• Effective: Effective
  • Effective Date: 24/01/2000
Number: 03/2000/CT-TTg
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Ha Noi , January 24, 2000

DIRECTIVE No.03/2000/CT-TTg of January 24, 2000 on intensifying cultural, entertainment and recreational activities for children

For better implementation of the Law on Protection, Care and Education of Children, the Law on Universalization of Primary Education and the National Action Program for Children, with a view to enhancing the moral, intellectual, health and aesthetic education and fostering, the development of personality and the incessant elevation of fine ethical qualities of Vietnamese children, the Prime Minister instructs the ministries and branches to carry out activities within their respective functions and tasks related to the construction of cultural, entertainment, recreational, physical training and sport establishments for children; the diversification of cultural, entertainment and recreational activities for children; the management of cultural products and toys for children; the enhancement of the propaganda, dissemination and education of the legislation on protection, care and education of children; the promotion of physical training and sport movement among youths and juveniles, and training of young sport talents, and programs in service of children on the mass media.

To encourage units of all economic sectors, social organizations and individuals to invest in construction of cultural, entertainment, recreational and physical training and sport establishments for children according to the preferential policies of the Party and State.- (Summary)


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