- Effective:
- Effective Date:
- Expiry Date:
ORDINANCE NoOrdinance No. 08/1998/PL-UBTVQH10 of December 1st, 1998 of the Xth National Assembly Standing Committee amending Article 21 of the August 29, 1994 Ordinance on the preferential treatment of revolutionaries, fallen heroes and their families, war invalids, sick soldiers, resistance war activists and people with meritorious services to the revolution
"Article 21.-
The resistance war activists, who have reached the age of 60 for men and 55 for women, are entitled to the monthly allowance or lump-sum allowance, which is calculated according to the length of their participation in the resistance wars as provided for by the Government.
In particular cases, resistance war activists who have not reached the age of 60 for men and 55 for women shall also be entitled to a lump-sum allowance calculated according to the length of their participation in the resistance wars as provided for by the Government.
When a resistance war activist, who is enjoying the monthly allowance, but not wage, pension nor long-term working acity loss allowance, dies, the organizer of his/her funeral shall be provided with money to cover the funeral and burial costs."- (Summary)
Chủ tịch |
(Signed) |
Nong Duc Manh |