted by people, patients and colleagues;
c/ Having personally engaged in professional or technical work in the service for 15 years or more; for health administrators, having worked in the service for 20 years or more, including 10 years of personally performing the professional and technical work.
4. The "People's Doctor" and "Doctor of Merit" titles shall be considered and announced one every two years on the anniversary of Vietnamese Doctor's Day of February 27.
Article 64.-
1. The subjects eligible for consideration and award of the "People's Artist" or "Artist of Merit" title include actors, actresses, directors, artistic instructors, orchestra conductors, choreographers, cameramen, musicians, painters and announcers working in the cultural and art domains.
2. The "People's Artist" title shall be considered and awarded to the subjects defined in Clause 1 of this Article, who satisfy the following criteria:
a/ Being loyal to the socialist Fatherland of Vietnam;
b/ Possessing good ethical qualities, excellent artistic talents, having made numerous contributions to the Vietnamese revolutionary cause, being admired by colleagues and people;
c/ Having engaged in art activities for 20 years or more; 15 years for the circus art in particular; having won numerous prizes in domestic and international art festivals and shows.
3. The "Artist of Merit" title shall be considered and awarded to the subjects defined in Clause 1 of this Article who satisfy the following criteria:
a/ Being loyal to the socialist Fatherland of Vietnam;
b/ Possessing good ethical qualities, artistic talents, a sense of serving the people, being admired by colleagues and people;
c/ Having engaged in art activities for 15 years or more; in particular, 10 years for the circus art; having won numerous prizes in domestic and international art festivals and shows.
4. The "People's Artist" and "Artist of Merit" titles shall be considered and announced one every two years on the anniversary of the National Day of September 2
Article 65.-
1. The "People's Artisan" and "Artisan of Merit" titles shall be awarded to individuals who have worked in the traditional handicrafts or fine art crafts for many years, inherited, preserved, created and developed such crafts.
2. The "People's Artisan" title shall be considered and awarded to the subjects defined in Clause 1 of this Article, who satisfy the following criteria:
a/ Being loyal to the socialist Fatherland of Vietnam;
b/ Possessing good ethical qualities, excellent talents, excellent skills, having personally created various products of high economic, technical and fine-art value;
c/ Having made great merits in preserving, handing down, teaching their crafts, creating and developing traditional handicrafts and fine-art crafts.
d/ Being admired and respected by colleagues and people, exemplary for handicrafts or fine-art crafts in the whole country.
3. The "Artisan of Merit" title shall be considered and awarded to the subjects defined in Clause 1 of this Article, who satisfy the following criteria:
a/ Being loyal to the socialist Fatherland of Vietnam;
b/ Possessing good ethical qualities, excellent talents, good skills, having personally created various products of high economic, technical and fine-art value;
c/ Having made merits in preserving, handing down, teaching their crafts, creating and developing traditional handicrafts or fine-art crafts.
d/ Being admired and respected by colleagues and people, exemplary for the handicrafts or fine-art crafts in the localities.
4. The "People's Artisan" and "Artisan of Merit" titles shall be considered and announced one every two years on the anniversary of the National Day of September 2.
Section 4
Article 66.-
1. "The "Ho Chi Minh Prize" and "State Prize" shall be awarded to authors of one or many works which have been published and used since the date of foundation of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, including:
a/ Scientific and technological research works, textbooks, course books used in schools and other education establishments;
b/ Literary or art works, theoretical or critical research works in various publication forms, architectural, exhibition, theatrical, cinematographic, broadcasting, television, teaching works, music records or other forms.
2. The "Ho Chi Minh Prize" and "State Prize" shall be awarded to foreigners who have research works on Vietnam.
Article 67.-
1. The "Ho Chi Minh Prize" shall be considered and awarded to authors of one or many scientific and technological research, education or literary and art works satisfying the following criteria:
a/ Being exceptionally excellent;
b/ Being of very high scientific, literary or art value in terms of ideological content;
b/ Bearing great effects in service of the revolutionary cause, having widespread and long-term influence in the people's life, making important contributions to the cause of development of the national economy, science, technology, education, literature or arts.
2. The "Ho Chi Minh Prize" shall be considered and announced once every five years on the anniversary of the National Day of September 2.
Article 68.-
1. The "State Prize" shall be considered and awarded to authors of one or many scientific, technological, education works, literary or art works of high scientific, literature or art value in terms of ideological content, having great effects and influences in the society according to the following criteria:
a/ Excellent works of scientific and technological research or application of scientific and technological advances, having the effect of raising labor productivity, bringing about economic efficiency, making considerable contributions to the socio-economic development;
b/ Textbooks or course books of excellent value and used broadly in schools and other education establishments within the national education system;
c/ Literary or art works of high value in terms of ideological content and artistic form, having good effects in educating and building people of new type, raising the aesthetic level of people, having made considerable contributions to the development of Vietnam's arts or literature.
2. The "State Prize" shall be considered and announced once every two years on the anniversary of the National Day of September 2.
Section 5
Article 69.- Commemorative medals or badges shall be awarded to individuals who have made contributions to the process of development of ministries, departments, branches, political organizations, socio-political organizations or social organizations.
The names of commemorative medals or badges, the subjects and criteria for being awarded commemorative medals or badges shall be prescribed by ministries, departments, branches, political organizations, socio-political organizations or social organizations. Commemorative medals and badges must be registered with the central agencies in charge of the State management over emulation and commendation.
Section 6
Article 70.-
1. Diplomas of Merit shall be awarded to individuals or collectives that have recorded regular or unexpected achievements.
2. Diplomas of Merit include:
a/ "The Prime Minister's Diploma of Merit;
b/ The Diploma of Merit of the ministerial-, branch-, provincial- or central mass organization-level.
Article 71.-
1, The "Prime Minister's Diploma of Merit" shall be awarded to individuals who satisfy one of the following criteria:
a/ Having been awarded the Diploma of Merit of the ministerial-, branch-, provincial- or central mass organization-level and won the "Grassroots-Level Emulation Fighter" title for 5 consecutive years;
b/ Having recorded unexpected achievements.
2. The "Prime Minister's Diploma of Merit" shall be awarded to collectives that satisfy one of the following criteria:
a/ Having been awarded the Diploma of Merit of the ministerial-, branch-, provincial- or central mass organization-level and won the "Excellent Labor Collective" or "Determined-To-Win Unit" title for 3 or more consecutive years;
b/ Having recorded unexpected achievements.
Article 72.-
1. The Diploma of Merit of the ministerial-, branch-, provincial- or central mass organization-level shall be awarded to individuals who satisfy the following criteria:
a/ Having excellently accomplished their tasks and civic obligations;
b/ Possessing good ethical qualities; a sense of unity, having been exemplary in observing undertakings and policies of the Party and laws of the State;
c/ Having actively studied to raise their professional qualifications.
2. The Diploma of Merit of the ministerial-, branch-, provincial- or central mass organization-level shall be awarded to collectives which satisfy the following criteria:
a/ Having excellently accomplished their tasks;
b/ Having preserved internal unity; well implemented the regulation on grassroots democracy, actively responded to emulation movements;
c/ Having ensured the material and spiritual life in their collectives, practiced thrift;
d/ Having well implemented regimes and policies to all collective members;
e/ Having clean and strong Party and mass organizations.
Article 73.-
The commendation in the form of diplomas of merit of political organizations, socio-political organizations or social organizations shall be prescribed by the central agencies of these organizations.
Section 7
Article 74.-
1. Certificates of Merit shall be awarded to individuals or collectives that have recorded regular or unexpected achievements.
2. Certificates of Merit include:
a/ Certificates of Merit of heads of agencies or units under ministries, branches, ministerial-level agencies or Government-attached agencies;
b/ Certificates of Merit of chairmen of Managing Boards, general directors or directors of State Enterprises;
c/ Certificates of Merit of heads of professional agencies or the equivalent under provincial-level People's Committees.
d/ Certificates of Merit of presidents of district-level People's Committees;
e/ Certificates of Merit of presidents of commune-level People's Committees.
Article 75.-
1. Certificates of Merit shall be awarded to individuals who satisfy the following criteria:
a/ Having well accomplished their tasks and civic obligations;
b/ Possessing good ethical qualities; a sense of unity, having been exemplary in observing undertakings and policies of the Party and laws of the State;
c/ Having constantly studied to raise their professional qualifications.
2. Certificates of Merit shall be awarded to collectives which satisfy the following criteria:
a/ Having well accomplished their tasks;
b/ Having preserved internal unity; well implemented the regulations on grassroots democracy, well organized emulation movements;
c/ Having taken care of the material and spiritual life in their collectives, practiced thrift;
d/ Having fully implemented regimes and policies to all collective members;
Article 76.-
1. The commendation in the form of certificates of merit of political organizations, socio-political organizations or social organizations shall be prescribed by the central agencies of these organizations.
2. The commendation in the form of certificates of merit for individual students and collectives of students at schools or other education establishments within the national education system shall be prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Training.
3. The commendation in the form of certificates of merit of other organizations shall be prescribed by the Government.
Chapter IV
Section 1
Article 77.- The State President shall decide to confer orders, medals, the "Ho Chi Minh Prize," the "State Prize" and State honorable titles.
Article 78.- The Government shall decide to confer the "Government's Emulation Flag."
The Prime Minister shall decide to confer the "National Emulation Fighter" title and the "Prime Minister's Diploma of Merit."
Article 79.- Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies or Government-attached agencies, the chief judge of the Supreme People's Court, the chairman of the Supreme People's Procuracy, leaders of central agencies or organizations of mass organizations, and presidents of provincial-level People's Committees shall decide to award diplomas of merit, emulation flags, the "Excellent Labor Collective" title, the "Determined- To-Win Unit" title and the title of Emulation Fighter of the ministerial-, branch-, provincial or central mass organization-level.
Article 80.-
1. Heads of agencies or organizations under ministries, branches, ministerial-level agencies, Government-attached agencies; chairmen of Managing Boards, general directors, directors of State enterprises; heads of professional agencies and the equivalent under the provincial-level People's Committees, and presidents of district-level People's Committees shall decide to award the "Grassroots-Level Emulation Fighter," "Advanced Laborer," "Advanced Fighter," "Advanced Labor Collective" and "Advanced Unit" titles and certificates of merit.
2. The presidents of district-level People's Committees shall decide to award the title of Cultured Village, Hamlet or Street Quarter Group.
3. The presidents of commune-level People's Committees shall decide to award certificates of merit and the "Cultured Family" title.
Article 81.-
1. Persons competent to decide certain commendation forms shall directly award or authorize others to award commendations of such forms.
2. Ambassadors or heads of foreign-based diplomatic representation missions of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam shall be authorized to award commendations of various forms of the Vietnamese State to collectives and individuals in their host countries.
Article 82.- The organization of the award of emulation titles and commendations of various forms shall be prescribed by the Government.
Section 2
Article 83.-
1. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies or Government-attached agencies, the chief judge of the Supreme People's Court, the chairman of the Supreme People's Procuracy, leaders of central agencies or organizations of mass organizations, and presidents of provincial-level People's Committees shall consider and submit to the Prime Minister for proposal to the State President to decide to confer orders, medals, the "Ho Chi Minh Prize," the "State Prize," and State honorable titles.
2. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies or Government-attached agencies, leaders of central agencies or organizations of mass organizations, and presidents of provincial-level People's Committees shall propose the Government to decide to award the "Government's Emulation Flag," propose the Prime Minister to decide to award the "Prime Minister's Diploma of Merit" and the "National Emulation Fighter" title.
3. Other emulation titles and commendation forms shall be proposed by the immediate subordinate levels of the persons competent to decide on emulation titles and commendation forms.
4. Functional agencies in charge of emulation and commendation shall receive and consider dossiers and assist competent persons in deciding on commendation.
Article 84.-
1. A dossier of consideration of an emulation title comprises:
a/ The achievement report of the individual or collective concerned;
b/ The proposal of the Emulation Council;
c/ The written record of the emulation assessment meeting.
2. A dossier of proposal for commendation comprises:
a/ The written statement of achievements of the individual or collective nominated for commendation;
b/ The written proposal for commendation, made by the head of the agency or organization having the individual or organization considered for commendation;
c/ In case of proposal for commendation of individuals or collectives with inventions, innovations, improvements, application of scientific and technological advances, compositions or creations in other domains, written certifications of competent management agencies must be enclosed.
3. In case of nomination for conferment of orders, medals, State honorable titles, the "Government's Emulation Flag" or the "Prime Minister's Diploma of Merit," written opinions of central State management agencies in the specialized hierarchies or local administrations shall be required.
Article 85.-
1. Cases which meet all the following conditions shall be proposed for commendation according to simple procedures:
a/ The commendation aims to serve political requirements, mobilize and encourage the masses in time;
b/ Individuals and/or collectives that have recorded unexpected outstanding achievements in combat, working, labor or study;
c/ Obvious achievements or meritorious services.
2. The commendation according to simple procedures shall be prescribed by the Government.
Article 86.- The Government shall prescribe the procedures, process and time limits for consideration of emulation titles and commendation forms.
Chapter V
Article 87.- Commended individuals and collectives shall, depending on the commendation forms, be presented rewards in kind and enjoy other benefits as prescribed by law.
Article 88.- Individuals awarded with emulation titles and commendations of various forms shall have the right to preserve, display and use their rewards in kind.
Collectives awarded with commendations of various forms shall have the right to preserve, display and use the symbols of such commendation forms on their official documents.
Article 89.- Commended individuals and collectives shall have the obligation to preserve their rewards in kind and must not lend them to other persons for committing law violation acts.
Chapter VI
Article 90.- The contents of State management over emulation and commendation include:
1. Promulgating legal documents on emulation and commendation;
2. Formulating policies on emulation and commendation;
3. Popularizing, disseminating, guiding and organizing the implementation of, law provisions on emulation and commendation;
4. Organizing training and refresher courses for State officials and employees engaged in the emulation and commendation work;
5. Conducting preliminary and final reviews, awarding commendations of various forms, evaluating the effectiveness of the emulation and commendation work;
6. Undertaking international cooperation on emulation and commendation;
7. Inspecting and examining the implementation of law provisions on emulation and commendation;
8. Settling complaints and denunciations related to, handling law violations in, emulation and commendation.
Article 91.-
1. The Government shall perform unified State management over emulation and commendation nationwide.
The central agency performing the State management over emulation and commendation shall have to assist the Government in performing the State management over emulation and commendation.
The Government shall define the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the agency performing the State management over emulation and commendation.
2, Ministries and ministerial-level agencies shall, within the scope of their tasks and powers, perform the State management over emulation and commendation according to law.
3. The People's Committees at all levels shall perform the State management emulation and commendation in their respective localities according to law.
Article 92.- The Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuracy shall, within the scope of their tasks and powers, manage the emulation and commendation within their respective services.
Article 93.- Political organizations, socio-political organizations and social organizations shall base themselves on the provisions of this Law and other relevant documents to manage the emulation and commendation within their respective organizations.
Article 94.- The Emulation and Commendation Fund shall be formed on the basis of the State budget, contributions of individuals and organizations at home and abroad and other revenue sources prescribed by law.
The Government shall prescribed the establishment, management and use of the Emulation and Commendation Fund.
Article 95.- The Government shall prescribe forms, colors, numbers of stars and stripes for each type and class of order, medal and badge; materials, sizes and frames of all types of orders, medals, emulation flags, diplomas of merit, certificates of merit and other rewards in kind.
Chapter VII
Article 96.-
1. Those who have made false declarations of their achievements in order to be commended shall have their commendation decisions cancelled and their rewards in kind and cash recovered, and, depending on the nature and seriousness of their violations, be disciplined, administratively sanctioned or examined for penal liability; if causing any damage, they shall have to pay compensation therefore according to law.
2. Individuals who have made false certifications or forged dossiers or papers for other persons in order to make commendation proposals; those who have abused their positions and powers to make commendation decisions in contravention of law shall, depending on the nature and seriousness of their violations, be disciplined, administratively sanctioned or examined for penal liability; if causing any damage, they shall have to pay compensation therefore according to law.
Article 97.-
1. Individuals who have been conferred State honorable titles but then committed law violations may have such State honorable titles stripped off at the proposals of the Prime Minister.
2. The stripping of State honorable titles shall be decided by the State President.
Article 98.-
1. Individuals shall have the right to lodge complaints and denunciations related to emulation or commendation according to law provisions on complaints and denunciations.
Organizations shall have the right to lodge denunciations related to emulation or commendation according to law provisions on complaints and denunciations.
2. Competent agencies, organizations and individuals shall have to settle complaints and denunciations related to emulation or commendation according to law provisions on complaints and denunciations
Chapter VIII
Article 99.- The State shall protect emulation titles and commendation forms already conferred or posthumously conferred before this Law takes effect.
Article 100.- In order to receive foreign commendation forms, Vietnamese individuals and collectives at home and abroad must obtain the consent of competent State bodies of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam or observe the provisions of international agreements which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has signed or acceded to.
Article 101.-
1. The State shall continue considering and effecting the commendation and sum-up review of revolutionary merits for individuals, families, localities and units which have made merits and achievements.
The Government shall provide guidance on the modes and time limits for conclusion of the commendation and final review of revolutionary achievements.
2. In addition to the commendation forms provided for by this Law, competent agencies, organizations and individuals shall have the right to apply appropriate incentive forms to individuals and collectives in order to laud good examples in time in labor, production, working and to mobilize emulation movements in compliance with the principles prescribed by this Law.
Article 102.- This Law takes implementation effect as from July 1, 2004.
Article 103.- The Government shall specify and guide the implementation of this Law.
This Law was adopted on November 26, 2003 by the 11th National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam at its 4th session.
Chủ tịch Quốc hội |
(Signed) |
Nguyen Van An |