DECISION No. 60/2003/QD-BTC of April 21, 2003 promulgating the Regulation on financial management applicable to the Fund for support and mobilization of overseas Vietnamese community
Issued together with this Decision is the Regulation on financial management applicable to the Fund for support and mobilization of overseas Vietnamese community.
The fund has the following revenue sources:
- The State budget allocation of VND 7 billion as initial funding. Additional funding allocated annually by the State, based on funding estimates of projects approved by competent authorities, the State budget capability and the Fund's mobilized capital sources.
- Money and assets voluntarily contributed and donated for the Fund by domestic and foreign organizations and individuals.
- Domestic and foreign organizations and individuals' money and assets authorized to the Fund for financing with purposes and to specific addresses.
- Interests of deposit accounts and other lawful revenues.
The Fund's financing objectives are:
- To preserve and develop the nation's traditional cultural identity, maintain and develop the Vietnamese language in the community.
- To organize "back-to-the root" exchange activities: adolescents' summer camps, sport competitions, exhibitions, art performances.
- To support information and cultural activities in service of the community.
- To support and mobilize overseas Vietnamese community to return to the country for investment and/or economic and scientific cooperation.
- To support overseas Vietnamese individual experts and intellectuals to return to the country to work or enter into scientific cooperation.
- To support operation of overseas Vietnamese associations and organizations.
- To provide other support in accordance with the Fund's principles and objectives.
The Fund must publicly announce the mobilization, management and use of capital according to the provisions of the Prime Minister's Decision No. 225/1998/QD-TTg of November 20, 1998 promulgating the Regulation on financial publicity for the State budgets of all levels, budget-estimating units, State enterprises and funds having revenue sources from people's contributions and the Finance Ministry's Circular No. 29/1999/TT-BTC of March 19, 1999 guiding the implementation of financial publicity for funds having revenue sources from people’s contributions.- (Summary)