• Effective: Effective
  • Effective Date: 28/04/1998
Number: 02/1998/TT-BVGCP
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Ha Noi , April 13, 1998

CIRCULAR No.2/1998/TT/BVGCP of April 13, 1998 guiding the implementation of Decree No.101-CP of September 23, 1997 of the Government detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on the Promulgation of Legal Documents.

The legal documents issued by the Government Pricing Committee include:

- Inter-disciplinary circulars issued jointly by the Government Pricing Committee and the concerned branches to guide the implementation of the Government's resolutions and decrees, and the Prime Minister's decisions and directives concerning the State management over the pricing.

- Inter-disciplinary resolutions and circulars issued jointly by the Government Pricing Committee and the central bodies of the socio-political organizations to guide the pricing matters when the law stipulates that such socio-political organizations take part in the State management over the pricing.

- Decisions of the Director of the Government Pricing Committee on the organization and operation of its attached units; on the mechanism and measures to perform the State management over the pricing; decisions on prices to be applicable to various objects for a long period of time (for example: electricity prices, land prices, ...); and decisions on other issues as assigned by the Government.

- Directives of the Director of the Government Pricing Committee on the measures to direct, urge, coordinate and inspect the agencies and units in the branch in implementing legal documents of the State agencies of the higher levels and the Director of the Government Pricing Committee.

- Circulars of the Government Pricing Committee to guide the implementation of legal documents of State agencies of the higher levels.- (Summary)

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Nguyen Ngoc Tuan

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