DECISION NoDECISION No. 22/2003/QD-TTg of January 30, 2003 on regimes towards the Peoples Public Security forces officials and soldiers directly engaged in management, education, care, and medical examination and treatment of, and struggle against, HIV/AIDS-infected persons
This Decision prescribes the levels of allowances for health workers, superintendents, education and job-training officials, heads of sub-camps, heads of districts, scouts and police guards working at jails, detention camps, educational establishments and reformatory schools; and class teachers in reformatory schools under the Peoples Public Security force, who often and directly contact HIV/AIDS-infected persons in the above-said units.
The Peoples Public Security forces officials and soldiers, who are infected with HIV/AIDS while performing their tasks and being attacked by criminals, shall be given medical examination and treatment according to regulations; enjoy policies towards diseased soldiers; and be considered for recognition as martyrs when they die.
Funds for the above-said payments shall be allocated by the State budget in the Public Security Ministrys annual regular spending estimates.- (Summary)