Ordinal | Quantity | Units | Description |
number | | Name | Symbol | |
1 | Length | meter | m | The meter is the length of path traveled by light in a vacuum during a time interval of 1/299 792 458 of a second (17 th CGPM*, 1983). The base unit. * CGPM: A French acronym for the General Conference on International Measurements and Weights. |
2 | Plane angle | radian | rad | The radian is a plane angle between two radii of a circle which cuts off on the circumference an arc equal in length to the radius 1 rad = 1m/1m = 1 |
| | degree | o | 1o = (p /180) rad |
| | minute | � | 1� = (1/60)o = (p /10 800) rad |
| | second | " | 1" = (1/60)� = (p /648 000) rad |
3 | Solid angle | steradian | Sr | The steradian is a solid angle, which, having its vertex at the center of a sphere, cuts off an area of the surface of the sphere equal to that of a square with sides of length equal to the radius of the sphere. 1 sr = 1m2m2 /1m2 = 1 |
4 | Area | square meter | m2 | The square meter is the area of a square with 1- meter sides. 1m2 = 1m . 1m |
| | hectare | ha | 1 ha = 0.01 km2 = 104 m2 For land measurements. |
5 | Volume, capacity | cubic meter | m3 | The cubic meter is the volume of a cube with one-meter sides 1 m3 = 1m . 1m . 1m Having decimal multiples and submultiples in Section B. |
| | liter | l, L | The liter is the capacity equal to one cubic decimeter 1 l = 1 dm3 = 10-3 m3 |
6 | Time | second | s | The second is the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium-133 atom the 13 th CGPM, 1967). The base unit. |
| | minute | min | 1 min = 60 s |
| | hour | h | 1h = 60 min = 3,600 s |
| | day | d | 1d = 24 h = 86,400 s |
7 | Frequency | hertz | Hz | The hertz is the frequency of a periodic phenomenon occurring one cycle per second. 1 Hz = 1s-1 |
8 | Angular velocity | radian per second | rad/s | Radian per second is the angular velocity of an object rotating steadily around a fixed axis in an angle of 1 radian in 1 second. 1rad/s = 1s-1 |
9 | Angular acceleration | radian per second squared | rad/s2 | Radian per second squared is the angular acceleration of an object with an angular velocity steadily changing one radian per second in 1 second. 1 rad/s2 = 1 s-2 |
10 | Velocity | meter per second | m/s | Meter per second is the velocity of an object travelling 1 meter in one second. 1m/s = 1m.s-1 |
| | kilometer per hour | km/h | Kilometer per hour is the velocity of an object travelling 1,000 meters in an hour 1km/h = (1/3.6)m/s = 0.277 778 m/s |
11 | Acceleration | meter per second squared | m/s2 | Meter per second squared is the acceleration of an object with a velocity steadily changing 1 meter per second in a second 1m/s2 = 1m.s-2 |
| | | | |
12 | Level of field quantity | neper | Np | The neper is the level of a field quantity when the ratio between this quantity and a compared quantity of the same kind is equal to e 1Np = ln (F/Fo) = ln (e) = 1 |
| | bel | B | The bel is the level of a field quantity when the ratio between this quantity and a compared quantity of the same kind is equal to 101/2 1B = 2lg (F/Fo) = 2lg101/2 = 1 |
| | decibel | dB | 1dB = [(ln10)/20] Np (precisely) = 0.115 129 3 Np |
| | | | |
13 | Level of power quantity | neper | Np | The neper is the level of a power quantity when the ratio between this quantity and a compared quantity of the same kind is equal to e2 1Np = (1/2) ln (P/Po) = (1/2) lne2 = 1 |
| | bel | B | The bel is the level of a power quantity when the ratio between this quantity and a compared quantity of the same kind is equal to 10 1B = lg(P/Po) = lg10 = 1 |
| | decibel | dB | 1dB = [(ln10)/20] Np (precisely) = 0.115 129 3 Np |
- II. Mechanical units
1 | Weight | kilogram | kg | The kilogram is the unit of mass, equal to the mass of the international prototype of the kilogram (third CGPM, 1901). |
| | | | The base unit. |
| | ta (quintal) | ta | 1 ta = 100 kg |
| | ton | t | 1 t = 1,000 kg Having decimal multiplies and submultiples in Section B. |
2 | Weight by length (length density) | kilogram per meter | kg/m | Kilogram per meter is the weight by length of a homogeneous object of even cross-section, which is 1 kilogram in weight and 1 meter in length. 1kg/m = 1kg.m-1 |
3 | Weight by surface (surface density) | kilogram per square meter | kg/m2 | Kilogram per square meter is the weight by surface of a homogeneous object of even thickness, which is 1 kilogram in weight and 1 square meter in area. 1kg/m2 = 1kg.m-2 |
4 | Specific weight (density) | kilogram per cubic meter | kg/m3 | Kilogram per cubic meter is the specific weight of a homogeneous object which is 1 kilogram in weight and 1 cubic meter in volume. 1kg/m3 = 1kg.m-3 |
| | ton per cubic meter | t/m3 | Ton per cubic meter is the specific weight of a homogeneous object, which is 1 ton in weight and 1 cubic meter in volume. 1t/m3 = 103 kg/m3 |
| | kilogram per liter | kg/l, kg/L | Kilogram per liter is the specific weight of a homogeneous object, which is 1 kilogram in weight and 1 liter in volume. 1kg/l = 10-3kg/m3 |
5 | Force | newton | N | The newton is a force which gives a mass of 1 kilogram an acceleration of 1 meter per second squared 1N = 1kg.1m/s2 = 1m.kg.s-2 |
6 | Moment of force | Newton meter | N.m | Newton meter is the moment of a force of 1 newton to a point with a radius vector of 1 meter between that point and another point in the direction of the force. 1 N.m = 1m2.kg.s-2 |
7 | Pressure, stress | pascal | Pa | The pascal is the pressure generated by a force of 1 newton applied perpendicularly over an area of 1 square meter 1Pa = 1N/1m2 = 1m-1.kg.s-2 |
| | bar | bar | 1 bar = 100 kPa (precisely) = 0.1 MPa = 105 Pa |
8 | Dynamic viscosity | Pascal second | Pa.s | Pascal second is the dynamic viscosity of a homogeneous, isotropic liquid flowing in layers, when between two plane layers in parallel with the flow and 1 meter apart there is a velocity difference of 1 meter per second, and on the surface of these layers there appears a tangent stress of 1 pascal. 1Pa.s = 1Pa.1m/(1m/s) = 1m-1.kg.s-1 |
9 | Kinetic viscosity | Square meter per second | m2/s | Square meter per second is the kinetic viscosity of a liquid having a dynamic viscosity of 1 pascal second and a specific weight of 1 kilogram per cubic meter. 1m2/s = 1Pa.s/(1kg/m3) = 1m2.s-1 |
10 | Work, energy | joule | J | The joule is the amount of work done when the point of application of 1 newton is displaced for a distance of 1 meter in the direction of the force. 1J = 1N.1m = 1m2.kg.s-2 |
11 | Power | watt | W | The watt is the power which gives rise to the production of energy at the rate of 1 joule per second. 1W = 1J/1s = 1m2.kg.s-1 |
12 | Volume velocity | cubic meter per second | m3/s | Cubic meter per second is the volume velocity for a substance of 1 cubic meter in volume to cross a given cross-section in a second. 1m3/s = 1m3.s-1 |
13 | Weight velocity | Kilogram per second | kg/s | Kilogram per second is weight velocity of a homogeneous flow for a substance of 1 kilogram in weight to cross a given section in 1 second. 1kg/s = 1kg.s-1 |
III. Thermal units |
1 | Thermo- dynamic temperature | kelvin | K | The kelvin, unit of thermodynamic temperature, is the fraction 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water (13th CGPM, 1967). The base unit. |
2 | Celsius temperature | degree Celsius | oC | Degree Celsius is the specific name of kelvin to denote the values of Celsius temperature t = T - To; in which t is Celsius temperature, T is the thermodynamic temperature and To is determined as equal to 273.15 K. |
3 | Energy | joule | J | 1J = 1N.1m = 1m2.kg.s-2 |
4 | Specific energy | joule per kilogram | J/kg | Joule per kilogram is the specific energy of a system of one kilogram in weight that obtains or emits an energy of 1 joule when being dissolved or completing a chemical reaction. 1J/kg = 1m2. s-2 |
5 | Heat capacity | joule per kelvin | J/K | Joule per kelvin is the heat capacity of a system which needs an energy of 1 joule to increase its temperature one more kelvin. 1J/K = 1m2kg. S-2. .K-1 |
6 | Specific heat capacity | joule per kilogram kelvin | J/(kg.K) | Joule per kilogram kelvin is the specific heat capacity of a homogeneous object of 1 kilogram in a constant pressure or volume, which, when an energy of 1 joule is added, will increase the temperature by 1 kelvin. 1J(kg.K) = 1m2.s-2.K-1 |
7 | Thermal flux | watt | W | The watt is the thermal flux to carry an energy of 1 joule in a second. 1W = 1J/1s = 1m2.kg.s-3 |
8 | Surface thermal flux (heat flux density) | watt per square meter | W/m2 | Watt per square meter is the surface thermal flux when a thermal flux of 1 watt running through each square meter of the surface. 1W/m2 = 1kg.s-3 |
9 | Thermal conductivity co-efficient | watt per square meter kelvin | W (m2.K) | Watt per square meter kelvin is the thermal conductivity co- efficient between two environments with a temperature difference of 1 kelvin and the surface thermal flux of the contact surface is 1 watt per square meter. 1W/(m2.K) = 1 kg.s-3.K-1 |
10 | Thermal conductivity (conductivity co-efficient) | watt per meter kelvin | W/(m.K) | Watt per meter kelvin is the thermal conductivity of a homogeneous object containing a temperature difference of 1 kelvin between two parallel surfaces of 1 square meter placed 1 meter apart, which produces a thermal flux of 1 watt between these two surfaces. 1W/(m.K) = 1m.kg. s-3.K-1 |
- 11
| Thermal diffusivity | square meter per second | m2/s | Square meter per second is the thermal diffusivity of an environment where the isothermal surfaces at any point of time are parallel ones and in every second the temperature at such point of time fluctuates 1 kelvin when the temperature gradient changes 1 kelvin per meter on each meter of length in the direction perpendicular to the isothermal surfaces. 1m2/s = 1m2.s-1 |
IV. Electric and magnetic units |
1 | Electric current (electric current intensity) | ampere | A | The ampere is that constant current, which, if maintained in two straight parallel conducting wires of infinite length, of negligible circular cross-section, and placed 1 meter apart in vacuum, would produce between these conductors a force equal to 2. 10-7 newton per meter of length (9th CGPM, 1948). The base unit. |
2 | Electric quantity | coulomb | C | The coulomb is the quantity of electricity transported in 1 second by a current of 1 ampere. 1C = 1s.A |
3 | Voltage, electric potential difference, electromotive force | volt | V | The volt is the difference of electric potential between two points of a conducting wire when a constant current of 1 ampere between those points dissipates a power of one watt. 1 V = 1 W/1A = 1m2.kg.s-3.A-1 |
4 | Electric field strength | volt per meter | V/m | Volt per meter is the strength of an electric field generating a force of 1 newton on an object having an electric quantity of 1 coulomb. 1V/m = 1m.kg.s-3.A-1 |
5 | Electric resistance | ohm | W | The ohm is the electric resistance between two points of an homogeneous conductor of the same temperature when between these two points there is an electric potential difference of one volt, which produces a constant current of 1 ampere 1 W = 1V/1A = 1m2.kg.s-3.A-2 |
6 | Electric conductance | siemens | S | The siemens is the electric conductance of a conductor having the electric resistance of 1 ohm. 1S = 1A/1V = 1m-2.kg-1.s3.A2 |
7 | Electric flux | coulomb | C | The coulomb is the electric flux passing through a closed surface surrounding an electric quantity of 1 coulomb. 1C = 1s.A |
8 | Density, electric flux | coulomb per square meter | C/m2 | Coulomb per square meter is the electric flux density in a flat capacitor having two plates of infinite width, put in parallel in vacuum and each square meter of such plate is charged with an electric quantity of 1 coulomb. 1C/m2 = 1m-2.s.A |
9 | Work, energy | joule | J | 1J = 1N.1m = 1m2.kg.s-2 |
| | watt hour | W.h | 1W.h = 3.6 x 103J = 3.6 kJ Having decimal multiplies and submultiples in Section B |
| | electron-von | eV | The electronvon is the work done when an electric quantity equal to that of an electron passing in an electromagnetic field a distance between the two ends of which there is an electric potential difference of one volt. 1eV = 1.602 177 x 10-19 J = 160.217 7 zJ Having decimal multiplies and submultiples in Section B |
10 | Magnetic field strength | ampere per meter | A/m | Ampere per meter is the magnetic field strength generated in vacuum by an electric current of 1 ampere passing through a straight conductor, of infinite length, of negligible circular cross-section, at points of a circle sharing the same axis with such conductor and having a circumference of 1 meter 1A/m = 1m-1.A |
11 | Electric capacitance | farad | F | The farad is the electric capacitance of a capacitor between the plates of which there appears a difference of potential of 1 volt when it is charged by an electric quantity of 1 coulomb. 1F = 1C/1V = 1m-2.kg-1.s4.A2 |
12 | Electro- magnetic inductance | henry | H | The henry is the electromagnetic inductance of a closed circuit in which an electromotive force of 1 volt is produced when the electric current in the circuit varies uniformly at a rate of 1 ampere per second, 1H = 1V.1s/1A = 1m2.kg.s-2.A-2 |
13 | Magnetic flux | weber | Wb | The weber is the magnetic flux, linking a circuit of one turn, produces in it an electromotive force of 1 volt as it is reduced to zero at a uniform rate in a second. 1Wb = 1V.1s = 1m2.kg.s-2.A-1 |
14 | Magnetic flux density, | tesla | T | The tesla is the magnetic flux density in a surface of one square meter caused by a uniform magnetic flux of 1 weber perpendicular to that surface. 1T = 1Wb/1m2 = 1kg.s-2.A-1 |
15 | Magnetomo- tive force | ampere | A | The ampere is the magnetomotive force in a closed line linking to a conductor in which a current of 1 ampere is flowing through. 1A = 1A |
16 | Effective power (power) | watt | W | 1W = 1m2. kg.s-3 |
17 | Apparent power | volt ampere | V.A | Volt ampere is the apparent power in a circuit section placed below an effective potential difference of 1 volt, in which a current of an effective intensity of 1 ampere is passing through. 1V.A = 1m2. kg.s-3 |
18 | Resistance capacity | var | var | The var is the resistance capacity in a pure inductance (or pure electric capacitance) circuit section placed below an effective potential difference of 1 volt, in which a current of an effective intensity of 1 ampere is passing through. 1var = 1V.A = 1m2.kg.s-3 |
V. Units of light and related electro-magnetic radiation |
1 | Radiant energy | joule | J | 1J = 1N.1m = 1m2.kg.s-2 |
2 | Radiant capacity (radiant flux) | watt | W | 1W = 1J/1s = 1m2.kg.s-3 |
3 | Radiant intensity | watt per steradian | W/sr | Watt per steradian is the radiant intensity of a uniform point source emitting a radiant flux of 1 watt in a solid angle of 1 steradian. 1W/sr = 1m2.kg.s-3 |
4 | Radiance | watt per square meter steradian | W/(sr.m2) | Watt per square meter steradian is the radiance in a given direction at a point above a surface a unit area of which has a radiant intensity of 1 watt per steradian and the area of the projection of such unit area on the surface perpendicular to such direction is 1 square meter. 1W/(sr.m2) = 1kg.s-3 |
5 | Radiant capacity | watt per square meter | W/m2 | Watt per square meter is the radiant capacity at a point above the surface, which radiates a radiant flux of 1 watt on 1 unit area of 1 square meter of such surface. 1W/m2 = 1 kg.s-3 |
6 | Illumination | watt per square meter | W/m2 | Watt per square meter is the illumination at a point above the surface, which radiates a radiant flux of 1 watt on 1 unit area of 1 square meter of such surface. 1W/m2 = 1 kg.s-3 |
7 | Luminous intensity | candela | cd | The candela is the luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source that emits monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 x 1012 hertz and that has a radiant intensity in that direction of 1/683 watt per steradian (16th CGPM, 1979). The base unit. |
8 | Luminance | candela per square meter | cd/m2 | Candela per square meter is the luminance of a flat source of one square meter with a luminous intensity of one candela measured in a direction perpendicular to the source. 1cd/m2 = 1m-2.cd |
9 | Luminous flux | lumen | lm | The lumen is the luminous flux emitted in a solid angle of 1 steradian by a uniform point source having an intensity of 1 candela. 1lm = 1cd.1sr = 1cd |
10 | Light amount | lumen second | lm.s | Lumen second is the amount of light of a luminous flux of one lumen calculated in one second. 1lm.s = 1cd.s |
| | lumen hour | lm.h | 1lm.h = 3,600 lm.s |
11 | Luminous capacity | lumen per square meter | lm/m2 | Lumen per square meter is the luminous capacity of a spherical source having a surface of 1 square meter in area, emitting a luminous flux of 1 lumen distributed evenly in all directions. 1lm/m2 = 1m-2.cd |
12 | Illuminance | lux | lx | The lux is the illuminance of a surface receiving a luminous flux of one lumen evenly distributed on an area of one square meter of that surface. 1lx = 1lm/1m2 = 1m-2.cd |
13 | Illuminating amount | lux second | lx.s | Lux second is the illuminating amount corresponding to the illuminance of 1 lux in 1 second. 1lx.s = 1m-2.s.cd |
| | lux hour | lx.h | 1lx.h = 3,600 lx.s |
14 | Focus (optical force) | reciprocal meter | m-1 | The reciprocal meter is the focus of an optical system having a focal length of 1 meter in a refractive environment equal to 1. 1m-1 = 1m-1 |
| | diopter | dp | The diopter is another name of the reciprocal meter 1 dp = 1m-1 |
VI. Acoustic units |
1 | Frequency | hertz | Hz | 1Hz = 1s-1 |
| | | | |
2 | Frequency range | octa | octa | Octa is the range between two frequencies when the ratio between the higher frequency and the lower frequency is 2. 1 octa = lg2 (f2/f1) = lg22 = 1 |
3 | Acoustic pressure | pascal | Pa | 1Pa = 1N/1m2 = 1m-1.kg.s-2 |
4 | Acoustic velocity | meter per | m/s | 1m/s = 1m.s-1 |
| second | | | |
5 | Volume velocity | cubic meter per second | m3/s | Cubic meter per second is the periodic volume velocity in a homogeneous acoustic field at a cross-section of 1m2 of an acoustic conductor, on which the particle velocity is 1 meter per second. 1m3/s = 1m3.s-1 |
6 | Acoustic energy density | joule per cubic meter | J/m3 | Joule per cubic meter is the acoustic energy density in an acoustic field having an energy of 1 joule evenly distributed in a volume of 1 m3. 1J/m3 = 1N.1m/m3 = 1m-1.kg.s-2 |
7 | Acoustic power | watt | W | 1W = 1J/1s = 1m2.kg.s-3 |
8 | Acoustic intensity | watt per square meter | W/m2 | Watt per square meter is the acoustic intensity in a plane sound wave when it transmits an acoustic energy of 1 joule across a surface of 1 square meter in a second. 1W/m2 = 1kg.s-3 |
9 | Acoustic impedance (acoustic resistance) | pascal second per cubic meter | Pa.s/m3 | Pascal second per cubic meter is the acoustic impedance of an acoustic transmission tube, in which the negative sine pressure of 1 pascal at any cross-section causes a volume velocity having a value of 1 cubic meter per second at such cross-section point. 1Pa.s/m3 = 1m-4.kg.s-1 |
10 | Mechanical impedance (mechanical resistance) | newton second per meter | N.s/m | Newton second per meter is the mechanical impedance of a mechanical system when a periodic force of one newton, at the place of the force, causes a fluctuating velocity of 1 meter per second. 1N.s/m = 1 kg.s-1 |
| | | | |
11 | Level of acoustic pressure | bel | B | The bel is the level of acoustic pressure of a sound when the double decimal logarithm of the ratio between the pressure of such sound and a compared pressure of 2.10-5 Pa is 1. |
| | decibel | dB | The decibel is the level of acoustic pressure of a sound when 20 times of the decimal logarithm of the ratio between the pressure of such sound and a compared pressure of 2.10-5 Pa is 1. |
| | | | |
12 | Level of loudness | phon | phon | The phon is the lovel of loudness of monochromatic sounds of 1 kilohertz in frequency and 1 decibel in acoustic pressure. |
VII. Chemo-physical and physio-atomic units |
1 | Atomic mass | kilogram | kg | See explanations at Section 1, Part I. |
| | unified atomic mass unit | u | The unified atomic mass unit is a mass equal to 1/12 of the mass of an atom of the nuclide 12C. 1u = (1.660 540 2 � 0.000 001 0) x 10-27 kg* * CODATA Bulletin 63 (1986) |
2 | Molecular mass | kilogram | kg | See explanation in Section 1 above |
| | unified atomic mass unit | u | The mass of a molecule is the total mass of atoms in such molecule. |
3 | Amount of substance | mole | mol | The mole is the amount of substance of a system which contains as many elementary entities as there are atoms in 0.012 kilogram of carbon 12. When the mole is used, the elementary entities must be specified and may be atoms, molecules, ions, electrons, other particles, or specified groups of such particles (14th CGPM, 1971). The base unit. |
4 | Molar concentration | mole per cubic meter | mol/m3 | Molar concentration is the number of moles of a dissolvable substance divided by the volume of the solution. |
| | mole per liter | mol/l, mol/L | |
5 | Molar energy | joule per mole | J/mol | In the solution of two substances A and B, the molar energy of substance A is: mA = (�G/�nA)T,p,nB and the molar energy of substance B is: mB = (�G/�nB) T,p,nA |
| | | | In which mA and mB are the molar energies of substance A and substance B respectively; nA and nB are their respective quantities and G is function Gibbs. |
1 | Radioactivity (of radionuclide) | becquerel | Bq | The becquerel is the radioactivity of a source of radiation in which the quotient of the expected value of the number of spontaneous nuclear displacements or isomeric displacements and the duration of time during which these displacements occur advances to the limit of 1/s. 1Bq = 1s-1 |
2 | Absorbed dose | Gray | Gy | The gray is the dose absorbed in a material quantity of 1 kilogram which receives an energy of 1 joule from ionizing radiations under constant energy flux conditions. 1Gy = 1J/kg = 1m2.s-2 |
3 | Dose equivalent | sievert | Sv | The sievert is the equivalent dose in a tissue quantity of 1 kilogram which receives an energy of 1 joule from ionizing radiations with a quality factor value of 1 with regard to the assessment of the equivalent dose against the biological effects of charged particles which produce the absorbed dose and their energy flux is constant. 1Sv = 1J/kg = 1m2.s-2 |
4 | Kerma | gray | Gy | The gray is a kerma in a material quality of 1 kilogram which receives a total initial kinetic energy of 1 joule freed by charged ionized particles under constant energy flux conditions. 1Gy = 1J/kg = 1m2.s-2 |
5 | Exposure | Coulomb per kilogram | C/kg | Coulomb per kilogram is the exposure of the photonic ionizing radiation generated in 1 kilogram of air of ions of the same sign having a total charge of 1 coulomb when all electrons (positive and negative), freed by photons in the air, stop completely there and all of their energy flux remains in the air. 1C/kg = 1kg-1.s.A |