Pursuant to the Government�s Decree No. 15/CP of March 2, 1993 on the tasks, powers and State management responsibilities of the ministries and ministerial-level agencies;
Pursuant to the Government�s Decree No. 29/CP of March 30, 1994 on the tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training;
Pursuant to the Ordinance on Accounting-Statistics of May 10, 1988;
Pursuant to the Government�s Decree No. 93/1999/ND-CP of September 7, 1999 on sanctioning administrative violations in the field of statistics;
At the proposal of the Director of the Ministry�s Office,
Article 1.- To issue together with this Decision the Regulation on the collection, management and use of educational statistical data.
Article 2.- This Decision takes effect 15 days after its signing. All previous regulations contrary to this Decision are hereby annulled.
Article 3.- The Director of the Ministry�s Office, the heads of units attached to the Ministry, the directors of the provincial/municipal Education and Training Services, universities and institutes, the principals of high-education institutions, colleges and secondary vocational schools shall have to implement this Decision.
Minister of Education and Training
Article 1.- Educational statistical data
1. Educational statistical data include information on the organization and operation of the national educational system, which are gathered regularly and periodically from schools and other educational establishments through a data-collection system.
2. Educational statistical data constitute an important basis for the managerial agencies to supervise, analyze and evaluate the situation and forecast the development trends of the branch, so as to work out plannings, plans and policies for the management of education and training.
3. Educational statistical data must be provided by educational establishments and educational administration agencies of various levels in a full, accurate, uniform and timely manner.
Article 2.- Agencies managing educational statistical data
1. The Education Management Information Center of the Ministry�s Office (hereafter referred to as EMI Center for short) shall be assigned by the Ministry of Education and Training the task of managing educational statistical data of the Ministry.
2. The Statistical sections of the provincial/municipal Education and Training Services, universities, institutes, high-education institutions, colleges and secondary vocational schools shall be assigned the task of managing educational statistical data of their respective localities and educational establishments.
Article 3.- Competence to issue educational statistical form system
1. The EMI Center shall, under the direction of the General Department of Statistics, coordinate with the Departments and units attached to the Ministry in elaborating and guiding the implementation of the system of periodical educational statistical forms, according to the demands for management information regarding education and training of the State and branch in each period. The form system shall be issued according to the joint-regulations of the General Department of Statistics and the Ministry of Education and Training.
2. The EMI Center shall have to gather opinions from the departments and units attached to the Ministry on the norms and indexes in order to improve, supplement and perfect the educational statistical form system within the entire branch, thus serving the work of education management.
Article 4.- Specialized statistical forms
1. The Departments and units attached to the Ministry shall, when deeming it necessary to issue forms to grassroots establishments in order to gather specialized or provisional statistical information, have to consult and coordinate with the EMI Center, so as to avoid coincidence and overlapping in statistical indexes and help units not to have to report for many times.
2. The statistical sections of the provincial/municipal Education and Training Services, universities, institutes, high-education institutions, colleges and secondary vocational schools shall collect statistical data in strict compliance with the indexes already existed in the system of periodical statistical forms, jointly stipulated by the General Department of Statistics and the Ministry of Education and Training. If due to management demands, such units need to collect more information, the information to be supplemented should be thoroughly studied, concepts of indexes and calculation methods (if any) should be uniform with the concepts and calculation methods (already existed) in the issued system.
Article 5.- Collection of educational statistical data
1. The collection of educational statistical data shall be conducted through statistical forms.
2. When receiving requests from agencies in charge of collecting educational statistical data prescribed in Articles 3 and 4 of this document, units shall have to fully and accurately fill the statistical forms with statistical data and send them to the requesting agencies within the prescribed time-limits.
Article 6.- Responsibilities of the EMI Center
1. The EMI Center shall have to collect, process and synthesize educational statistical data through the periodical statistical form system, as provided for by the General Department of Statistics and the Ministry of Education and Training.
2. In cases where it is necessary to supplement the data sources relating to education and training in order to meet the requirements of branch management and direction, the EMI Center shall assume the prime responsibility or coordinate with concerned agencies in organizing sample surveys or specialized surveys.
3. Every 5 and 10 years, the EMI Center shall work out and publish the Education and Training Statistical Directory in service of the evaluation and reviewing of each development period, as well as the elaboration of development strategies of the branch.
Article 7.- Responsibilities of the Departments and units under the Ministry
The Departments and units under the Ministry shall only collect, process and synthesize specialized or provisional educational statistical data according to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 4 of this document, and have to supply the results on the processing and synthesizing of such data to the EMI Center for management, so as to ensure that the statistical data shall be used uniformly.
Article 8.- Responsibilities of the provincial/municipal Education and Training Services and schools
1. The statistical sections of the provincial/municipal Education and Training Services, universities, institutes, high-education institutions, colleges, vocational secondary schools shall have to collect, process and synthesize educational statistical data according to the periodical statistical form systems and professional guidance of the Ministry of Education and Training; coordinate with the Ministry and other sections in their units in conducting sample and specialized surveys; compile their five-year and ten-year educational statistical directories.
2. The statistical sections of the provincial/municipal Education and Training Services, universities, institutes, high-education institutions, colleges, vocational secondary schools shall bear responsibility before the Ministry of Education and Training for the accuracy of the reported data; and create conditions for the work of annual inspection by the Ministry when requested.
Article 9.- Preservation of educational statistical data
The educational statistical data must be kept and preserved by educational establishments and education administration agencies in strict compliance with the State�s regulations on document preservation.
Article 10.- Announcement of educational statistical data
1. The EMI Center shall be assigned to announce and provide educational statistical data to units inside and outside the branch as prescribed.
2. The Department for Political Activities shall, in coordination with the EMI Center, be the designated unit in charge of providing educational statistical data to mass media.
3. The Department for International Relations shall, in coordination with the EMI Center, be the designated unit in charge of providing educational statistical data to foreign agencies and organizations.
4. The Department of Planning and Finance shall, in coordination with the EMI Center, be the designated unit in charge of providing educational statistical data regarding plans and financial matters to units inside and outside the branch as prescribed.
5. The provincial/municipal Education and Training Services, universities, institutes, high-education institutions, colleges and secondary vocational schools shall have to announce their units� educational statistical data compatible with the data already reported to the Ministry of Education and Training.
Article 11.- Use of educational statistical data
1. Units of the Ministry and the entire branch shall have to use the uniform educational statistical data provided by the EMI Center in their official documents, thus ensuring the uniformity of data sources.
2. Units of the provincial/municipal Education and Training Services, universities, institutes, high-education institutions, colleges and secondary vocational schools shall have to use uniform educational statistical data provided by the statistical sections in their documents, thus ensuring the uniformity of data sources.
Article 12.- Implementation provisions
All violations regarding data statistics shall be handled according to the provisions of the Government�s Decree No. 93/1999/ND-CP of September 7, 1999 on sanctioning administrative violations in the field of statistics and Circular No. 04/1999/TT-TCTK of October 19, 1999 of the General Department of Statistics guiding the implementation of such Decree.
Minister of Education and Training