• Effective: Effective
  • Effective Date: 30/07/2005
Number: 164/2005/QĐ-TTg
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Ha Noi , July 04, 2005


Approving the scheme on "development of distance education in the 2005-2010 period"


Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the December 2, 1998 Education Law;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 43/2000/ND-CP of August 30, 2000, detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Education Law;

At the proposal of the Minister of Education and Training in Report No. 708/QDTX of January 28, 2005, regarding the scheme on development of distance education in the 2005-2010 period,


Article 1.- To approve the scheme on "Development of distance education in the 2005-2010 period" with the following major contents:

1. Objectives:

To develop, and raise the quality of, distance education. To create favorable conditions for people, especially those in areas meeting with socio-economic difficulties, to have access to constant and life-long education, contributing to raising their educational standards, professional qualifications and skills, and their knowledge, and training human resources in service of the national industrialization and modernization.

To widely introduce a number of education programs to meet the society's learning needs by distance education. To expand training linkage between educational establishments at home and those in the world.

To renew teaching and learning methods through the use of information and communication media.

2. Major tasks:

a/ To consolidate and perfect the distance education network on the basis of existing distance education units and constant education units.

To develop distance education in universities and colleges. To strive to achieve at least 20% of students learning by distance education by 2010.

b/ To carry out plans on investment in building material and technical foundations, and preparing equipment and learning materials for distance education establishments:

- To build a system of equipment and learning materials for on-line training;

- To make initial investment in material and technical foundations and equipment for a number of key distance education establishments so that by 2010 they will be strong in research and development of curricula, production of multimedia learning materials, and organization of distance education activities.

c/ To formulate legal documents for management and development of distance education.

d/ To organize training and refresher courses for distance education administrators, employees and teachers.

- To make an overall planning on training of distance education administrators, professional employees and teachers.

- To organize concentrated and on-line training and refresher courses for distance education administrators and teachers in managerial capability and skills, skills of compilation of contents and curricula, and designing of learning materials for distance education, methods of teaching with the aid of audio-visual devices and information technology equipment, and examination and assessment by objective testing methods.

e/ To formulate distance education programs:

- Programs on education and dissemination of knowledge on:

+ Science, technology, economics, culture, and social affairs;

+ Application of sciences and technologies to production and life, especially to agriculture, forestry and fishery;

+ Training for standardization of professional qualifications, regular and periodical training for teachers and educational administrators of all levels;

+ Foreign languages, informatics; and short-term training in information technology;

+ Education universalization programs;

+ Personality education for general education pupils;

+ Review of knowledge for junior-secondary and senior-secondary pupils;

+ Information and "questions-answers on education";

+ Information on good persons and good deeds, self-made and creative young people;

+ Education on law, the environment, healthcare, and prevention and combat of social evils for communities.

- Standard training programs for grant of diplomas or certificates in a number of domains as required by the society.

e/ To perfect a mechanism for and conduct the inspection, examination and assessment of training results, especially those of distance education programs, for grant of diplomas or certificates.

3. Solutions:

a/ To perfect the functions and tasks of existing distance education establishments, especially the Hanoi Open University and the Semi-Public Open University of Ho Chi Minh City, for concentrated investment in, and raising of the capability of distance education.

To reorganize those establishments that fail to strictly abide by distance education objectives, functions or tasks.

b/ To direct and organize the close and diversified coordination among schools, scientific and technological institutions and scientists for research and designing of learning materials to be widely used at schools.

c/ To widely apply distance education to constant education programs.

d/ To disseminate information for raising the social awareness of distance education.

To publicize the characteristics, benefits and efficiency of distance education on the mass media for all the people and organizations to understand and voluntarily participate in distance education activities.

e/ To step up international cooperation in distance education.

- To expand international cooperation in distance education for learning experience, research and application of new technologies that are suitable to Vietnam's conditions, attract foreign investment in distance education establishments.

- To encourage domestic and foreign organizations and individuals, international organizations, and investors to provide financial supports and make contributions in terms of experience on the production of learning materials, staff training, and application of advanced technologies to the distance education system in Vietnam.

4. Funds:

- State budget allocations to each specific project, approved by competent authorities.

- Other lawful revenue sources.

Article 2.- Organization and direction of implementation

1. The Ministry of Education and Training shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Post and Telematics, the Radio Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam Television Station, and concerned agencies in, formulating specific plans and projects; guiding, examining, inspecting, and summing up the implementation of the scheme and periodically report thereon to the Prime Minister.

2. The Ministry of Post and Telematics, the Radio Voice of Vietnam and Vietnam Television Station shall take initiative in planning, directing and organizing the efficient transmission of education contents to learners.

3. The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Education and Training in, making budget estimates and planning the budget allocation for implementation of this scheme.

Article 3.- This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in "CONG BAO."

Article 4.- Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of Government-attached agencies, and presidents of provincial/municipal People's Committees shall have to implement this Decision.

For the Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister

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Pham Gia Khiem

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