Pursuant to the Government?s Decree No. 22/CP of May 22, 1993 on the tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (now the Ministry of Science and Technology);
Pursuant to the December 24, 1999 Goods Quality Ordinance;
At the proposal of the General Director of Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control,
Article 1.- To promulgate the following 20 Vietnamese standards:
1. TCVN 6910-5: 2002 (ISO 5725-5: 1998) Precision (correctness and concentration) of the measuring methods and results
Part 5: Other methods of determining the concentration of standard measuring methods
2. TCVN 6910-6: 2002 (ISO 5725-6: 1994) Precision (correctness and concentration) of the measuring methods and results
Part 6: Use of precision values in practice
3. TCVN 2703: 2002 (ASTM D 2699-99) Determination of octane rating researched for fuels of ignition engines (First revision - replacing TCVN 2703-78)
4. TCVN 7143 : 2002 (ASTM D 3237-97) Petrol - Method of determining lead content by atomic absorption spectrum
5. TCVN 7036 : 2002 Black pepper (Piper nigrum L) - Technical regulations
6. TCVN 7037 : 2002 White pepper (Piper nigrum L) - Technical regulations
7. TCVN 7038 : 2002 (ISO 928 : 1997) Seasonings- Determination of total ash
8. TCVN 7039 : 2002 (ISO 6571 : 1984) Seasonings and herbs pices - Determination of content of volatile oils
9. TCVN 7040 : 2002 (ISO 939 : 1980) Seasonings - Determination of moisture - Method of attractive distilling
10. TCVN 5484 : 2002 (ISO 930: 1997) Seasonings- Determination of ash insoluble in acids (First revision - replacing TCVN 5484-1991)
11. TCVN 5486 : 2002 (ISO 1108 : 1992) Seasonings- Determination of non- volatile ether extracts (First revision - replacing TCVN 5486 -1991)
12. TCVN 6997 : 2002 Mine conveyor axis - Adjustment and expertise
13. TCVN 7108 : 2002 Powder milk for infants aged up to 12 months Technical regulations
14. TCVN 7028 : 2002 Pasteurized milk -Technical regulations
15. TCVN 7029 : 2002 Reconstituted pasteurized milk- Technical regulations
16. TCVN 7030 : 2002 Yogurt - Technical regulations
17. TCVN 5538 : 2002 Powder milk - Technical regulations (First revision - replacing TCVN 5538 -1991)
18. TCVN 5539 : 2002 Condensed sugar milk - Technical regulations (First revision - replacing TCVN 5539 - 1991)
19. TCVN 7054 : 2002 Commercial gold -Technical regulations
20. TCVN 7055 : 2002 Gold and gold alloys - X ray fluorescent method of determining gold content
Article 2.- This Decision takes effect 15 days after its signing.
For the Minister of Science and Technology
Vice Minister