Article 1.- This Regulation prescribes the organization and operation of Hanoi National University and Ho Chi Minh City National University (hereinafter collectively called the National Universities).
Article 2.- The organization and operation of the National Universities must ensure the following requirements:
1. Having a multi-branch and multi-domain structure and a rational size, focusing on training in scientific and technological branches and a number of spearhead socio-economic domains;
2. Having advanced programs, textbooks and teaching methods;
3. Having a strong and comprehensive contingent of scientific workers;
4. Closely combining training with scientific research, development and application, natural sciences with social sciences and humanities, science with technology in order to train high-quality human resources and foster scientific and technological talents;
5. Enjoying high autonomy in training, scientific-technological research, financial, international relation activities and in their organizational apparatuses.
Article 3.- The National Universities shall receive priority investment from the State in their personnel, finance, material bases, equipment and facilities in order to raise the quality and effectiveness of their training, scientific and technological research, development and application, so that they can step by step develop to such extent on a par with prestigious universities in the region and the world.
Article 4.- The National Universities shall be subject to the State management by the Ministry of Education and Training, by other ministries and branches and the People�s Committees of the localities where they are based, within the scope of the latter�s respective functions as defined by the Government and in accordance with law.
Article 5.- The Communist Party of Vietnam and social and mass organizations in the National Universities shall operate in accordance with Articles 51 and 52 of the Education Law.
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Article 6.- The National Universities shall be centers for multi-branch, multi-domain, high-quality and advanced tertiary and postgraduate training and scientific and technological research, acting as the core of the tertiary educational system and meeting the socio-economic development demands.
Article 7.- Each National University shall have the legal person status, a seal bearing the national emblem, and own accounts.
Article 8.- The organizational structure of each National University shall be composed of the following units:
1. Member universities (hereinafter called universities for short);
2. Scientific and technological research institutes (hereinafter called research institutes for short);
3. The National University�s office and several functional divisions organized on the principle of quality, compactness and effectiveness.
4. Attached departments and scientific and technological research centers;
5. Attached units in service of training, scientific research, development and application, such as central laboratories, scientific museums, information and library system, printing houses, network of students� dormitories�
6. Publishing houses, scientific reviews.
Article 9.- Each National University shall have one director and several deputy directors.
1. The National University directors shall act as the legal person representatives of their National Universities in their relations with organizations and individuals inside and outside the country; take responsibility for all activities of their National University. The National University directors shall be appointed and dismissed by the Prime Minister at the proposal of the Minister-Chairman of the Government Commission for Organization and Personnel after consulting with the Minister of Education and Training. The directors shall hold office for a five-year term but not for more than two consecutive terms.
2. Deputy directors shall assist the directors in taking charge of work domains assigned by the latter. They shall not work concurrently as university principals. The Prime Minister shall appoint and dismiss deputy directors at the proposals of the National University directors. The deputy directors� office term shall coincide with the director�s term.
Article 10.- Regarding organization and personnel, the National University directors shall have the following powers and responsibilities:
1. To submit to the Prime Minister for decision the following tasks after consulting with the Ministry of Education and Training and concerned ministries and branches:
a/ The strategy, planning, five-year and annual plans on the development of their National Universities.
b/ Schemes on establishment, dissolution, merger or splitting of universities and research institutes in their National Universities.
2. To decide on the establishment, dissolution, merger or splitting of units mentioned in Clauses 3 and 5 of Article 8. To decide on the establishment, dissolution, merger or splitting of units mentioned in Clause 4 of Article 8 and Clause 2 of Article 13 on the basis of the resolutions of the National University Councils; to define the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structures of units mentioned in Clauses 3, 4, 5 and 6, Article 8, and Clause 2, Article 13 of this Regulation;
3. To appoint and dismiss vice-principals of universities at the proposals of the principals; deputy directors of research institutes at the proposals of the directors; appoint and dismiss heads and deputy-heads of units mentioned in Clauses 3, 4, 5 and 6, Article 8 of this Regulation;
4. To approve the Regulations on organization and operation of universities and research institutes of their National Universities, which are compliant with this Regulation;
5. To submit to State management bodies for approval schemes on the establishment of organizations mentioned in Clause 6, Article 8 of this Regulation.
Article 11.- Universities belonging to the National Universities shall be tertiary and postgraduate training establishments having the function of providing training and conducting scientific and technological research, development and application in one or many related scientific and technological branches.
Each university shall be an organization having the legal person status, its own seal and accounts.
Article 12.- Research institutes belonging to the National Universities shall have the function of conducting scientific and technological research, development and application; providing master�s and doctoral training according to the State�s regulations.
Each research institute shall be an organization having the legal person status, its own seal and accounts.
Article 13.- Universities and research institutes belonging to the National Universities shall each have the following units:
1. Functional sections to assist the principal or director;
2. Departments attached to the university, topical research sections attached to the research institute;
3. Laboratories, research centers, libraries, documentation rooms, botanical gardens, animal enclosures, practice workshops�;
4. Basing themselves on the demands and tasks in service of pedagogic research and experimentation, of fostering gifted students as well as creating high-quality training sources for the National Universities, the universities may open general practice schools and specialized schools according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.
Article 14.- Each university shall have one principal and several vice-principals. The university principals shall take responsibility for all activities of their universities, act as legal representatives of the universities in their relations with organizations and individuals inside and outside the country.
Each research institute shall have one director and several deputy-directors. The directors shall take responsibility for all activities of their institutes, act as legal representatives of the institutes in their relations with organizations and individuals inside and outside the country.
The Minister of Education and Training shall decide on appointment of university principals and research institute directors at the proposals of the National University directors.
The competence to appoint or dismiss vice-principals of universities or deputy directors of research institutes shall comply with the provisions in Clause 3, Article 10 of this Regulation.
University principals and institute directors shall hold office for a five-year term but not for more than two consecutive terms. The office term of vice- principals of universities or deputy directors of research institutes shall coincide with the university principals� or institute directors� term.
Article 15.- The university principals and institute directors shall decide on the establishment and dissolution of units mentioned in Clauses 1 and 3, Article 13 of this Regulation.
The university principals shall decide on the training structure and organization, academic (study subjects) units of departments; the institute directors shall decide on the scientific research structure and organization of specialized laboratories.
The university principals and institute directors shall appoint and dismiss heads and deputy heads of units attached to their universities or institutes.
Article 16.- The National University Councils
1. The National University Councils shall collectively resolve the following matters:
- Development strategy, planning and plans;
- Schemes on establishment, dissolution, merger and splitting of organizations mentioned in Clauses 1, 2, 4 and 6 of Article 8 and Clause 2 of Article 13;
- Regulations and rules mentioned in Clause 4 of Article 19, Clause 2 of Article 21, and Clause 1 of Article 28 of this Regulation.
2. A National University Council shall include the natural members being the director, the Party Committee secretary and deputy directors of the National University, principals of universities and directors of research institutes of the National University.
Other members shall be capable and prestigious scientists, educators and education administrators inside and outside the National University and elected by the natural members of the Council. The number of these members shall account for no more than 30% of the total number of the Council�s members.
3. The director of a National University shall act as chairman of the National University Council, who shall promulgate the Council�s operation regulation, issue decisions to appoint the Council�s secretary and members. The National University�s office shall assist the National University Council in its work. The National University Council may use the seal of the National University. The office term of the National University Council shall coincide with the director�s office term.
4. A meeting of the National University Council shall be valid when it is attended by at least two thirds of the Council�s members. Resolutions of the National University Council shall be legally valid only when they are unanimously approved by more than half of the total number of its members or by half including the Council�s chairman.
The National University directors shall have to implement resolutions of the National University Councils regarding the contents specified in Clause 1 of this Article.
Article 17.- The Science and Training Councils
The Science and Training Council of each National University shall act as the body advising the director on training and scientific research activities, and shall be set up by the National University director.
1. Members of the Science and Training Council of each National University shall include:
- The National University director;
- Several deputy directors and several heads of functional departments;
- Principals of the universities and deans of the departments attached to the National University;
- Directors of the research institutes and directors of several research centers attached to the National University.
- Several lecturers and scientists inside and outside the National University.
2. The National University director shall issue decisions to appoint the chairman, vice-chairmen, secretary and members of the science and training Council.
3. The office term of the Science and Training Council shall coincide with the director�s office term. Its operation regulation shall be promulgated by the National University director.
Article 18.- Each university or research institute shall have a Science and Training Council. The office term of such Council shall coincide with the office term of the university principal or institute director.
The Science and Training Councils are tasked to advise the university principals or institute directors on training and scientific research matters.
The university principals and institute directors shall decide on the composition and promulgate the regulations on operation of the Science and Training Councils, which are compliant with the universities� and research institutes� organization and operation regulations already approved by the National University directors.
The university principals and institute directors shall act as chairmen of the Science and Training Councils and issue decisions to appoint vice-chairmen, secretaries and members thereof.
Article 19.- On the basis of the State�s standard titles, the National Universities may arrange their officials and employees according to public employees� ranks.
1. Annually, the National Universities shall have to elaborate plans on, defend and receive the payroll quotas as well as the salary funds from the Government Commission for Organization and Personnel and report them to the Ministry of Education and Training (for their attached universities and departments) and to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (for their attached research institutes and centers).
2. The National Universities may organize examinations for recruitment of public employees, examinations for promotion to the experts� or equivalent rank, examinations for promotion to the rank of principal lecturer, principal expert or principal researcher for their public employees according to law provisions. The National University directors shall issue decisions to appoint or dismiss lecturer, researcher, expert and equivalent titles; to appoint or dismiss principal lecturer, principal researcher, principal expert and equivalent titles.
3. The university principals and research institute directors shall be responsible for arranging jobs for and managing lecturers, researchers and administrators and service staffs in their respective units.
4. Basing themselves on the resolutions of the National University Councils, the National University directors shall promulgate regulations on the use and appointment of lecturers and researchers at their attached universities, research institutes, departments and research centers.
Article 20.- Interests and obligations of public employees of the National Universities
Apart from the interests and obligations prescribed in the Ordinance on Public Employees, the public employees of the National Universities shall also have the following interests and obligations:
1. They may contribute opinions on the settlement of important matters of the National Universities and relevant issues as prescribed in the Government�s Decree No. 71/1998/ND-CP of September 8, 1998 issuing the Regulation on exercise of democracy in activities of agencies, may have access to training, scientific and technological research and public services of the National Universities.
2. Lecturers and researchers of the National Universities shall be provided with organizational conditions as well as material and technical bases for their professional activities; may opt for methods and means suited to their capabilities so as to ensure high quality in their training and scientific research work; may participate in scientific research programs and projects; be provided with conditions to raise their professional qualifications and obtain new knowledge by their National Universities.
3. Public employees of the National Universities shall have the obligation to abide by the provisions of this Regulation as well as decisions of the management offices of various levels in the National Universities.
Article 21.- The contingent of lecturers and researchers of the National Universities shall embrace those who are on the payroll and those who are invited from agencies outside the National Universities.
1. The National University directors, the university principals and the research institute directors may invite excellent professors, scientists and specialists inside and outside the country to participate in lecturing and conducting scientific research in the National Universities; send their employees to work, teach, study or cooperate on research activities inside and outside the country in accordance with law provisions.
2. Basing themselves on the resolutions of the National University Councils, the National University directors shall promulgate regulations on application of special allowance regime to their exceptionally excellent lecturers and researchers.
Article 22.- Regarding the appointment of the titles of professor, associate professor and the consideration and award of honorary titles to those who have made great contributions to the development cause of the National Universities, the National University directors shall have to:
1. Submit to the State Council of Academic Titles for consideration the appointment of titles of professor and associate professor to public employees of the National Universities.
2. To submit to the concerned ministries and functional agencies for consideration the award of honorary titles for those who have made great contributions to the development cause of the National Universities.
Article 23.- On the emulation, commendation and conferment of the titles of People�s Teacher and Emeritus Teacher
The National Universities may work directly with the State Institute for Emulation and Commendation in proposing to the State to consider the commendation of collectives and individual public employees of the National Universities; with the Central Council for Conferment of the Titles of People�s Teacher and Emeritus Teacher in considering and conferring the teacher titles to public employees of the National Universities.
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Article 24.- The teaching language in the National Universities is the Vietnamese language. In programs of cooperation with foreign countries, programs of training in foreign languages and cultures or in a number of other study branches, the National University directors may decide to permit the teaching in a foreign language.
Article 25.- Regarding the training branches
1. The National Universities may open branches and provide training according to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam�s list of training branches (called the State training list for short) at the tertiary, master�s and doctoral levels once they meet all the requirements prescribed in Clauses 1 and 2, Article 2 of this Regulation as well as the conditions set by the Ministry of Education and Training, report them to the Ministry of Education and Training for monitoring and synthetization; register with the Ministry of Education and Training the trial opening of new training branches or the change in or rearrangement of existing training branches; and, at the expiry of the trial time, report and propose to the Ministry of Education and Training to make assessment of such new branches and officially incorporate them in the State training list.
2. The universities, research institutes, departments and centers attached to the National Universities may provide training according to the scientific, technological and professional fostering programs.
3. The organization of compilation, approval, printing and distribution of textbooks of the National Universities shall comply with the provisions in Clause 2, Article 7 of the Government�s Decree No. 43/20003/ND-CP of August 30, 2000 specifying and guiding a number of articles of the Education Law.
Article 26.- On programs and course books
1. Basing themselves on the framework program of the Ministry of Education and Training, the National Universities shall lay down basic principles to ensure the inter-relations among study branches and training degrees within each National University.
2. Basing themselves on the framework program of the Ministry of Education and Training and the regulations of the National Universities, the university principals shall organize the formulation of, evaluate and promulgate the educational programs of their universities according to the provisions in Clause 3, Article 8 of the Government�s Decree No. 43/20003/ND-CP of August 30, 2000 specifying and guiding a number of articles of the Education Law.
3. The university principals shall organize the compilation and approval of specialized course books of the training branches of their universities on the basis of the evaluation of the Course Book Councils set up by themselves.
4. The National Universities shall organize the compilation and promulgation of common course books in the National Universities after they have been evaluated according to the provisions in Clause 2, Article 8 of the Government�s Decree No. 43/2000/ND-CP of August 30, 2000 specifying and guiding a number of articles of the Education Law.
Article 27.- On enrolment.
1. The National Universities shall make annual enrolment plans for their attached universities and departments, report them to the Ministry of Education and Training and the Ministry of Planning and Investment and receive enrolment quotas according to the Government�s regulations.
2. Basing themselves on the general regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training applicable to tertiary and postgraduate training establishments, the National University directors shall formulate and promulgate their own regulations and procedures for selection and recruitment of pupils, students, masters� students and doctoral students according to the assigned enrolment quotas.
3. The National University directors shall direct the enrolment work of the universities and departments attached to their National Universities.
Article 28.- On organization of training
1. Basing themselves on the general regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, the National University directors shall promulgate regulations on study, training process, training organization, tests, examinations, graduation recognition,� (hereinafter called the Training Regulation), tertiary, master�s and doctoral levels for their National Universities, ensuring inter-relations and integration in training and scientific research among the training establishments and research institutes of the National Universities.
2. The university principals shall specify the implementation of the Training Regulations of the National Universities, organize and manage the entire training process as follows:
a/ Keeping files on and directly managing students, master�s students and doctoral students of the universities;
b/ Organizing the elaboration and evaluation of training plans and timetables for each year and each course;
c/ Deciding on the form of examination and organize examinations for study credits;
d/ Keeping study results of students, master�s students and doctoral students;
e/ Considering and deciding on cases of change from one university to another, study continuation, study discontinuation, absence from school for a definite time, expulsion from study and reservation of enrolment results;
f/ Considering and proposing students to study abroad according to the assigned quotas and self-financing regime;
g/ Commending or disciplining students.
3. The university principals shall approve and issue training plans of their universities and report them to the National University directors.
4. The setting up of boards to mark doctoral theses, master�s dissertations, bachelor�s graduation papers, engineer�s papers at the universities; to mark doctoral theses at the research institutes shall comply with the Training Regulation mentioned in Clause 1 of this Regulation.
Article 29.- On diplomas and certificates
1. The competence to issue diplomas is prescribed as follows:
a/ The National University directors shall issue:
- Doctoral diplomas, under the authorization of the Minister of Education and Training;
- Honorary doctoral diplomas or honorary professor titles to scientists, educators and social activists inside and outside the country according to the Government�s regulations;
- Master�s diplomas to those who have been trained in pilot and inter-disciplinary training branches and those who have been trained at the departments attached to the National Universities;
- University graduation diplomas to those who have been trained at the departments attached to the National Universities.
b/ The university principals shall issue master�s diplomas, university graduation diplomas and certificates to those who have been trained at the universities.
2. The National Universities shall be entitled to print different types of diploma and certificate in separate forms compatible with the State�s system of diplomas and certificates.
Article 30.- On pupils and students
1. Any Vietnamese and foreign people who meet all conditions as prescribed by the State may study and conduct research at the National Universities.
2. The National Universities shall formulate their Regulations on the Pupils� and Students� Work, which are compliant with their Training Regulations.
3. Pupils, students, master�s students and doctoral students of the National Universities shall have to fulfill their obligations and have their priority interests ensured in their study, scientific research and daily life so as to bring into the fullest play their talents and intellect.
4. The National Universities may formulate and apply their own study regimes, grant scholarships, award prizes to and create priority conditions in study and scientific research for excellent students, master�s students and doctoral students.
5. The National Universities shall be entitled to admit students and master�s students from other training establishments. Students and master�s students who are studying at the National Universities may change to study at other training establishments according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.
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Article 31.- The National Universities shall conduct scientific research and technological development, combine training with scientific research, production and provision of scientific and technological services in accordance with the Science and Technology Law and the Education Law, participate in research to solve questions posed by our country�s socio-economic requirements, participate in advising the central and local State management authorities on policies and measures to implement such policies.
The National Universities, research institutes and universities shall be entitled to cooperate on scientific research with institutes and universities inside and outside the country and with international organizations.
Article 32.- Mode of performing scientific and technological tasks
Scientific and technological tasks of the National Universities, of their attached institutes and universities, which are funded with the State budget or financed with the scientific and technological development funds, shall be organized in the forms of program, scheme or project and in other forms, and implemented by the mode of direct selection or assignment in accordance with the Government�s regulations and the provisions of the Science and Technology Law.
Article 33.- On formulation of scientific and technological research plans
1. The National University directors shall organize the formulation of strategic orientations, annual, mid-term and long-term plans for scientific and technological activities of their National Universities. The National Universities shall directly register with and defend their annual and long-term scientific and technological plans before the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment.
The National University directors shall base themselves on the State�s scientific and technological objectives and their assigned plans and the scientific and technological plans to identify their scientific and technological tasks.
2. The research institute directors and the university principals shall organize the formulation of strategic orientations, annual, mid-term and long-term plans for scientific and technological activities of their units, report them to the National University directors for incorporation into the general activity plans.
The research institute directors and the university principals shall identify scientific and technological tasks of their institutes and universities.
Article 34.- Organization and management of scientific and technological research
1. The National University directors shall direct the implementation of scientific research projects, trial production projects, international cooperation projects and State-level development projects according to the State�s regulations.
2. The National University directors shall examine, manage and test before acceptance, the research institute directors and the university principals shall participate in managing and organizing the implementation of scientific research projects, trial production and experimental projects, international cooperation projects and National University-level development projects.
3. The National University directors shall personally organize the implementation of State-level scientific and technological programs, State-level projects, multi-domain and large-scale National University-level projects.
4. The research institute directors and the university principals shall examine, manage and test before acceptance institute- or university-level scientific research projects, trial production and experimental projects, international cooperation projects and development projects.
5. The universities shall organize and manage scientific research activities of their students.
Article 35.- On scientific information, equipment and facilities
1. The National Universities shall build general systems of information and libraries, organize and manage the supply of scientific and technological information sources, guide the exercise of intellectual property rights at their attached universities, research institutes and units.
2. The research institutes and universities shall organize, manage and supply their own scientific and technological information sources, participate in the general information and library systems of the National Universities, exercise intellectual property rights at their units.
3. The National Universities shall formulate and manage projects to enhance equipment and facilities for training, scientific and technological activities on the National University scale, manage and coordinate activities of their common central libraries and key national libraries based in the National Universities.
4. The research institutes and universities shall formulate and manage target programs and projects to enhance equipment and facilities for their training, scientific and technological activities, participate in formulating and managing projects to enhance equipment and facilities, central libraries or key national libraries.
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Article 36.- The National Universities shall act as coordinating units and be assigned annual plan quotas.
The estimation, allocation and manage of the budgets of the National Universities shall comply with law provisions.
Article 37.- Financial sources supplied to the National Universities shall include:
1. The State budget (including also foreign aids and loans).
2. Fees collected from learners according to the Government�s regulations.
3. Revenues from scientific research, technology transfer, trial production activities and services.
4. Contributions from organizations and individuals.
5. Other lawful financial sources as prescribed by law.
Article 38.- The universities, research institutes and units attached to the National Universities shall enjoy financial autonomy and perform financial management according to law provisions.
Article 39.- The National University directors shall manage, guide and examine cost-drafting units attached to their National Universities so that they can use financial sources according to law provisions.
Article 40.- On material bases
The National Universities shall formulate general plannings on development of their material and technical bases; build up and manage technical and material bases for common use in training and scientific research; direct their attached units to build up, manage and administer their technical and material bases in service of training and scientific research on the basis of the assignment of management responsibility by the National Universities.
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Article 41.- On inspection and supervision
1. The Ministry of Education and Training and other ministries and branches shall, within the scope of their assigned functions and competence, have to inspect and supervise the National Universities in their implementation of this Regulation and their observance of other relevant legal documents on activities of the National Universities.
2. The National Universities shall conduct internal inspection and supervision of the complaint and denunciation settlement; of the implementation of regulations on and procedures for organization of education and training activities; of the diploma and certificate management and issuance.
The National Universities shall inspect and supervise their attached units in the implementation of this Regulation.
Article 42.- Commendation and disciplining
1. Commendation
Collectives, individual public employees, pupils, students and graduate students of the National Universities, who have made outstanding achievements in training activities; scientific and technological research activities and study or have made contributions to the education cause, shall be commended and rewarded according to the State�s regulations.
2. Disciplining
Public employees, pupils, students and graduate students of the National Universities, who commit acts of violating this Regulation shall, depending on the nature and seriousness of their violations, be disciplined, administratively sanctioned or examined for penal liability according to law provisions.
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Article 43.- The National Universities may directly work with the ministries, the ministerial-level agencies, the agencies attached to the Government and the People�s Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities in settling matters related to the National Universities.
When necessary, the National University director may report to the Prime Minister on matters related to the operation and development of their National Universities.
Article 44.- The National University directors, the principals of the universities and the directors of research institutes under the National Universities shall be entitled to sign cooperation documents with foreign universities, research and training organizations in accordance with law provisions.
The National Universities may directly work with competent State management bodies to carry out entry or exit procedures for their officials, lecturers, employees and students as well as foreign guests invited by the National Universities.
The National University directors shall direct their National Universities� international relation activities according to the State�s regulations; annually or when necessary report on the international relation activities of their National Universities to the Ministry of Education and Training and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
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Article 45.- This Regulation takes effect 15 days after its signing. The Regulation on organization and operation of Hanoi National University, issued together with the Prime Minister�s Decision No. 477/TTg of September 5, 1994 and Regulation on organization and operation of Ho Chi Minh City National University, issued together with the Prime Minister�s Decision No. 185/TTg of March 28, 1997, and other regulations on organization and operation of the National Universities, which are contrary to this Regulation, are hereby annulled.
Basing themselves on this Regulation, the director of Hanoi National University and the director of Ho Chi Minh City National University shall specify the organization and operation of their respective National Universities and the assignment of management responsibility between the National Universities and their member universities, research institutes and other attached units.
The Regulation may, in the course of its implementation, be re-considered and amended to suit the reality.
Article 46.- The director of Hanoi National University and the director of Ho Chi Minh City National University, the ministers, the heads of the ministerial-level agencies, the heads of the agencies attached to the Government and the presidents of the People�s Committee of the provinces and centrally-run cities shall have to implement this Regulation.
Prime Minister