• Effect: Expired
  • Effective Date: 12/04/1997
  • Expiry Date: 05/11/2001
Guiding the implementation of Decision No.35-TTg of January 13, 1997 of the Prime Minister on the ratification of program for establishing centers of mountainous and highland commune clusters.
Official Number 173/UB-TH Issued Date 28/03/1997
Legislation Type Circular Effective Date 12/04/1997
Effective area
  • The whole country
Enforced Date
Source Official Gazette; Gazette date 15/05/1997
Issuing body/ Office/ Signer The Committee for Ethnic Minorities and Mountainous Areas bo truong chu nhiem hoang duc nghi
Effect Status: Expired
The reason for this expiration Expiry Date 05/11/2001
The reason for this expiration part
The Altered part
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