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Number: 73/2000/TTLT/BTCCBCP-BTC
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Ha Noi ,day 28 month 12 year 2000

Joint-Circular No. 73/2000/TTLT-BTCCBCP-BTC of December 28, 2000 guiding the application of the policy on streamlining of administrative agencies and public-service units

The staff streamline policy shall be applied to officials and public servants enjoying salaries from State budget and paying social insurance premiums, who are subject to staff streamline. To reduce by around 15% of the payroll in administrative agencies and the non-production staff in public-service units as compared to the payroll assigned in 1999 by the competent body, but this must be equal to or bigger than the streamlined payroll already approved by the Prime Minister in the reorganization and streamline project of each ministry, branch and locality.

Subject to staff streamline shall be:

- Persons who, due to redetermination of functions and tasks or reduction of organizational units, have not been arranged to new positions and jobs and are subject to the streamline by their agencies;

- Persons who, due to their weak leading and managerial capability, poor professional qualifications, poor sense of responsibility, organization and discipline, frequently have failed to ensure the quality and time prescribed for the assigned jobs in 2 recent years;

- Persons who, in 2 recent years, have left their work for 60 days or more each year;

- Persons who do service work in administrative agencies and public-service units, including those transferred to work according to the contractual regime under the provisions in the Government’s Decree No. 68/2000/ND-CP of November 17, 2000 on the application of the contractual regime to a number of jobs in State administrative agencies and public-service units;

- Persons who are working in administrative agencies and public-service units, transferred by the competent authorities to work in organizations which do not use payroll and wage funds from State budget, and persons subject to the streamline but applying for the transfer to organizations which do not use payroll and State budget funds.

Policies, bases and methods for calculation of entitlements for officials and public servants subject to staff streamline shall comply only with this Circular’s guidance, with the provisions on policies, bases and methods prescribed in other documents.- (Summary)

The Government Commission for Organization and Personnel

The Ministry of Finance

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Do Quang Trung

Nguyen Sinh Hung