Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government of September 30, 1992;
Pursuant to the June 21, 1994 Law on Organization of the People�s Councils and the People�s Committees and the June 25, 1996 Ordinance on the concrete tasks and powers of the People�s Councils and the People�s Committees at all levels;
Pursuant to the Government�s Resolution No. 16/2000/NQ-CP of October 18, 2000 on streamlining the administrative agencies and public-service units.
Article 1.-
1. To establish the Committees for Population, Family and Children under the People�s Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities on the basis of merging the Committees for Population and Family Planning and the Committees for Child Protection and Care.
2. To rename the Offices of the provincial/municipal People�s Committees, established under Decree No. 156/HDBT of December 17, 1981, the Offices of the People�s Councils and People�s Committees. In the provinces and centrally-run cities where the Office of the People�s Committee was divided into two offices (the People�s Committee Office and the People�s Council Office), these offices shall be merged into one under the name of the Office of the People�s Council and People�s Committee.
The functions, tasks and organizational structures of the Offices of the provincial/municipal People�s Councils and People�s Committees shall be prescribed in separate documents of the Government.
3. Basing themselves on their economic and geographical characters, tasks, State management requirements and the capability of managerial cadres, the People�s Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities shall decide the establishment of specialized agencies under the People�s Committees of the districts, provincial capitals and towns, but the number of those agencies shall not exceed 10 sections for a district, 11 sections for a town or a provincial city, 12 sections for a provincial city (grade-2 city) and 8 sections for an island district.
For specialized agencies under the People�s Committees of the districts, towns and provincial cities prescribed in laws, ordinances, their current organizations and names shall be retained.
4. To transfer the task of State management over the public health in localities from the Health Centers of the districts, provincial capital and towns to the People�s Committees of the same level.
Article 2.-
1. This Decision takes effect after its signing.
2. The Minister-Director of Government Commission for Organization and Personnel shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the concerned agencies in guiding the implementation of this Decree.
Article 3.- The ministers, the heads of the ministerial-level agencies and the heads of the agencies attached to the Government and the presidents of the People�s Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities shall have to implement this Decree.
On behalf of the Government
Prime Minister