Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government of December 25, 2001;
Pursuant to Directive No. 36-CT/TW of March 24, 1994 of the Party Central Committee�s Secretariat (the VIIth Congress) on the work of physical training and sports in the new period; Directive No. 133-TTg of March 7, 1995 of the Prime Minister on the formulation of the planning on development of the physical training and sport sector;
Pursuant to the Prime Minister�s Directive No. 32/1998/CT-TTg of September 23, 1998 on the overall planning of socio-economic development till 2010;
At the proposals of the Minister of Planning and Investment (Report No. 2449/BKH-VPTD of April 21, 1999 and Official Dispatch No. 6289-BKH/VPTD of September 18, 2001) and the Minister-Chairman of the Commission for Physical Training and Sport (Report No. 168/UBTDTT of June 15, 2001 and Official Dispatch of March 7, 2002) applying for the approval of the planning on the development of the physical training and sport sector till 2010,
Article 1.- To approve the planning on the development of the physical training and sport sector till 2010 with the following major contents:
1. Viewpoints:
a) Physical training and sports constitute an important part in the national cause of socio-economic development, aiming to foster and bring into play the human factor; contribute to raising physical strength, educating in personality, morality and healthy lifestyle, enriching the cultural life and bringing into play the national spirit of the Vietnamese people in active service of the 2001-2010 ten-year strategy for socio-economic development.
b) To build developed and advanced physical training and sports of national, scientific and popular character. To preserve and bring into play the national identity and traditions, and at the same time, promptly apprehend the modern scientific achievements.
To widely develop mass physical training and sports, national sports and physical training and sport activities universal to people of all ages, thus creating mass movement for physical training and sports under the motto "Keep fit to construct and protect the Fatherland".
To concentrate efforts on developing key sports suitable to the Vietnamese�s physical characteristics and constitution so as to quickly raise the sport achievements. To step by step build up a contingent of professional sport athletes.
c) To step up the socialization of physical training and sport activities under the uniform management of the State.
d) To expand international exchange and cooperation in the cause of physical training and sport development, contributing to enhancing multilateral understanding, as well as the friendly and cooperative relations between our people and other peoples in the region, continent and world.
2. Objectives:
a) To carry out physical education in all schools. The majority of pupils, students, youths, youngsters, armed forces� men, officials, employees and an increasing number of people will practice physical exercises regularly.
b) To train a contingent of national talented athletes with one completed batch, class after another, who possess high professional qualifications, good qualities and good morals; striving to advance Vietnam�s sports to top-ranking ones in the region and gain high ranks in continental and world tournaments in some sports suitable to the Vietnamese�s physical characteristics and constitution.
c) To consolidate the system of training administrators, science workers, coaches, and physical training and sports teachers.
To upgrade, build and modernize the material and technical bases for physical training and sports. To formulate establishments for research into and application of sciences, technologies and medicine to the physical training and sports, meeting the requirement of developing mass physical training and sports as well as the country�s high-achievement sports.
3. Orientations:
a) For mass physical training and sports:
- Regarding schools:
By 2010: 95% of schools in cities, provincial towns and industrial zones (36.4% at present) will have adequate physical training and sports periods; 70-80% of pupils (60% at present) and 90-95% of students (80% at present) will reach the physical training standards as prescribed.
- Regarding the armed forces:
By 2010: 100% of officers and soldiers will practice physical exercises regularly and reach the prescribed physical training standards according to their ages; 50% of the units will have strong physical training and sports movement.
- Regarding officials, employees and workers:
Each person will play a sport regularly. To consolidate and develop physical training and sports club in agencies and factories in all forms (welfare, public-utility and services).
- Regarding the people:
To mobilize and encourage the movement of physical training, health preservation, ailment-treating physical training, and vitality-preserving physical training for the elderly. To attach importance to developing the sports loved and liked by the mass and national sports. By 2010, 18-20% of the population will practice physical exercises and play sports regularly.
b) For high-achievement sports:
- To develop the sports which are included in the competition programs of the South East Asian Games (SEA Games), the Asian Games (ASIAD), and the Olympics Game. To concentrate efforts on raising the achievements in several sports, in which our athletes are strong.
To strive to be among the top three countries at the 22nd SEA Games and one of 15 countries which have the high sport achievements in Asia. To gain high ranks in international sports tournaments in 4-5 sports.
4. Solutions on organization and training:
a) Socialization of physical training and sport activities:
- To develop physical training and sport establishments in various forms.
- To diversify the form of physical training and sport competitions.
- To link branches, associations, and social organizations together in physical training and sport activities. To combine physical training and sports with cultural and tourist activities.
- To mobilize the people�s and society�s resources for investment in sports works.
- To consolidate and develop national sports associations and societies.
b) Training and fostering:
To attach importance to training and fostering the existing staff so as to raise their managerial skills and professional qualifications, and at the same time, expand the scope and improve the quality of training in physical training and sports universities and colleges; to expand the cooperation in training of physical training and sport officials and experts with several countries.
- Regarding high-level researchers and lecturers:
To step by step finalize the programs and contents of post-graduate, tertiary and college-level training in physical training and sports.
To enhance the training and fostering of the contingent of high-level researchers and lecturers; to send them abroad to study some base sport sciences.
- Regarding physical training and sport teachers of various grades;
To regularly raise the professional qualifications of physical training and sport teachers of various grades; by 2010, to satisfy 80% of the demand for physical training and sport teachers for all schools and education levels.
To consolidate, upgrade, expand and develop physical training and sports schools.
- Regarding physical training and sports coaches, instructors and referees:
To boost the training and fostering activities; to improve training quality so as to rapidly raise the qualifications of the contingent of coaches, instructors and referees, approaching international level.
To work out necessary measures to increase the number of coaches, instructors and referees of international class.
c) The research into and application of sciences, technologies and medicine to physical training and sports:
- To step up the research into and application of sciences, technologies and medicine to the physical training and sports field, so as to practically serve the mass physical training and sports movement as well as to raise sports achievements. To focus on the application of technical and bio-medical solutions to physical training and sports. To enhance the research into theories on physical education and sports training, so as to apply them in a way suitable to Vietnam�s conditions and characteristics. To accelerate the sociological and economic research in the physical training and sports field in order to identify more scientific grounds for the formulation of undertakings and policies on physical training and sports.
- To enhance the investment in building scientific, technological and medicinal potentials in the physical training and sports field, keeping pace with advanced countries in the region.
- To work out mechanisms for combining science, technology and medicine with sports training and competition.
- To conduct periodical surveys on the people�s constitution. To formulate solutions on physical training and sports so as to contribute to improving the stature and physical strengths of youth, youngsters and children.
- To attach importance to the popularization of scientific, technological and medical knowledge in physical training and sports to the mass, and provide them with guidance on general physical training and sports knowledge.
5. Solutions on material-technical bases:
a) Regarding communes and wards:
- Each commune or ward will have the land fund and location to set up physical training and sports establishments.
- To strive for the target that each school in the locality will have location in service of curricular physical training and sports classes as well as extracurricular exercises.
- To step by step complete physical training and sport establishments.
b) Regarding rural and urban districts:
- Each rural or urban district will have land fund and location for activities of physical training and sports practice and competition.
- Depending on their characteristics, size and population, to step by step build such projects as stadiums, indoor gymnasiums and swimming pools.
c) Regarding provinces and centrally-run cities:
On the basis of upgrading, adding and developing the existing establishments, to strive for the target that each province or centrally-run city will have the following physical training and sports works: stadium, sport palace or competition house, gymnasium for each sport and sports-recreation park.
Provinces and cities having the function of being regional centers (Hanoi, Hai Phong, Thai Nguyen, Nghe An, Da Nang, Khanh Hoa, Dak Lak, Ho Chi Minh City and Can Tho) will be given conditions to soon build physical training and sports works of larger size so as to perform that additional function.
d) Regarding branches:
- Each branch will work out its planning, plans and measures to boost and increase the quality of physical training and sport activities, to step by step formulate the material-technical bases and contingent of physical training and sports trainners of the branch.
- The education and training service will attach special importance to physical education in schools, renovate the contents of curricular and extracurricular physical training and sports teaching; ensure yards and gymnasiums for schools.
- The defense and public security services will develop physical training and sports activities with a view to raising the health and combat spirit of the armed forces� officers and soldiers; to step by step upgrade, complete or build physical training and sports works, meeting the requirements of developing the sports suitable to their services� characteristics and a number of key disciplines of the national sports.
e) Regarding national-level works:
- Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City will be regional centers, and at the same time play the role of national physical training and sports centers.
In these two cities, to formulate national sports complex, comprising a lot of works reaching international standards, on the basis of upgrading and modernizing some existing works in combination with investment in the construction of necessary ones.
- The national-level works and a number of prioritized works in relevant localities will be able to meet the requirements of organizing the 22nd SEA Games in 2003 as well as other international sports tournaments and ASIAD in the years to come.
6. Solutions to international cooperation:
a) To expand and enhance international relations and cooperation on physical training and sports with member countries of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), countries with traditional relations and countries in other regions of the world.
b) To take advantage of the support and assistance from international sport organizations regarding organizational and managerial experiences; training of athletes and coaches, as well as scientific, technological, medical and financial officials.
c) To successfully organize the 22nd SEA Games in Vietnam in 2003.
To be ready to host ASIAD at proper time in the years to come.
7. Investment capital sources:
Capital for investment in the planning on development of the physical training and sports sector shall be mobilized from the following sources:
a) State budget capital.
b) Capital from foreign countries.
c) Capital from domestic organizations and individuals.
d) Non-refundable aid from foreign countries or international organizations.
e) Capital of Vietnam-based foreign-invested enterprises doing business in the field of physical training and sports
g) Other capital sources.
Article 2.- The Commission for Physical Training and Sports shall, based on the major contents prescribed in Article 1 of this Decision, coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Construction, the General Land Administration and the concerned ministries, branches and localities in working out detailed planning for submission to competent authorities for approval, organizing the compilation and determination of the list of investment projects and solutions on capital mobilization for each project, proposing necessary supplements and adjustment, and step by step making investment in the development of the cause of physical training and sports according to five-year and annual plans.
Article 3.- This Decision takes effect after its signing.
Article 4.- The ministers, the heads of ministerial-level agencies, the heads of agencies attached to the Government, and the presidents of the People�s Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities shall have to implement this Decision.
For the Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister