DECISION NoDECISION No. 76/2003/QD-BTC of May 28, 2003 promulgating the Regulation on management and use of funds in support of State enterprise reorganization and equitization
The support funds for State enterprise reorganization and equitization shall be set up to support the realization of policies towards laborers and provide financial support for State enterprises in the course of reorganization and ownership transformation.
The support funds for State enterprise reorganization and equitization shall be set up at the central level, in provincial/municipal People’s Committees and State Corporations.
The central enterprise reorganization support fund shall include the following sources:
- Proceeds from the activities of reorganizing and ownership-transforming all dependent enterprises and units affiliated to independent State enterprises of ministries, ministerial-level agencies and agencies attached to the Government.
- Donations from domestic as well as foreign organizations and individuals for the Government, ministries and branches to carry out the reorganization and equitization of State enterprises.
- Allocations from the central budget according to annual plans (if any).
The local enterprise reorganization support funds shall include the following sources:
- Proceeds from the activities of reorganizing and ownership-transforming all dependent enterprises and units affiliated to independent State enterprises of the provinces and centrally-run cities.
- Donations from domestic as well as foreign organizations and individuals for the localities to carry out the reorganization and equitization of State enterprises.
- Allocations from the local budgets according to annual plans (if any).
The enterprise reorganization support funds at State Corporations shall include the following sources:
- Proceeds from the activities of reorganizing and ownership-transforming all member enterprises or dependent units of the member enterprises of State Corporations.
- Donations from domestic as well as foreign organizations and individuals for Corporations to carry out the reorganization and equitization of State enterprises.- (Summary)