- Effective:
- Effective Date:
DECISION NoDECISION No. 48/1999/QD-BVHTT of July 19, 1999 issuing the Regulation on working regime of the Ministry of Culture and Information
The Regulation on the working regime of the Ministry of Culture and Information, issued together with this Decision, comprises three (3) chapters with 32 articles.
The Regulation stipulates: The Minister is the head who leads the Ministry. He/she shall have to take responsibility before the Prime Minister and the National Assembly for the State management over cultural and information activities nationwide as well as for the performance of tasks by officials and employees under his/her management as prescribed by law.
The Regulation specifies the handling of the Ministry’s affairs (competence to handle matters, competence to sign documents); the implementation of specific tasks (elaboration of working plans; preparation of projects or documents for submission to the Minister and/or Vice Minister(s); organization of meetings; inspecting, checking and settling complaints and/or denunciations, guests reception and working-trip regime).- (Summary)
Minister |
(Signed) |
Nguyen Khoa Diem |